Okay this helicopter really needs to be addressed.
Spoilers to chapter 3
There is a crashed helicopter in the pharmacy... A CRASHED helicopter. How the hell does a zombie take down a helicopter?
There is a crashed helicopter in the pharmacy... A CRASHED helicopter. How the hell does a zombie take down a helicopter?
This discussion has been closed.
Or it ran out of fuel and they crashed.
Shitloads of things might have happened and it's really pointless to speculate, because we have not even the slightest of relevant information about it. Hell, could have even been a suicide.
You cannot be serious. :rolleyes:
I believe it is, very little is known about the military involvement, did they die? Did they give up? Why has Lee or anyone else considered going to them for support. Also how contagious is this disease passed from biting, could it be the pilot was infected unknowingly.
I just would like some thoughts
Disease isn't passed from biting, the bites kill you, everyone else is infected trough air. At least it's most likely to be an airborne virus.
They waited for the military at the motel for "3 months"
He works for TT this must be the truth
he teleported out of the chopper
one scene he isnt there and when lee looks back its him right there...
and kenny was next to the helicopter so why didnt kenny get bitten1?!!!?!?!
* Theres always epiosde 5 to kill kenny * - My new petition
I'm sure The Helicopter Zombie is a hero and an icon among the undead community.
Yup. they were gonna throw a party for him but he didnt come some guy got him impailed with a metal part of debris
Link please?
Page 1
It'd be fun to do backstories for all of our side characters. We actually have a short script written for the backstory of Irene, the woman in the motel, written by Nick Herman and Sean Ainsworth (director of ep 4, lead cinematic artist of ep 5 respectively), but we never had the people free to produce it. Oh well!
Of course with a walker. The classic early-zombie-apocalypse thing. "I got in a fight with some guy outside the bar last night and the fucker bit me!" Then you go to report in at work on the base the next day or maybe the day after if that's more dramatically interesting, and everyone says "whoa you look horrible!" and you say "I'm fine I'm fine!" and then you get into your helicopter even though you're kinda sick feeling, because it's a crazy day when they need all hands on deck, and then you pass out and crash over an abandoned Macon as your squad is flying from Robbins Air Force Base to Atlanta. Then you come back as a walker and a few months later Lee kicks your butt and squashes you against a bunch of exposed rebar.
(Our crew hears the military coming to Macon at the end of episode 1, in the final scene at the motor inn, and while we never see what happens, the implication is that it went badly, or at best, that the military was really just passing through on their way to Atlanta, which as we see in the comics, also didn't work.)
Cool makes sense, but what about Maybelle what happened to her?
became a Zombie cow.
I am completely satisfied, thank you!
what about beatrice? would her back story fit this
Show/Tell us Irene!!!
Wow i seem like such a weirdo begging for this...
but im really interested for a backstory for beatrice/irene...
i would buy a episode just for that....Sad? I know...
lol but i dont think animal become zombies in the comic world. There was a zombie cow in the show though.
What epiosde was that?
and can zombie animals bite you? xD so a zombie dog = Fast zombies?
Tv show second season the episode dale dies. Only in Re my friend
Did the zombie cow have ANYTHING to do with the plot?
With the plot of a spin-off they show to cows, maybe.
Milking Dead.