I think TT nailed Max's personality with s2ep1

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
I am quite amazed that Max's personality in Ice Station Santa. His behavior reminds me of how Lucas Arts protrayed him in Hit the Road and the cancelled Freelance Police.

I mean, days before the launch of season 2, I was thinking how much I missed Max complaining to Sam to free him from that water booth in HTR. I am sure he complained in season 1 to some extent, but it wasn't an impatient kind of complaint. It was something more like "Sam, can we go buy some more cheese after we are done with the case, please?" sort of complaint. Also, season 1 show signs that TTG is getting familar with their vision of S and M despite some of the employees worked on S&M before, so it is understandable that season 2, ep 1 is more fleshed out than say, season 1, ep 1.

However, when I bought and played the new ep at launch, I was amazed how much Max is like the La version where as he kept complaining
to the opening robot's use of referencing 80s music.
I like how Max was just about losing his sanity whenever he hears a lyrics from some 80s pop song. Also, the voice actor used seems to have gotten more familar voicing Max since he seems to carry out the character better than he did in season 1.

I also loved Max's occasional use of swear words and
how vein he is when he sees him future self
. True, he didn't cuss or talk about how
sexy his future self while mentioning how fat future Sam is
in the lucas Arts games, but having him say these things adds to his his egotistic, anti-hero behavior


  • edited November 2007
    yeah. totally agree with your post:)
  • edited November 2007
    three words:

    yes, yes, yes.

    Exactly. Yes. Totally. I'm glad I didn't just imagine it, Max is filling out as Max again.
    I really hope TT keeps portraying Max that way, and I hope Sam gets some of his more dignified personality back. Sam was always calmer than max, and often had a more complicated vocabulary. What's your take on that, saber?
  • edited November 2007
    mish wrote: »
    three words:

    yes, yes, yes.

    Exactly. Yes. Totally. I'm glad I didn't just imagine it, Max is filling out as Max again.
    I really hope TT keeps portraying Max that way, and I hope Sam gets some of his more dignified personality back. Sam was always calmer than max, and often had a more complicated vocabulary. What's your take on that, saber?

    For me, it is hard to say about TT Sam's protrayal since the voice actor plays TT Sam quite well and the way TT seems to write him seems to fit the way he is protrayed like the LA games. He does seems that he is missing the complicated vocab in the TT games, but I hope that if TT intergrates it in their games, they do not overdo it like the cartoon.

    As for my complaints about the TT Sam's voice, I just wished the voice actor phrases out the "Holy...." and "You crack me up little buddy" sentences with a bit more emotion since it sounded monotone in Ice Station Santa and I would assume he would sound suprise saying the holy phrase; it is a trivial thing though.

    I am happy that Sam doesn't sound/written as some sort of a bafoon like how the cartoon makes him out to be. It seems that Max is a harder character for writers/actors to capture. I mean in the early S&M episodes, Max seems to be closer to the cartoon version than the comics/LA versions whereas he acts like a little child obsessed with cheese as oppose to mayhem and violence.
  • edited November 2007
    I love reading your thoughts, it's like reading my own.

    Both Sam and Max are hard personalities to capture perfectly in my opinion. Considering they're fictional/cartoon characters, they have a set of very specific traits that make up their characters.

    I agree with TT Sam's voice being monotone sometimes, but I must admit, TT sam's voice is embedded in my head quite a bit, to the extent that it really fits the character and sometimes i forget what hit the road sam sounds like.

    that can't exactly be said about max, because, as you mentioned, he DOES act like a little child, as opposed to something of a semi-homocidal lunatic adult.

    it's too bad about the cartoon sam's voice, really does sound like a buffoon. I really wish they hadn't put in that "girl genius" character, but other than that, the show grew on me until i actually saw that it's pretty out there as far as jokes go. You just gotta ignore the fact that they cut a few corners for kids.
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    True, he didn't cuss or talk about how
    sexy his future self while mentioning how fat future Sam is
    in the lucas Arts games, .....

    "Facilities be damned, I need a bathroom."
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    For me, it is hard to say about TT Sam's protrayal since the voice actor plays TT Sam quite well and the way TT seems to write him seems to fit the way he is protrayed like the LA games.

    That's game. Singular.

    As hard as it is to believe, the Telltale games will soon make up a more significant chunk of the Sam & Max universe than the original did. Isn't this a wonderful age we live in?
  • edited November 2007
    Sir Lemming, don't be bitter - we grew up on Hit the Road... It's sort of like smelling a food you used to eat as a kid, it just brings up sweet sweet nostalgia....
  • edited November 2007
    Games as in Hit the Road and Freelance Police. (Yes it still exists even though it was cancelled ! :| :P)
  • edited November 2007
    If a game is canceled in a forest..does anyone hear the sound?
  • edited November 2007
    I do!
  • edited November 2007
    You don't hear the game getting cancelled, but you do hear the sound of hundreds if not thousands of expectant fans hopes getting crushed...hmmm maybe it was Max who made it get cancelled in the first place.

    I agree that the personality of Max was rather close to the mark this time around. I still also really like the
    way he claims he doesn't believe in magnetism, just in his gun...and then has to retract the statement when magnetism seems to believe in his gun too
  • edited November 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Games as in Hit the Road and Freelance Police. (Yes it still exists even though it was cancelled ! :| :P)

    True. I mean, Lucas arts did release screenshots and a preview of the game, which shows Max's violent and rude personality. As to Sir Lemming's comment, it is also easier to say games as oppose to the LA game and the preview and screenshots of the cancelled Freelance police game. Both are games despite one is cancelled near completion and as Chri5 have said, the game still exist....on some programmer's harddrive.

    Besides, in episode 2 of season 1, Max did referenced the scene in the freelance police preview, where he is stomping on some crook while saying "Why won't you just die!"
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »

    As for my complaints about the TT Sam's voice, I just wished the voice actor phrases out the "Holy...." and "You crack me up little buddy" sentences with a bit more emotion since it sounded monotone in Ice Station Santa and I would assume he would sound suprise saying the holy phrase; it is a trivial thing though.

    Agreed. This episode he sounded more bored and monotone than ever... it is like the voice actor had given up on life and taken it out on us, the gamers... ok, not that bad, but still it could be much better.
  • edited November 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    True. I mean, Lucas arts did release screenshots and a preview of the game, which shows Max's violent and rude personality. As to Sir Lemming's comment, it is also easier to say games as oppose to the LA game and the preview and screenshots of the cancelled Freelance police game. Both are games despite one is cancelled near completion and as Chri5 have said, the game still exist....on some programmer's harddrive.

    Besides, in episode 2 of season 1, Max did referenced the scene in the freelance police preview, where he is stomping on some crook while saying "Why won't you just die!"

    Also, there's a case file in the office that is dated the same time as the release of the canceled game. Sam & Max say that they remember the particularly gruesome case.
  • edited November 2007
    sam&maxfan wrote: »
    Also, there's a case file in the office that is dated the same time as the release of the canceled game. Sam & Max say that they remember the particularly gruesome case.

    I mentioned that on this forum sometime ago but another poster pretty much gave me a harsh response, saying something like it doesn't means that Freelance police ever happened in the S&M timeline and it was a meta joke. So I avoided mentioning it this time around.
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