No. He just knows lees name because him and clem have been talking for some time now.(well that's my thoughts)
true but still has to do something with someone otherwise it won't make a great impact on the story if it was just some random dude, it has to be someone from the last few eposides or at least someone the group has ran into, just haven't really ran into personally
oh but it is my dear that 'irony statement' was about you saying your talking to a brick wall.....
call a spade a spade and some one will come along to call it a shovel..
or making a mountain out of a mole hill....
It would be irony if you were using a plausible situation/chain of events, it had been explained clearly, using facts within the game itself to provide examples, and a possible timeline, and I was still saying. "But the train goes faster" or the equivalent.
And /you/ are the only one making a mole out of a molehill. Correction, you, and your doppelgänger.
true but still has to do something with someone otherwise it won't make a great impact on the story if it was just some random dude, it has to be someone from the last few eposides or at least someone the group has ran into, just haven't really ran into personally
Or maybe he owns the marsh house and has met clem and her parents.
Except that your theory is based on someone stalking them since before they left Macon, stayed in contact with Clem and somehow got to Savannah ahead of them which is highly unlikely at best if not impossible.
Why would he have had to get there ahead of the group? Also they stopped twice and then stayed on the train overnight. 2 nights passed from when they left the motel and was walking into Savannah. My theory is he followed them to the train and snuck on the back of it.
It would be irony if you were using a plausible situation/chain of events, it had been explained clearly, using facts within the game itself to provide examples, and a possible timeline, and I was still saying. "But the train goes faster" or the equivalent.
And /you/ are the only one making a mole out of a molehill. Correction, you, and your doppelgänger.
doppelganger ??
insert jackchan hands above head meme again....
the train that lee and co where on ? that had litterally no space to hide on/in and only one carriage behind the engine,
that was always occupied by one of the group.
i'm done with you on this rachell cos frankly you begining to turn in to red panda when he fails to accept he is wrong (thats irony) and its anoying as fuck when you then decide to take words out of context or try and pass off others comments as your own.
@ rachellouise85
Brick wall, doppelganger.
Although I have been called worse, and even though you became a poxy scrubber over a minor point, I was trying to remain civilly adversarial with you even though you wanted to desend into the depths of ignorance by nit picking the diff between "a short period of time" & "a week". But by all means we'll do it your way, cause you're obviously a miserable bint who's not used to being told you're wrong.
Call me nemesis, you've earned it.
Biggest mystery right now. Hopefully it's someone we recognize in some way. I mean there's so many characters you met, left and forgot about. Actually in the beginning, not saying it is, it sounded like Hershel Green when he was talking to Lee in the bunker place. Then he started with the "choose your words carefully, boy" thing, then it was probably has something to do with the abandoned car.
Btw, was anyone a little disappointed with Clem in Episode 4? She started acting like Carl in the Walking Dead show. Don't like that. Wandering off, following when I say stay, popping out of nowhere, it's like damn. Then she follows a strange voice on a walkie talkie off into the city where she almost got killed two to three times and I get my ass scratched trying to find you???? Seriously?!?!?
I feel that the stalker kind of looks like Oberson.
thanks now i'm not the only one , plus if that is oberson he is wearing different clothes to the hanging walker, and in a day or two his hair wouldn't of grown that much dead or alive.
thanks now i'm not the only one , plus if that is oberson he is wearing different clothes to the hanging walker, and in a day or two his hair wouldn't of grown that much dead or alive.
thanks now i'm not the only one , plus if that is oberson he is wearing different clothes to the hanging walker, and in a day or two his hair wouldn't of grown that much dead or alive.'re assuming his photograph was taken and turned into a poster the same day he died?
As for catching up with the group on the train...if the stalker had been talking to Clem for a while (and we know he has) he would have known that their eventual plan was to go to Savannah. He could have left a week before the group did.
Even though Campman is around the forums, I'm sticking close to my idea that radio guy might be Oberson. Seems kind of a hassle to introduce completely new characters in the season finale.
@ rachellouise85
Brick wall, doppelganger.
Although I have been called worse, and even though you became a poxy scrubber over a minor point, I was trying to remain civilly adversarial with you even though you wanted to desend into the depths of ignorance by nit picking the diff between "a short period of time" & "a week". But by all means we'll do it your way, cause you're obviously a miserable bint who's not used to being told you're wrong.
Call me nemesis, you've earned it.
