Steve, get your website going, man!

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I am a huge fan of Steve Purcell as I'm certain everyone else who is interested in Sam & Max are.

Steve needs to get a website to display his artwork on.
He doesn't even need to structure it, just a bunch of pictures on a page would be fine, hell, I'd even make him the webdesign.

I've been to the Pixar campus a few weeks ago and saw Steve's painting of Bud Lucky, and it really inspired me. The guy's a damn genius. And after seeing this:
I just know we need to see more of Steve's art. He's so awesome and he needs to share his awesomeness with us.



  • edited November 2007
    I was going to link you to, Steve's perpetually 1/2 finished website.

    But now it is gone, living only in archive form.
  • edited November 2007
    even half the website would've been great. :( Nice menu anyway.


    I also think Telltale should reprint the prints they used to have. I only got my hands aroung the Cowboy print :(
  • edited November 2007
    I think thats the point of prints.. one .. two runs maybe then not again, with a maybe at a redo. There are tons of prints ive missed from comic cons that were never offered online, lets not get into that. As for purcell art.. what is it you guys like.. most people say they like purcell but have no clue to his real arts other than sam and max.
    Im still working on content and structure for my purcell fansite but last time I talked to steve he still had plans for a site.. just said "busy busy busy" so lets just assume he is busy :P

    What kind of purcell stuff do you have! let me know!! I love seeing new stuff!

    pssst is Luckey! not lucky! :P and wow youve seen that in person! holy cow.. anyone have even a glimpse of this pic ive only heard about it.

    this comes CLOSE :P doh!
  • edited November 2007
    I've seen just a little bit of stuff beyond sam & max. For example on that webpage, that stuff is awesome. I'd love to see him have a fine-art book printed, with all of his paintings cause I know he does plenty.

    I don't really have anything, the only two purcells i own are the street print and the cowboy print. I really wish I haven't missed out on all the other ones, I hear he sells a bunch of different ones at comicon.

    Man, it would be amazing to see his original background paintings for "Hit the Road".

    Luckey, sorry, that was typo.
    Had I been at least a little sneaky I would've taken a picture. I kind of felt like it would be disrespectful or something, so I didn't. But alas, Purcell is truly a master of illustration. To see his brushstrokes is really awesome and surely very hard to replicate. I can't even get an idea at how he approaches his drawings.

    BTW, thanks, your blog reminded me I still wanted to buy some Lou Romano prints for myself for xmas :)
  • edited November 2007
    haha its not my blog my friend! But I linked it. I could only wish that was mine :P

    Personally Id love to see more Toyboxx comic art
    Jake? Do we have a thread with purcells E-cards anywhere? If not and you have them maybe throw em up? Havent seen a new one in a while. (One of them is a Toyboxx art!)
    A few of those paintings I havent seen before. The bone kids under the tree and the snake kissing Medusa.. never heard of those. The rest ive seen at one time or another.
    I once listed all my purcell stuff in jakes old samnmax fan site. Beelz got mad.. so ill refrain from doing it again. But lets say only a few things have passed me by and most are hundreds of dollars.. IE original page prints from bad day at the moon, A rare jacket worn by the canadian crew working on the cartoon.. grr darn you jfeil!
    I do have tons of great stuff... and i know more people that have others.. jaaakkkkkkkkke those glasses will be mine one day.. oh yes .. they will be mine.
    (Right like another pair exists in full condition! lucky SOD!)

    Personally Id love to see more of exactly what purcell does with pixar SPECIFICALLY (story dev is vague). His work is kinda blended in a group and nothing specific is shown. I know he had to have been freaking on ratatoullie .. he loves rats! haha.

    As for endless prints my friend.. I was born in san diego, sadly moved to sacramento and away from the comic con scene, TONS AND TONS of stuff has been printed.. lets just say that, even I dont have much in the scheme o things. Some of the vets will prolly concur

    PS some of my prints esp fizzballs are brown almost going to nothingness AHHH! wish I had a friend in the preservation dept at a museum!
  • edited November 2007
    What exactly is Toyboxx? I've never heard of this.

    I've accidentally missed a couple of fizzball prints myself. Ebay, about a year ago. Still angry.
    And an embossed Hit the Road poster.

    I know, his position at Pixar is very vague. I really wish they'd alter the stylistics of each movie heavily so as to provide a vessel for Purcell's aesthetics. I think he storyboards a bit, if I'm not mistaken. I really wish he would be more publicized.
    Hey, I recall seeing a screencap from what I assume to be the Cars DVD, with Steve in it, apparently giving an interview. Anyone know anything about that? I searched the DVD and couldn't find squad.
  • edited November 2007
    I saved all the art from spudvision on my computer while it was still up. I don't think they are archived though since there was never a link to them, so I am glad I did.

    BTW One of the fizzball prints on ebay last year found a happy home. Its framed on my wall now. :)
  • edited November 2007
    Darn you, you're the one who stole it! Haha!

    I don't suppose you'd want to put some of the art you saved up, would you? I never caught spudvision in its heyday.
  • edited November 2007
    I'll try to put some of them on photobucket this week and post the links here.
  • edited November 2007
    Good! Can't wait.

    Besides, does anyone know what happened to the Spudvision book? Did Steve just flake out on it?
  • edited November 2007
    jackfrost.. take HEED and great warning. Ask any decent comic person that paper is BAD BAD BAD. Purcell even states this. Its PH will soon make it turn brown if it hasnt started to yellow already. There is a spray that neutralizes the acid in the paper and or if you frame it right (museum glass, not the thin standard + acid free matting and backing) it might take alot longer to brown. But the sad thing steve told me is they will eventually all turn brown without this treatment.. its just the paper. So .. out of direct sunlight.. dont smoke.. and it will stay white for a while! Just a heads up though!

    onto my fav.. toyboxx.. cant believe more havent heard of it.. them.. ahem. The subject is still sorta vague. I only know of two of the names Suda and Ernie which he happened to put on an E card... JAKE WHERE R U on this pal ! haha I lost my pic set ere!
    There is no real comic for the gals but a few make appearances.

