Episode 201 - Game launcher... doesn't.
It's just sitting there saying 'Please wait, logging you in...' and I can't click on the 'No thanks' option.

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also, do you have javascript disabled in internet explorer for some reason? (it kind of looks like you might from that screenshot)
Javascript error I get with this launcher is Line:7, Char: 29596, Error: Class not registered.
Could you try disconnecting your internet connection and then launch the game again?
Security settings are only set at medium-low.
Disconnecting internet didn't make a difference, unfortunately.
Edit: If i can get it working fine on my work laptop, I'll give up trying to get it working on my personal desktop for now.
It may just be that security settings are out of whack on your IE install.
In positive news, it's working superbly in 1680x1050 on my work laptop. Configuration complete!
So, sadly, your computer is just averse to code written and/or implemented by Doug Tabacco? Weird.
You know, I ran into a similar problem while using Steam after migrating to Vista: for some reason, the registry was not accepting the new entries that told it how to handle the Steam protocol in the browser, so all buttons in it became "unclickable". Could it be something similar?
I also checked to see if there was any network activity while running the executable, but it was pretty much negligible.
What should I do? Should I send a formal e-mail complaining about this?
I don't know how much that will help, but I found out that I can actually click-drag on that frozen screen, and "scroll down" to another screen. Screenshots:
Please don't tell me I will have to wait til monday to get some help...
Try right clicking the icon and running as administrator.
If anyone else is running Vista, here's what worked:
Control Panel > Internet Option > Advanced Tab
I don't know exactly what the button would say in the English Vista (mine is in Portuguese), but the last button on that page has an option to revert IE7 back to the original settings. It says the equivalent of "Redefine..." in my version. It took all toolbars and stuff like that away, but the game now runs - so I can't complain.
I manually checked to see if any of the related settings (such as security and javascript-related options) were changed, but no.
Hope this helps you guys.
Out of curiosity, what third party toolbars did you have running that disappeared? It might be that one of them is causing the problem, so it would be good to know what you were using.
This solution will work even if you're not running Vista. You just need IE7.
When I input my login info or the serial number and press the unlock button the SamMax201.exe crashes and pops up a windows error report dialog. Clicking on "send report" even crashes that dialog. If I try the demo mode everything works perfectly fine.
I tried the suggested fixes but they don't work for me (downloaded the installer several times, too).
Some info about my PC:
AMD 64 3500+, 2GB RAM, Audigy Player, 7600GT (163.75 WHQL) running WinXP sp2 & latest updates.
I use the Outpost firewall 4.0 (where i can perfectly see the communication of the SamMax201.exe with the telltale servers btw).
Moreover if I input a wrong password for my login. I get a "wrong" password message without a crash! It seems the crash is directly related to unlock some files.
Just to make sure the installer file is fine - could someone be so kind and post a hash of a working setup file? (MD5, SHA1?)
(Edit: I still can't see the blue launch button though, but I imagine that's linked to my invisible images problem at AG. Thankfully it's still clickable.)
I found a solution to the crash. I use the (standard) windows classic theme/visual style of WinXP. I disabled the use of visual styles for the SamMax201.exe and the activation went smooth!
Yeah, I also had the Google toolbar installed, and that was it.
Disable Aero Glass does not seem to fix that.
Also for the record I tried everyone else's suggestions here first, without success. It seems we've all got similiar but slightly different problems, with similar but slightly different solutions.
EDIT: I'm getting somewhere. I can fix and break it on demand, also getting that page where people were stuck with just the 'success' screen with no buttons.
EDIT TWO: One problem isolated. It's all down to one registry value (or wherever the IE security zone info is stored). In the 'My Computer' security zone, that you need to tweak the registry to make visible, there is an option in the Miscellaneous section called 'Access data sources across domains'. If that's disabled, I get my original javascript class not registered error. Set to enable or prompt, the launcher either works properly or, if you select no, you get the success page with no buttons at all. I imagine there are other settings there that might break the launcher.