Lilly: dead or alive,woodbury or episode 5

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
vote on the poll


  • edited November 2012
    Woodbury was the original story canon meant for our Lily so i will go with that.
  • edited November 2012
    I think that since this Lilly was supposed to be the comics Lilly before Kirkman decided to crap on that idea, she would probably be on her way to Woodbury. I don't think she'd appear on episode 5, especially if she hated your Lee. And I think she didn't know they were going to Savannah, but I could be wrong here.
  • edited November 2012
    The new book/comic 'Road to Woodbury' messed up the story with Lilly and her Dad so it meant that the Lilly in RtW cannot be the Lilly in TWD game. It was going to be but they messed up. It is something like that, so the Lilly in the game could be anywhere, Woodbury is most likely if she took the RV if you took her with you.

    I'm not sure, but I just thought I would mention that :)
  • edited November 2012
    All things lead to Woodbury. so yeah, Woodbury it is.
  • edited November 2012
    "All roads lead to Woodbury... except the one that took us to Savannah". Even if she isn't going to Woodbury, game Lilly was pretty tough. I wouldn't be surprised if she were still alive.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    She won't be appearing in episode 5. That's just stupid. I loved Lilly's character, but making her comeback after an episode of absence would evoke some questions. Besides, she's on her way to Woodbury.
  • edited November 2012
    Well since the Lilly in the game is now a different character than the Lilly in the comic (ironically with the same first and last name) my canon Lilly is dead. I left her on the side of the road with walkers around, late at night. She ran off into the woods. She didn't survive that night.
  • edited November 2012
    Since she said, "I'll die out here" when I left her she's probably dead. She's tough, but she has 3 months of experience surviving this ZA with a group, so if she doesn't think her chances are good without a group, then I'm not going to disagree with her.
  • edited November 2012
    Forget about Lilly, she won't come back anymore.
  • edited November 2012
    Actually Lilly might very well be back for Season 2. Same with Molly.
  • edited November 2012
    Well since the Lilly in the game is now a different character than the Lilly in the comic (ironically with the same first and last name) my canon Lilly is dead. I left her on the side of the road with walkers around, late at night. She ran off into the woods. She didn't survive that night.

    This. And I'm ok with it.
  • edited November 2012
    I honestly don't know. Just like that. I'm not even sure if this Lilly is the same Comics Lilly or a new Game Lilly that just happens to share the same name as the Lilly mentioned earlier, at this point. I really like the game Lilly, but i am completely fine with the other Lilly too. I would be surprised if the Game Lilly appeared in Episode five, but I don't think it's likely.

    And yes, I like saying Lilly.
  • edited November 2012
    I'd just like to add

    Screw "Road To Woodbury"

    It's the weaker story, choose your canon.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm voting alive, even if she's not comic Lilly.
  • edited November 2012
    well she on her way to woodbury RK says that their the same person, plus its kind of weird to have two people named Lily Caul that look exactly the same.
  • edited November 2012
    She wanders about until eventually coming across the town of Woodbury. I don't care for the book, in my mind it's a "what if" scenario and is not canon.

    Otherwise, i think she'd still be alive. She has military experience, has been in the apocalypse for over 3 months and so knows how to deal with walkers. Plus, she saw them coming, so no element of surprise attacks.

    She certainly wouldn't go out Beatrice style. Just as well, i think her saying "I'll die out here" was simply a last ditch effort to convince the group to let her stay. her last name in the credits? Otherwise i don't see how people would know it, it's not mentioned in game anywhere, just assumed.
  • edited November 2012
    I dunno. I kicked her out of the RV and when we drove off she was running around all scared. So I have no idea if she survived. I don't think she did.
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