Good luck telling me I'm wrong, with your proof that you are 100% right. I know that I'm not saying my guess is right, there is no way for me to know that, but I am arguing that it is just as plausible as the guy on the walkie talkie being anyone else, and my guess is as valid as anyone else's. Arguing against that is proving your ignorance. There is no 'nit-picking', if you're saying I'm wrong, bring something substantial. Not "but the train goes faster",nor implying that the time is too short, even though the group laves the motel at least a week after they leave the car.
My post in the What Do you think Will be The Consequences of (SPOILER) Stealing from the Car thread pertaining to the timeline of events.
Not a minute by minute synopsis mind you, but a brief overview of the events leading to the team leaving the motel in the RV:
Kenny was shot on the farm on the outskirts of Macon. They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short. At this time Clem has no idea that they would be heading for Savannah.
Due to the limited range of a walkie and the stated 40 mph speed of the train I dont think Clem started talking to radio guy untill they were on the train close to Savannah.
I highly doubt radio guy is anyone we've met or know yet.
but not to the bit where Kenny says how long it's been since they took the supplies...nor when lee says about the bandits hounding them...
At this point, I asked myself :self, why is this person attacking me?
And I still cant phathom a reason other than that you have a predisposition towards Milo and you assessed I was agreeing with him, so that gave you license to jump on me.
As I atempted to figure where you were coming from, what I got was sigh & jeez and what I saw as spliting hairs and nit picking over a minor detail which eventually descended into the name calling back & forth.
Now then, In the interest of not derailing any more threads and general comity between members, Im more than willing to let all this go and call it a misunderstanding.
How about you?
Can we act like big people here?
Some part of me thinks that it's Terry St.John. He was never confirmed dead and he would be pretty pissed about Lee killing/ leaving his children for dead. This is highly unlikely though.
Originally Posted by Malphaxis
Kenny was shot on the farm on the outskirts of Macon. They found the car & batteries walking back to the motel from the farm.
Kemny is still suffering from being shot when the bandits attack and the motel is over run by the herd. So the amount of time passed inbetween is short. At this time Clem has no idea that they would be heading for Savannah.
To be fair, Clem always thought they would be heading to Savannah at some point to look for her parents (or, in Kenny's case, to look for a boat). She may not have known that they were leaving right then but she knew they were going eventually.
Due to the limited range of a walkie and the stated 40 mph speed of the train I dont think Clem started talking to radio guy untill they were on the train close to Savannah.
There's a moment back at the Motor Inn, before the bandit attack, where we see Clem talking to somebody on the walkie. It's possible she was just pretending but I think it was a hint that she'd been talking to walkie-man for a while. Add to that the fact that walkie-man was very familiar with Clem - he knew about Savannah, her parents, Lee's protectiveness - so it seemed like they had a fairly long conversation (or quite a few). Given the cramped, crowded space on the train, I doubt she could have had a lengthy conversation with him there without somebody else noticing.
To be fair, Clem always thought they would be heading to Savannah at some point to look for her parents (or, in Kenny's case, to look for a boat). She may not have known that they were leaving right then but she knew they were going eventually.
There's a moment back at the Motor Inn, before the bandit attack, where we see Clem talking to somebody on the walkie. It's possible she was just pretending but I think it was a hint that she'd been talking to walkie-man for a while. Add to that the fact that walkie-man was very familiar with Clem - he knew about Savannah, her parents, Lee's protectiveness - so it seemed like they had a fairly long conversation (or quite a few). Given the cramped, crowded space on the train, I doubt she could have had a lengthy conversation with him there without somebody else noticing.
Fair points.
My thoughts were the walkie was thought to be broken and someone would have noticed if she was actually talking to someone rather than pretending.
On the train ride Clem.actually had some time alone in the boxcar. If you recall Chuck was out on the front of the Loco, Kenny was at the controls, Ben was outside on the rear of the loco and Lee.was moving inbetween.
Fair points.
My thoughts were the walkie was thought to be broken and someone would have noticed if she was actually talking to someone rather than pretending.
On the train ride Clem.actually had some time alone in the boxcar. If you recall Chuck was out on the front of the Loco, Kenny was at the controls, Ben was outside on the rear of the loco and Lee.was moving inbetween.
True, she did have some time alone. It's possible. There was a few hours between when Katjaa and Duck died and they got to Savannah, but I do think Lee was probably with her most of that time. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for the guy to find her frequency, build up trust and learn so many details. Clem's trusting but she's not stupid, I don't think she would have opened up that quickly to a random voice on her radio.
Whereas, at the Motor Inn, she could have been talking to the guy for days or even weeks and it would have been a lot easier for her to sneak off behind a building or into a motel room to keep it secret.
