Who's most likely to be taken down first?
In episode five, we have Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, Omid, Christa, Vernon, and Molly (She's confirmed to be here). My question is, who do you think will go down first? Or, if you think nobody will die.
(And I don't want everyone to say "OH THEY'RE GONNA TAKE AWAY BEN AT THE START BECAUSE YOU CAN CHOOSE TO KILL HIM!" I know Telltale's better than that)
(And I don't want everyone to say "OH THEY'RE GONNA TAKE AWAY BEN AT THE START BECAUSE YOU CAN CHOOSE TO KILL HIM!" I know Telltale's better than that)
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Your Mom!!
Ok, seriously....Omid, he is wounded and coming with me.
I don't want to see anybody from my group to be dead, but... If I had to choose someone to left to die, it would be Ben. I like him, but his lack of responsibility and the stupidity just get on my nerves.
PS Sorry for all the mistakes, English is not my native tongue...
Well, how could you know that? There's no proof for that. Rather the oppisite has been proven through Doug/Carley.
But really it can be anybody, since all of them are optional, you can go for Clem all alone. But it won't be Molly - the sole reason she left the group before Lee got bitten was so she can't be optional.
Don't think it will be Ben, because Ben always just gets other people killed, like Doug/Carley, Kat, Duck, Chuck and so on.
I really hope it's Kenny. He's got nothing to hold on anyways and he's a complete prick.
Omid's also somewhat probable to die, but I just get the feeling that they've gone on the "he's sick" thing too hard for him to die right away (I know, counter intuitive, but just my gut feeling). Ben will either die a horrible, heroic death, or live on to mess up more.
Lee will most likely die at the end of the episode unless they amputate his arm (and even then he might). I honestly have no idea about Clem, I was originally thinking she'd live until I read some actor interviews. Pretty sure Christa and Molly will live.
Of course, I'm hoping everybody will get out of this alive but yeah that's not possible.
Christa abandons hope and will kill her self.
Then the conclusion with Kenny with an self sacrifice to beat walky talky guy.
Ben will take care of Clem as her new pawn.
Molly may make a guest appearance as a zombie.
Vern left town because he knows better. But we will see him leave with the support group.
Ben Hell no! plus hes not in everyone's play through he probably dies redieming himself
If you let ben die. Clem will find zombie ben and tames him as her zombie pet.
Halfway through or at the end in a run to the boat, Kenny.
Ben survives the entire thing if you bring him along and he's alive. Otherwise, dead
I dont know honestly...but I got a felling people will live/die depending if you had them with you at the end of the fourth ep or not,but still...