    Fast Forward 1992
    The back cover of nocturnals only
    Between that and random art and e cards ive seen hide or hair of em.

    Embossed hit the road poster? All I know of is the 3d relief and the flat poster. Could it have been fanmade? or just one of those rare things?

    For other oddball steve art that most dont like due to the fact that the comic or book with it isnt that great ill list below. Jake might remember syth gerbil and I going off about this in our "comedy hour"
    A refresh HAHA the good ole days! wait that wasnt that long ago!!
    OK an old post from jakies old site
    Huge list of purcells stuff, totally incomplete, but informative. all my links still work as they are owned by me etc. Dunno about the rest
    is a great picture.. and done in somewhat the same style as the Medusa kissing her snake hair pic we just saw in the online mag link
    Picture is titles AUTUMN...

    In my link to jakes old site you may see the runequest covers. Steve says hes not proud of these but I like em!
    in example...
    I personally have 3 toyboxx arts.. 2 are in a books but Ill try to scan them asap. I dont like to touch them though. Once they are in that case....

    Hmm wonder where synth gerbil went anyway.. he always knew alot about steves work.. just had no taste :(
    Hey I would like to report that I have the Nocturnals comic and it's ****. THere's not even a story by Steve Purcell in it. He didn't do anything but do an illustration on the back cover and design the inside cover pages with the credits. (Which are just composed of pieces of his back cover illustration.) So avoid it.

    And for those that like purcells art.. it was soo worth the few bucks I bought it for. I want a poster of it!! it being the nocturnals backcover listed above

    Purcell is worth his own devoted site. Dunno why jaker never got on that ball.. prolly cause of his 900 other sites and now.. well THIS! your awesome jake.. telltale be proud to have this guy
  • edited November 2007
    Thanks for the heads up. The person I bought it from had it sealed in acid free plastic so it can still be displayed and is protected. There isn't any sunlight in the room I have it displayed in either. Beyond a small amount of yellowing around the edges it still looks great. Hopefully the plastic will delay any further decay.

    BTW I am probably going to upload the pictures from the website tonight when I get home.
  • edited November 2007
    I'm dissapointed that there's so little of Steve's work out there, and I'm baffled he's not as big as Mignola, in terms of releases. But he may have something to do with that himself, maybe he just doesn't want that kind of publicity.
    I think i check ebay everday for anything rare sam & max or steve purcell. It's getting tiring.

    Kaldire, yeah I meant the 3d relief. Is it true Steve sells the Hit the Road posters and other merch at ComicCon? I just HAVE to go next year.
  • edited November 2007
    Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh. Please don't hate me, but I don't have the pictures anymore. I thought I transferred everything over when I bought the new laptop, but alas it seems I did not. :( I am banging my head against the wall for this. Especially when I know I'll never get them again. :mad:
  • edited November 2007
    no sweat, there's always the chance some good soul of telltale team will poke Steve Purcell, tell him he's a horrible human being for being selfish with his art and he'll act accordingly.

    Just kidding about steve, obviously. He's close to a greek god, rather than a horrible human being.
  • edited November 2007
    Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh. Please don't hate me, but I don't have the pictures anymore. I thought I transferred everything over when I bought the new laptop, but alas it seems I did not. :( I am banging my head against the wall for this. Especially when I know I'll never get them again. :mad:
    Are these the pictures your looking for? (FYI: blue bottom was part of the site design, image is not corrupt)
  • edited November 2007
    urmm no... the E cards for xmas and such were the ones I speak of. But that spudvision small pics are neat too. I have a full page version of the whole spudvision thing somewhere.

    And yes sometimes steve does sell older and odd things at comic con in sd... but most time its mainstream stizzle with a few oddball things. The hat I knew about as well as he said something about a new shirt as well.. I hope its true.. the cap thing was. He actually wore the cap in the last few comic gatherings I think
    (wasnt at recent ones but I saw pics)
  • edited November 2007
    Hey Kaldire, if you can, could you upload the full page version of the "spudvision thing" you have "somewhere"? I just can't get enough of the guy's art.
  • edited November 2007
    Those rule, thanks for uploading them.
  • edited November 2007
    there are actually more too! urmm grr I wish I had that HD that crashed.. it had so much info on it.
    Also to bring it up lets not forget zak mckracken in case most of the younger gen doesnt know about it(how could they not with the remakes and scumm). Still one of my all time favs. Love the artwork there.. and I WONT mention that nose glasses display I long for ... DOh I did!
  • edited January 2008

    I wonder if that was a response to our request...
  • edited January 2008
    Actually he did it because of the multiple Sam & Max die-hard fan bomb threats he recieved if he didn't get it up! Wow, you raving fans are almost as good at violence as me! I love you guys! :D
  • edited January 2008
    I know he did have bigger plans for a site..more than a blog thats for sure, but im sure this will be just as interesting only not as.. how should i put this.. graphically appealing (like the sam & max site)
    I just remember the ole links on the old spudvision page were separate eyes on starchie..thats how I got a full screen pic(it was really like 6 pics in one but I screenshot'ed it

    this blog art is awesome.. sudamylove.. come to me
  • edited January 2008
    the musical dumpty is awesome!
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