But hopefully in another month or so, we'll find out!
this could be similar to what happened on the train on the way to savannah,
Clementine (just pretending to talk to parents but actually pressing the button) "mom, dad i love you, we are on a train on our way to savannah to find you, my friend lee is taking me to you"
walkie talkie guy hears this on his radio he says " hello little girl, i am in savannah with a lot of people, what is your and your parents name? maybe your parents are with me"
clementine "I'm clementine, my parents are called Ed and Dianna"
walkie talkie guy "oh, you parents are at my settlement but they are not here right now but i am sure they will be by the time you get here, who is this person Lee you are talking about?"
clementine " Lee is protecting me, he has killed lots of things, even before the monsters came"
WT guy " i think your parents would love to see you when you get here, but only you not Lee "
Clementine " oh, ok"
WT guy "i have to go now Clementine but i will speak to you later, remember only you not Lee, bye Clementine"
clementine "bye bye"
not a brilliant script but that kind of thing could have happened on the way to savannah on the train, he didn't need to be talking to her the whole time.
All very possible.
What I find most ironic is that li'l Clem was able to put the batts in her walkie and get it working where Karley wasnt able to do it with the radio. lol
is it possible clem's idea of broken was just the batteries being knocked out /flat ? or was that actually a lie ? it was working all the time, but radio man told clem to keep it a secret ? and hence the look clem gives us when carley/doug gives her batteries ? it could be described as a ' oh no they know about my secret friend, what do i do ?'
My post in the What Do you think Will be The Consequences of (SPOILER) Stealing from the Car thread pertaining to the timeline of events.
Not a minute by minute synopsis mind you, but a brief overview of the events leading to the team leaving the motel in the RV:
Milo responded:
Me again: Commenting about how when I play story driven RPGs, I sometimes take into account detail that the developers don't.
Then you:
At this point, I asked myself :self, why is this person attacking me?
And I still cant phathom a reason other than that you have a predisposition towards Milo and you assessed I was agreeing with him, so that gave you license to jump on me.
As I atempted to figure where you were coming from, what I got was sigh & jeez and what I saw as spliting hairs and nit picking over a minor detail which eventually descended into the name calling back & forth.
Now then, In the interest of not derailing any more threads and general comity between members, Im more than willing to let all this go and call it a misunderstanding.
How about you?
Can we act like big people here?
Had a longer answer, but it got cleared. So short answer, yes.
it is the senator, his death was a cover up so he could get to a safe bunker before the world went into panic (zombies were kept out of the media for months) but he got caught in a traffic jam and couldn't make it to the safe vehicles in time for the evacuation of the important people, so him and his bodyguards took over a building and set up a radio station just in case he could get rescue
it is the senator, his death was a cover up so he could get to a safe bunker before the world went into panic (zombies were kept out of the media for months) but he got caught in a traffic jam and couldn't make it to the safe vehicles in time for the evacuation of the important people, so him and his bodyguards took over a building and set up a radio station just in case he could get rescue
she was a plant, the whole relationship was a lie, every politician gets a fall guy assigned to them just in case they need one in the future, and a sleeper agent who goes undercover to help set the plan in motion whenever they want.
A little too lazy to read backawrds right now. I'm sure a lot of people have theorised that the Governor involved.
A little digging around makes me suspicious of the same.
I noticed how one of the Governors is said to have studied at the University of Georgia. Same place Lee worked as a teacher of history.
There's also the striking coincidence that the original Governor, Philip was friends with a man named Bobby Marsh. Sharing his surname with the name of the place Clems parents stayed. "The Marsh House" is also said to be the name of one of the chapters in Ep.5, making it no minor detail.
While I haven't followed the books, if the Governor is even remotely close to Savannah at this point in time, travelling to Woodbury in the near future, it wouldn't be a stretch to determine that he and Lilly would cross paths. This would explain why she also ends up appearing in Woodbury despite seperating from Lees group so far away from there.
Like I said, I've not read anything but it looks to me like there are plenty of dots to connect. I figured those ones without trying too hard. We've got a connection between the Goernor and Lee, we've got a connection between the Governor and someone who might know Clems parents, and we've got a connection to Lillys future in just those.
Some part of me thinks that it's Terry St.John. He was never confirmed dead and he would be pretty pissed about Lee killing/ leaving his children for dead. This is highly unlikely though.
Some people say that Terry is actually Chuck. There are theories but I don't know them off by heart.
A little too lazy to read backawrds right now. I'm sure a lot of people have theorised that the Governor involved.
A little digging around makes me suspicious of the same.
I noticed how one of the Governors is said to have studied at the University of Georgia. Same place Lee worked as a teacher of history.
