Are the walkers getting smarter/faster SPOILERS INSIDE

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
Hey! this is my 1st thread.

But anyway here is a little question - are they getting smarter/faster.
Here are some facts to go with what i think.

EPIOSDE 1 - The walkers did not run. Cut you off. They just attacked the main door in the drug store. and when we were going to save Irene the walkers didnt notice you as you were wondering around the area.

EPISODE 2 - This is where they are getting smarter. If you leave David ( or whatever his name is ) the walker - kinda - lunges at him. At the barn when mark turns - he didnt go down the stairs to alert brenda but just waited until she came up. Andy - When Andy is given mercy by lee the walkers come from all sides ( this may just be random that they did ) instead of coming from a line.
-=-=This is where it gets evidentual -=-=-

EPISODE 3 - With the woman ( Beatrice ) when she runs out of the store the walker following her is RUNNING you can clearly see that she is running and also they corner her instead of coming in one direction. If you kill her when kenny is running in the drugstore - Guess what? - a walker lunges at him. Even if you dont kill the girl. the walkers find you. Could this be memory shown by walkers? or just noises from there. The walker in the helicopter. He breaks through the glass. and climbs out.(and he learns to become a ninja zombie cause he appears out of thin air.) I guess the train? the horde incoming? this COULD be nothing because zombies are lured by sound.

EPIOSDE 4 - THE MOST SMARTEST ONES I HAVE SEEN - im not going to mention the bells because they lured in by sound. In the Sewer the zombie grabs lee from a hole in the ground and holds him steady so other walkers can get him. before you get in the sewer the walkers trap you from BOTH sides of the ally. not just one, they trap you. Also at the end of the episode lee comes along and says '' Hurrdurr im gonna be a Derp and stand still staring at a object in the ZA im sure a zombie wont attack me ''
that zombie was hidden and lunged right at lee

Crawford -

The walker that gets smashed by a TV he runs at you. you cant deny that.
The walker that attacks molly he runs at her after getting attacked by her
At the bell tower - C. Oberson - Zombie. Grabs ben whilst being shaken and jerked around. hold onto him. If you let ben drop the zombies go down to him instead of lee and lee is closed to them. i think the reason for that is because the zombies KNEW that ben was disabled and lee was abled to flee. When brie was attacked by walkers the zombie pinned her head down to the door whilst another one ate her.

* Zombies are slow
* Dont trap you off
* Go for one enterance

* Trap you off
* They lunge at you
* Go to block all ways out.

That is my theory. Please comment and share your thoughts.

Another thing. - Shouldnt
Ben and Brie be walkers now? because they were not shot in the head. the wiki should change it.

:) Thanks for reading... Sorry for Errors and mistakes. i was in a rush to type this


  • edited October 2012
    Lee is bitten :( that WALKER HID FROM HIM and LUNGED
  • edited October 2012
    no just a coincidence, good research, but i would say it is just that the non dangerous occasions of zombies just shambling slowly at you from a long way away are just not dangerous at all and wouldn't be in the game, they only show the most interesting parts of these peoples lives, and in this genre dangerous = interesting.

    so what you see as smart is just bad luck for Lee rather than actual thought and planning from the zombies eg.
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    EPIOSDE 4 - THE MOST SMARTEST ONES I HAVE SEEN - im not going to mention the bells because they lured in by sound. In the Sewer the zombie grabs lee from a hole in the ground and holds him steady so other walkers can get him. before you get in the sewer the walkers trap you from BOTH sides of the ally. not just one, they trap you. Also at the end of the episode lee comes along and says '' Hurrdurr im gonna be a Derp and stand still staring at a object in the ZA im sure a zombie wont attack me ''
    that zombie was hidden and lunged right at lee

    the zombie grabs what it wants to eat, not to give his zombie friends the advantage
  • edited October 2012
    But why were they dumb in epiosde 1 - 2 then?
  • edited October 2012
    im just overthinking this now
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    But why were they dumb in epiosde 1 - 2 then?

    they are always equally as dumb, but random luck and circumstance can sometimes give them an advantage
  • edited October 2012
    Oh right xD i was just thinking they got smarter :p ok i get it now
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Oh right xD i was just thinking they got smarter :p ok i get it now

    i didn't create it so don't count my word as TWD fact, but i don't think this is the zombies get smarter story, its the zombies are zombies and how do people deal with them story
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    im not going to mention the bells because they lured in by sound.

