Anyone else having probs purchasing via PayPal...?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
Just tried to place my order and was greeted with: -

The PayPal site is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our credit card processor. We are working to solve this problem as quickly as possible. If you would like to Send Money, please fund your payment with your PayPal balance, PayPal Credit or bank account. If you would like to use your credit card, please return to the PayPal website later to complete your transaction. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.:mad::mad::mad:

I don't have a bank account set up for use with PayPal, so purchase via my Maestro card (a UK debit card - I don't have a credit card as they don't tend to be issued to people on disability) via my PayPal account is my only option.

I was going to leave it downloading overnight (I'm supposed to have an 8Mb/s connection, but I'm extremely lucky if I get 256kb/s speeds - and that's on a good day with a following wind) so I could play tomorrow, but I'm going to have to wait now, possibly until Monday evening (damned time difference - why can't everywhere adopt UTC like sensible people...?)

Sorry, rant over! Off to try it once more before I'm off to beddy-byes.

(in the Land of Nod - aka the UK)
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