There's also the striking coincidence that the original Governor, Philip was friends with a man named Bobby Marsh. Sharing his surname with the name of the place Clems parents stayed. "The Marsh House" is also said to be the name of one of the chapters in Ep.5, making it no minor detail.
While I haven't followed the books, if the Governor is even remotely close to Savannah at this point in time, travelling to Woodbury in the near future, it wouldn't be a stretch to determine that he and Lilly would cross paths. This would explain why she also ends up appearing in Woodbury despite seperating from Lees group so far away from there.
Like I said, I've not read anything but it looks to me like there are plenty of dots to connect. I figured those ones without trying too hard. We've got a connection between the Goernor and Lee, we've got a connection between the Governor and someone who might know Clems parents, and we've got a connection to Lillys future in just those.
Should have read the bobby marsh page you linked.
Bobby is bitten by a hidden former resident of the home they were staying at, who reanimated in a dog house. Bobby Marsh then dies and has his brain destroyed by Philip seconds after reanimation.
oh but it is my dear that 'irony statement' was about you saying your talking to a brick wall.....
call a spade a spade and some one will come along to call it a shovel..
or making a mountain out of a mole hill....
true but still has to do something with someone otherwise it won't make a great impact on the story if it was just some random dude, it has to be someone from the last few eposides or at least someone the group has ran into, just haven't really ran into personally
It would be irony if you were using a plausible situation/chain of events, it had been explained clearly, using facts within the game itself to provide examples, and a possible timeline, and I was still saying. "But the train goes faster" or the equivalent.
And /you/ are the only one making a mole out of a molehill. Correction, you, and your doppelgänger.
It's not Oberson, because he was the walker hanging from the big bell that grabs Ben.
Why would he have had to get there ahead of the group? Also they stopped twice and then stayed on the train overnight. 2 nights passed from when they left the motel and was walking into Savannah. My theory is he followed them to the train and snuck on the back of it.
doppelganger ??
insert jackchan hands above head meme again....
the train that lee and co where on ? that had litterally no space to hide on/in and only one carriage behind the engine,
that was always occupied by one of the group.
i'm done with you on this rachell cos frankly you begining to turn in to red panda when he fails to accept he is wrong (thats irony) and its anoying as fuck when you then decide to take words out of context or try and pass off others comments as your own.
I feel that the stalker kind of looks like Oberson.
Brick wall, doppelganger.
Although I have been called worse, and even though you became a poxy scrubber over a minor point, I was trying to remain civilly adversarial with you even though you wanted to desend into the depths of ignorance by nit picking the diff between "a short period of time" & "a week". But by all means we'll do it your way, cause you're obviously a miserable bint who's not used to being told you're wrong.
Call me nemesis, you've earned it.
Btw, was anyone a little disappointed with Clem in Episode 4? She started acting like Carl in the Walking Dead show. Don't like that. Wandering off, following when I say stay, popping out of nowhere, it's like damn. Then she follows a strange voice on a walkie talkie off into the city where she almost got killed two to three times and I get my ass scratched trying to find you???? Seriously?!?!?
thanks now i'm not the only one , plus if that is oberson he is wearing different clothes to the hanging walker, and in a day or two his hair wouldn't of grown that much dead or alive.
eat that digestif...
i believe its campman, he resembles oberson in some ways but its not him.'re assuming his photograph was taken and turned into a poster the same day he died?
As for catching up with the group on the train...if the stalker had been talking to Clem for a while (and we know he has) he would have known that their eventual plan was to go to Savannah. He could have left a week before the group did.
Good luck telling me I'm wrong, with your proof that you are 100% right. I know that I'm not saying my guess is right, there is no way for me to know that, but I am arguing that it is just as plausible as the guy on the walkie talkie being anyone else, and my guess is as valid as anyone else's. Arguing against that is proving your ignorance. There is no 'nit-picking', if you're saying I'm wrong, bring something substantial. Not "but the train goes faster",nor implying that the time is too short, even though the group laves the motel at least a week after they leave the car.
Not a minute by minute synopsis mind you, but a brief overview of the events leading to the team leaving the motel in the RV:
Milo responded:
Me again: Commenting about how when I play story driven RPGs, I sometimes take into account detail that the developers don't.
Then you:
At this point, I asked myself :self, why is this person attacking me?
And I still cant phathom a reason other than that you have a predisposition towards Milo and you assessed I was agreeing with him, so that gave you license to jump on me.
As I atempted to figure where you were coming from, what I got was sigh & jeez and what I saw as spliting hairs and nit picking over a minor detail which eventually descended into the name calling back & forth.