    Right here is evidence enough for me that they're not getting any smarter.
  • edited October 2012
    Yes but the point is they will travel in the direction of sound and STICK on to it

    does no one agree?!

  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Yes but the point is they will travel in the direction of sound and STICK on to it

    does no one agree?!


    But that's what the herd is all about. If it's only a single zombie, it'll eventually stop, but if it's a lot of them, they will travel up to a point where they'll just be following each other as if they were following the sound.
  • edited October 2012
    Hmm :/
    what about speed? that was a question in there too.
  • edited October 2012
    I hope more people will come join the thread to make it a full on debate xD
    but probs nobody agrees with me
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Yes but the point is they will travel in the direction of sound and STICK on to it

    does no one agree?!


    What do you mean? A sound can be heard from all directions. That's why they end up converging and trapping.
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I think most people would agree that it would be kind of weird if the zombies of TWD were getting smarter XD

    But about the speed, I don't know. I thought they were just lunging at you, like that bastard that was hidden behind the garbage did.

    What do you mean? A sound can be heard from all directions.

    I think he meant like the herd does. Even after the train stopped, they kept going on that direction. But that's just normal behaviour.
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Hmm :/
    what about speed? that was a question in there too.

    Half the time in ep 4 Lee just casually walked away from zombies like they were little more than creepy mimes, I don't see them getting any faster.
  • edited October 2012
    Viser wrote: »
    Yeah, I think most people would agree that it would be kind of weird if the zombies of TWD were getting smarter XD

    But about the speed, I don't know. I thought they were just lunging at you, like that bastard that was hidden behind the garbage did.


    I think he meant like the herd does. Even after the train stopped, they kept going on that direction. But that's just normal behaviour.

    I thought he meant in situations like "also they corner her instead of coming in one direction. " he mentioned. They're not actively thinking and planning to trap, they're just drawn in from different sides of her
  • edited October 2012
    So... um nobody agrees? half agree? agree with the speed?? Like when molly got caught with the running one? no?

    And lee does seem to act like the zombies are creepy mimes ill give you that Cormoran! xD
    when i play Episode 5 that will be in my mind
  • edited October 2012
    Oh yeah! what about when the zombie HOLDS ON to the shottie in the bell tower?
  • edited October 2012
    nope, I don't agree. They seem to be acting the same throughout to me
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Oh yeah! what about when the zombie HOLDS ON to the shottie in the bell tower?

    zombies are able to grab things its one of the limited skills they have, hold on/grab same thing really
  • edited October 2012 - zombie lunges
    Zombie Holds on to molly and pulls her around
    Zombies surround her
  • edited October 2012
    xD am i srsly the ONLY one who thinks this?
    The zombies are getting faster
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: » - zombie lunges
    Zombie Holds on to molly and pulls her around
    Zombies surround her

    That's all normal behaviour to me XD

    Zombie lunges at Molly and grabs her. As the zombie pulls her, she tries to free herself by going around and stuff like that. The other ones see the prey (Molly) and also try to get her.
  • edited October 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: » - zombie lunges
    Zombie Holds on to molly and pulls her around
    Zombies surround her

    zombie lunges does not make it faster.. it literally let's itself fall forward in hope to grab her. That's the classic zombie lunge.

    Zombie holds onto Molly yes, but it's not the zombie that pulls her around, it is the zombie being pulled around by Molly as she struggles. Big difference.

    Zombies surround her has more to do with her actually having a chance. Normal Horde mentality is actually all jump on her so she can't get away. Just standing there is actually more dumb than it is smart. And they are only around her because that is where she ended up after the struggle with the first zombie.

