Is season 2 on it's way to Wii or not?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey Telltale, I haven't been in here for a while, so i might have missed out on some things concerning all the Wii thingamabobbing you had your hands buried deep into at one point.
I have my mouse placed right above the "Buy the whole damn thing!" button right now, but i'm really interested in knowing whether season 2 is on its way to Wii or not. The thing is, i'd much rather play it on Wii, so if you have plans for releasing it on Wii i don't want to have to buy it twice(first PC, then Wii).

So, can i have some sort of clue here? Will I be playing Season 2 on Wii?


  • edited November 2007
    I wouldn't wait on it. The whole Wii talk was mainly for the CSI games I think.
    Even if they do one day it probably won't be until long after they finished Season Two next year.
    Plus it would make sense to release Season One first.
  • edited November 2007
    I wish Sam and Max were on their Wii way, but I don't think it'll happen any thime soon. Can you buy and download games on the Wii like you can on XBL?

    Sam and Max eposiodes would be a great way to open the Wii store (if there was one).
  • edited November 2007
    Rasher wrote: »
    I wish Sam and Max were on their Wii way, but I don't think it'll happen any thime soon. Can you buy and download games on the Wii like you can on XBL?

    Sam and Max eposiodes would be a great way to open the Wii store (if there was one).

    Yes, beginning from january you can buy WiiWare games from the Wii Shop Channel. Sam & Max would be a perfect match for that. The games are then stored in the internal flash memory.

    I really hope Telltale will make an official statement concerning any possible Wii versions, since it's been a grey area for a very long time. I would really appreciate to have some light shed on the "issue". :)
  • edited November 2007
    I think they'd like to have sam & max on the consoles eventually but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.. so BUY now :rolleyes:
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    If you don't want to wait (potentially for a long, long time), buy it for the PC. Right now we do not have any plans to bring Season Two to the Wii.
    I really hope Telltale will make an official statement concerning any possible Wii versions, since it's been a grey area for a very long time.

    Actually, our official statement for about a year now has been that we'd like to bring Sam & Max to consoles, but it's not something we're currently working on. That's the kind of thing we'd announce if we actually had something to announce. ;)
  • edited November 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    If you don't want to wait (potentially for a long, long time), buy it for the PC. Right now we do not have any plans to bring Season Two to the Wii.

    Actually, our official statement for about a year now has been that we'd like to bring Sam & Max to consoles, but it's not something we're currently working on. That's the kind of thing we'd announce if we actually had something to announce. ;)

    Thank you very much for your response. As i mentioned i haven't been in here for a while, so i had no idea you had actually commented on the whole Sam & Max on Wii thing. :) I will buy the PC version, but my hopes for a future Wii version remains. It's just so darn appealing sitting on the couch playing Sam & Max with the Wii Remote. :D

    Once again, thank you.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    As i mentioned i haven't been in here for a while, so i had no idea you had actually commented on the whole Sam & Max on Wii thing.

    No worries. Most of the internet is under the impression that we either didn't comment on it, or that we already confirmed it. You'd be surprised how many times people I meet at shows try to convince me that Telltale really is making Sam & Max for the consoles, and I should double-check my information! ;)
  • edited November 2007
    That's probably it. The others are working on a console version, but are not telling you..:D
  • edited November 2007
    Shh! We're not supposed to tell Emily that!
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