Now then, In the interest of not derailing any more threads and general comity between members, Im more than willing to let all this go and call it a misunderstanding.
How about you?
Can we act like big people here?
To be fair, Clem always thought they would be heading to Savannah at some point to look for her parents (or, in Kenny's case, to look for a boat). She may not have known that they were leaving right then but she knew they were going eventually.
There's a moment back at the Motor Inn, before the bandit attack, where we see Clem talking to somebody on the walkie. It's possible she was just pretending but I think it was a hint that she'd been talking to walkie-man for a while. Add to that the fact that walkie-man was very familiar with Clem - he knew about Savannah, her parents, Lee's protectiveness - so it seemed like they had a fairly long conversation (or quite a few). Given the cramped, crowded space on the train, I doubt she could have had a lengthy conversation with him there without somebody else noticing.
Fair points.
My thoughts were the walkie was thought to be broken and someone would have noticed if she was actually talking to someone rather than pretending.
On the train ride Clem.actually had some time alone in the boxcar. If you recall Chuck was out on the front of the Loco, Kenny was at the controls, Ben was outside on the rear of the loco and Lee.was moving inbetween.
True, she did have some time alone. It's possible. There was a few hours between when Katjaa and Duck died and they got to Savannah, but I do think Lee was probably with her most of that time. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for the guy to find her frequency, build up trust and learn so many details. Clem's trusting but she's not stupid, I don't think she would have opened up that quickly to a random voice on her radio.
Whereas, at the Motor Inn, she could have been talking to the guy for days or even weeks and it would have been a lot easier for her to sneak off behind a building or into a motel room to keep it secret.
But hopefully in another month or so, we'll find out!
Clementine (just pretending to talk to parents but actually pressing the button) "mom, dad i love you, we are on a train on our way to savannah to find you, my friend lee is taking me to you"
walkie talkie guy hears this on his radio he says " hello little girl, i am in savannah with a lot of people, what is your and your parents name? maybe your parents are with me"
clementine "I'm clementine, my parents are called Ed and Dianna"
walkie talkie guy "oh, you parents are at my settlement but they are not here right now but i am sure they will be by the time you get here, who is this person Lee you are talking about?"
clementine " Lee is protecting me, he has killed lots of things, even before the monsters came"
WT guy " i think your parents would love to see you when you get here, but only you not Lee "
Clementine " oh, ok"
WT guy "i have to go now Clementine but i will speak to you later, remember only you not Lee, bye Clementine"
clementine "bye bye"
not a brilliant script but that kind of thing could have happened on the way to savannah on the train, he didn't need to be talking to her the whole time.
What I find most ironic is that li'l Clem was able to put the batts in her walkie and get it working where Karley wasnt able to do it with the radio. lol
is it possible clem's idea of broken was just the batteries being knocked out /flat ? or was that actually a lie ? it was working all the time, but radio man told clem to keep it a secret ? and hence the look clem gives us when carley/doug gives her batteries ? it could be described as a ' oh no they know about my secret friend, what do i do ?'
Had a longer answer, but it got cleared. So short answer, yes.
Make up sex then?
Back on topic.
I hadnt considered Clem being dishonest.
Although she did keep the walkie working from you, so, hmm...
What about Lee's wife who he was banging.
she was a plant, the whole relationship was a lie, every politician gets a fall guy assigned to them just in case they need one in the future, and a sleeper agent who goes undercover to help set the plan in motion whenever they want.
already explained that so you're a bit late to this party of pissing on milo.
better luck next time
i will be getting some screens of the walker who got ben..
A little digging around makes me suspicious of the same.
I noticed how one of the Governors is said to have studied at the University of Georgia. Same place Lee worked as a teacher of history.
There's also the striking coincidence that the original Governor, Philip was friends with a man named Bobby Marsh. Sharing his surname with the name of the place Clems parents stayed. "The Marsh House" is also said to be the name of one of the chapters in Ep.5, making it no minor detail.
While I haven't followed the books, if the Governor is even remotely close to Savannah at this point in time, travelling to Woodbury in the near future, it wouldn't be a stretch to determine that he and Lilly would cross paths. This would explain why she also ends up appearing in Woodbury despite seperating from Lees group so far away from there.
Like I said, I've not read anything but it looks to me like there are plenty of dots to connect. I figured those ones without trying too hard. We've got a connection between the Goernor and Lee, we've got a connection between the Governor and someone who might know Clems parents, and we've got a connection to Lillys future in just those.
Some people say that Terry is actually Chuck. There are theories but I don't know them off by heart.
Should have read the bobby marsh page you linked.