    Also, as you could see, all other zombies in that scene are extremely slow. Nothing about being faster or smarter there.
  • edited October 2012
    i don't think the zombies have ever been more agile or faster than the upper limit for a traditional zombie, walking is just controlled falling so a zombie can lunge and fall forwards as fast as gravity, they just can't keep it up (as in running) without falling over.

    also molly was pulling and moving around herself as well as the zombie as the zombie pulling her
  • edited October 2012
    Every rendition of a zombie could be different. Like dawn of the dead and land of the dead they were fast and could use objects
  • edited October 2012
    Every rendition of a zombie could be different. Like dawn of the dead and land of the dead they were fast and could use objects

    Yet TWD zombies are defined as the classical sense. Slow moving, barely intelligent, reactionary, etc..
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think the walkers have gotten faster nor smarter yet. I could fathom them getting somewhat smarter over time but see no way on how they could get faster.

    It's not like they wake up in the morning and do wind sprints!!
  • edited October 2012
    While I don't think that our particular cadre of zombies is getting any smarter, I think that it's true to the "classic" zombie genre that the zombies do, over time, get a little smarter. Looking at Romero's zombies, for example, you have Stephen in Dawn of the Dead finding his way home, Bub in Day of the Dead shooting (and saluting, and plotting a little I think) to Big Daddy in Land of the Dead planning a full on zombie-as-prole revolt. I know Romero isn't cannon here, but it's in large part 'Romero Rules' in TWD. Or, looking a little closer to source materials, Michonne's zombies learn over time that it is pointless to attack, so they don't.

    In short, I think you're completely wrong in the context of this game. I do however, agree with you in terms of the genre if that helps.
  • edited October 2012
    While I don't think that our particular cadre of zombies is getting any smarter, I think that it's true to the "classic" zombie genre that the zombies do, over time, get a little smarter. Looking at Romero's zombies, for example, you have Stephen in Dawn of the Dead finding his way home, Bub in Day of the Dead shooting (and saluting, and plotting a little I think) to Big Daddy in Land of the Dead planning a full on zombie-as-prole revolt. I know Romero isn't cannon here, but it's in large part 'Romero Rules' in TWD. Or, looking a little closer to source materials, Michonne's zombies learn over time that it is pointless to attack, so they don't.

    In short, I think you're completely wrong in the context of this game. I do however, agree with you in terms of the genre if that helps.

    Well said about Romero's zombies and I agree that in the genre it is possible, in Kirkman's world?? Who knows.....

    I really don't see how zombies could get faster and more agile, if anything, as food runs out they should be getting slower and slower.
  • edited October 2012
    Kirkman uses romero's slow moving zombies rules, yes, but has also stated that romero's "evolving" zombies were romero's spin. Kirkman's just keep rotting.
  • edited October 2012
    In episode 5...
    They shall fly with helicopters and they shall drive tanks and monster trucks.
  • edited October 2012
    Could you imagine zombies that could shoot and reload weapons??? Unstoppable......truly scary thought there.
  • edited October 2012
    invinci-idiots (zombies that are a bit smarter) would just be stupid in a realistic setting maybe a comedy, slasher horror or supernatural/heroes type programme it would work but in TWD universe that would just wipe out the few remaining people pretty quickly because there is no military in TWD, it would be the same if they were running/agile zombies, everybody would be dead in days
  • edited October 2012
    You need to stop taking pills!
  • edited October 2012
    Actually, I think you're right. In the TV series, which takes place long after the car crash, a walker turns the doorknob in Morgan's house.
  • edited October 2012
    Actually, I think you're right. In the TV series, which takes place long after the car crash, a walker turns the doorknob in Morgan's house.

    That's the TV adaption. It's not the best portrayal of Kirkman's world.
  • edited October 2012
    Kirkman said he has no interest in making Walkers evolve.

    His explanation is that some walkers are more 'determined' to eat their targets then others.
  • edited November 2012
    NO! We dont need another Land of the Dead.... that was...... simply horrible lol.
    Zombies get infinite ammo cuz their too dumb to reload -_-
    I need to go to Hollywood to become a writer cuz ppls are stupid
  • edited November 2012
    I like the plagas in re 4 there scary.
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