Ben - Duck to the Extreme
There was a time, when everyone that played "The Walking Dead" was annoyed by a certain called named Kenny Jr. Aka, Duck. But when the time came, nobody wanted to kill him, and everyone was actually sad for the one they hated most. So what happened when Duck was gone? People wanted somebody new to hate. Who did they choose? Ben of course. While Duck was just odd, annoying, and got Shawn killed, Ben indirectly caused a number of bad occasions to happen, and left Clementine alone. (Does this mean i'm against him? No. I'm completely Pro-Ben) But, there we were over the spiral staircase. Back to Duck. The one almost everybody hated, and they all got the chance to drop him. Some did, but he told them to let him go. Unlike Duck, we had a chance to save the guy. So doesn't it eerily take you back to deciding whether or not to finish off the one you avoided every chance you got?
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As for Ben, he did much worse then Duck due to his older age, although he was still a kid with no real life experience, he messed up way worse. Ben didn't have to do any of the things he did and even if he was coerced the first time into dropping off supplies, he could have told someone what was going on. When he left Clem in the midst of the walkers on the street, that to me was his greatest screw up, leaving someone helpless alone to die. If he left me I would have been mad, but not even close to when he left her.
Either way I saved Ben and shot Duck out of pity and to help Kenny out in that terrible situation. I do like your idea that potentially some people could need another person to hate but I am not sure if the majority of people "want" to hate anyone in this game of ZA horror unless they have to for a specific reason. Unfortunately for Ben he was put into a position numerous times that allow a vast majority of people to migrate to one side or the other, either feel sorry for the guy or hate him.
When it comes to Ben, you have genuine reasons to dislike him. He got Carley and Duck killed, and caused even more people to die in his time with the group. He isn't responsible enough to do anything useful, and he isn't even a little kid like duck! Ben is a shit head but after trying to let himself go for the group it's hard to hate him.
my lee tried to shoot him, but that wasn´t an option
I dislike Kenny, Lily, and Larry. Those are the 3 I never cared for in the game at all. Oh and the cannibal dairy family.
It's a completely different thing to hate an adult that keeps putting members of the group on the line through blatant acts of stupidity and cowardice.
God knows why he didn't come forward to the group about the bandit deal immediately. That's Kat and Duck dead. He actively threw Carley under the bus to save himself (Doug admittedly threw himself under the bus to protect Bens guilty ass). He let Clem be bait to cover his escape. A move which required the help of Chuck to rectify, costing another life in the process. And then removing the hatchet which was clearly bracing the door at Crawford. We lost Brie to that too. That's 5 possible people he's killed in 1 playthrough, with Clem being a close shave and Molly being undetermined if nobody helps her with the zombies.
Duck made the stupid mistake of trapping Shawn in Ep. 1. He didn't really do anything after that. Just acted his age. Heck Clems repeated displays of disobedience in Ep. 4 was touching on Carl Grimes territory. Was beginning to think Duck might end up being the least annoying of children in all TWD.
It's like asking your mom to kill Justin Bieber if you both knew it would kill her. WOULD YOU DO IT? It would solve a world-wide problem, but also kill your mom.
*Cough* SO, getting back to the point, I'm saying that I really don't like Duck, but Ben is my favourite character.
Yeah, someone keeps necroing threads that are over a month old...
He was just a kid, and I thought he was funny during the investigation at the motor inn.
And Ben was cool too..It was bantits' (?) fault that Duck got bitten.They we're about to attack anyway..So it really didn't matter,in my opinion.And Katjaa just killed herself-Not Ben's fault..Anywho,I liked Ben -.-
It's why I tended to be a bit more forgiving with Ben: he was atleast trying to contribute, he just sucked at it... the poor kid was a reverse King Midas, everything he touched turned to crap.
Duck was Clem's age. How exactly was an 8 year old boy supposed to contribute?
Lugging stuff like water or tools, etc. any number of things. Even showing a desire to contribute would've been enough for me to have a better opinion of the kid. Clem was basically Duck's mirror opposite, quiet, thoughtful, and not only showed a desire to help but actually did.
In pre-industrial soceities, the kids did contribute, or were preparing to do so. In a soceity where you can't even rely on millenia-old technologies and techniques like agriculture to provide food anymore, kids do have to step up. In some past soceities an eight-year old kid was already beginning their second year of military training.
That's actually kind of the point though; the vast majority of "normal" people (kids included) ended up joining the ranks of the living-impaired. As the saying goes "90% of survival is mental".
I still like Ben though, for the most part.