Which St.John brothers did you kill?

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
Which St.John brothers did you kill?


  • edited November 2012
    Danny. Don't tell an angry dude who's waving a pitchfork at your face that he doesn't have the balls to kill you. That's just stupid :p
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited November 2012
    The game emphasizes on not killing the second one being the honorable thing to do, while it barely does with the first one. I think a lot of the people stabbed the first freak.

    Plus, Danny was less likeable throughout all of the episode, he was just a straight up creep.
  • edited November 2012
    Neither, Danny wanted me to kill him, so I didn't (also, I thought of Clem and, boy, she warms my heart, she's all the humanity I have left), and I felt Andy had enough with the fight, I would leave that to the walkers.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    Neither. Enough blood had been shed in the meat locker. As for Andy, he wanted me to kill him, so I left him there.
  • edited November 2012
    Zeruis wrote: »
    Neither. Enough blood had been shed in the meat locker. As for Andy, he wanted me to kill him, so I left him there.

    weird how this works.
    he wants to be killed/dropped (Andy/Ben) but you let them live.
    i did the exact same thing though
  • edited November 2012
    Killed danny, left Andy to the herd in the corn field.
  • edited November 2012
    weird how this works.
    he wants to be killed/dropped (Andy/Ben) but you let them live.
    i did the exact same thing though

    Ben made a better argument.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited November 2012
    Malphaxis wrote: »
    Ben made a better argument.

    Ben made a pretty good argument for getting him dropped too, that's why I did it.
  • edited November 2012
    killed them both. in a way it was probably better than keeping them alive to get eaten by their zombie mother or risk them escaping and seeking revenge...plus the second one got the jump on me and I didn't get to beat him up :(
  • edited November 2012
    I killed Danny, then the mother got zombified and I figured it was no longer necessary to kill the last one. I nearly did, but the whole group was watching me and I figured they'd think I was evil or something to kill him now he was defenceless.
  • edited November 2012
    Killed Danny. I couldn't resist his whole Palpatine speech (since I killed Jolene earlier) but I left Andy because I felt I'd killed enough people because of that damn farm (Jolene, Larry, Danny, and Brenda).
  • edited November 2012

    The only reason I didn't kill both was because I had just told Clem killing is wrong. lulz....
  • edited November 2012
    Both. Danny was just a horrible person. As for Andy, he wanted me to finish this. It was my fight, and he got what he got. Did I take it too far? Maybe, but I put him out of his misery. Either leave him stranded, hopeless, on a field surrounded by walkers, or end his misery. I chose the latter.
  • edited November 2012
    Very 1st play through, Danny he was just a weirdo then he said i "couldn't" kill him because i didn't kill joelene. However on my other play through i killed them both.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    lol no-one just killed andy :P
  • edited November 2012
    In the what i would do playrhrough, I killed neither but in my survival one, I killed Andy.
  • edited November 2012
    Both. Danny more or less died for what he did to my bro, Mark. Andy, well, my anger was pretty much spent after killing Danny and Brenda, but I still gave Andy the boot since I don't like leaving unfinished business.
  • edited November 2012
    Willzy123 wrote: »
    lol no-one just killed andy :P

    But not because he didnt ask for it or that he didnt deserve it, but at that point, 2/3 surounded by the oncoming herd, killing him would have been merciful and I wasnt going there with him.
  • edited December 2012
    Malphaxis wrote: »
    But not because he didnt ask for it or that he didnt deserve it, but at that point, 2/3 surounded by the oncoming herd, killing him would have been merciful and I wasnt going there with him.

    Still, it's quite surprising...
  • edited January 2013
    Viser wrote: »
    Danny. Don't tell an angry dude who's waving a pitchfork at your face that he doesn't have the balls to kill you. That's just stupid :p

    Exactly ^^
  • edited January 2013
    Danny because at the moment he felt like a real threat whereas with Andy I felt more in control of the situation especially with the whole group there.
  • edited January 2013
    The first time, Danny because I was angry and worried about the others' safety and I never wanted to let him hurt anyone ever again. I didn't kill Andy because he was yelling at me to do so and Clementine was watching, and as I looked between his sad, pathetic face and the warm comfort of my group, all I wanted was to be with them, with the side bonus of showing him how irrelevant he was. That he hadn't destroyed us, but his family had destroyed itself. That was more important than anything.

    The second time, neither. I decided a quick death was too merciful after the suffering they put others through, and that being eaten was a far more fitting fate for unrepentant cannibals. "Hoist by his own petard", as they say.

    The merciful choice is of course to kill both, but knowing what they did to Mark and who knows how many others, I didn't feel very merciful towards them.
  • edited January 2013
    I didn't kill any of them, left them on their own. I couldn't kill but I'm sure the walkers got to them.
  • edited January 2013
    By abandoning them to the herd I figure I killed them both indirectly anyhow.
  • edited January 2013
    Neither. I try to never kill my enemies, as much as i can. Vengeance cannot be a thing. Lee sums it up well: "This is not how the world works now! You won't make me kill you!"
  • edited January 2013
    Killed them both.
  • edited January 2013
    I killed the first one, and Clem saw me and looked scared of me. Then as I was beating the 2nd one the camera panned out and the whole group was watching me. So I decided to leave the 2nd one alive.
  • edited January 2013
    neither, left them both!
  • edited January 2013
    First time, I was tempted to kill Danny when he said I couldn't, but then some part of me told me that if I did, then I would end up regretting killing him, so I spared him and that part of was right because Clementine was standing next to me.

    As for Andy, When I started beating the hell out of him, I was tempted to beat him to death, but then everyone gathered and watched me go at it on him. I had punched him eight more times while thinking that I should stop until I decided that I've done enough damage to his face. When the option to kill Andy came up and everyone was still watching me, my first instinct was to just walk away and leave him because I didn't want to be judged for killing him.
  • edited January 2013
    Killed Danny. For MARK!

    Spared Andy so he could suffer knowing I killed his family.
  • edited January 2013
    I killed neither as Clementine reacted really badly when I killed Larry, and I didn't want to put the friendship on the line, so I left them.
  • edited January 2013
    aperose wrote: »
    killed them both. in a way it was probably better than keeping them alive to get eaten by their zombie mother or risk them escaping and seeking revenge...plus the second one got the jump on me and I didn't get to beat him up :(

    Took the words away from me. Same here.:)
  • edited January 2013
    surprisingly, neither. If you killed Danny, Clementine would have watched, and that's not what I want her to remember me as. So not Danny. Andy, EVERYONE was watching. I just left him behind for the walkers. That part was so emotional, with the rain falling, and the music, Andy calling Lee's name, Lee yelling "IT'S OVER!". That part was written so well. I looked into his sad, pathetic beaten in face and I just couldn't do it. I wanted him to rot in the fact that I ruined his life, and just leave him for the herd.
  • edited January 2013
    Left them both for walkers
  • edited January 2013
    I finished the life of both. After the things they did to living people, I couldn't let them live. They were even a bigger threat than the zombies.
  • edited January 2013
    Psyconix wrote: »
    I finished the life of both. After the things they did to living people, I couldn't let them live. They were even a bigger threat than the zombies.

    Exactly what I thought....
  • edited January 2013
    First time; killed Danny, spared Andy,
    Second time; spared Danny, killed Andy.
  • edited January 2013
    I impaled Danny with that pitchfork, thinking I'd done the right thing, until I saw it horrified Clementine. I then felt very guilty about it, and spared Andy's life to try and set a better example (though I did still beat the shit out of his face).
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