Reality 3.0 ?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
As I was playing through 201, I was thinking about what the follow up to Reality 2.0, should be. Or rather, what the next episode with that sort of alternate reality theme should be. There be spoilers ahead---

It'd be great if the game was like an old school adventure game mockup- sort of picking up from where Reality 2.0 left off with the text style adventure games. A progression would be cool, like upgrading "reality" a bit each way-
  • text-only like in 105
  • early graphical adventure games like Rogue, Adventure, or Zelda
  • 256 color adventure games using a Sierra style interface
  • or the SCUMM interface
  • Pre-rendered, high rez background games
  • FMV?? (Gabrial Knight, or Phantasmagoria)
  • Claymation???

The last two are budget suckers, but I think if there's a FMV segment it can be short and done with puppets. Claymation stuff can easily be outsourced to a studio RIGHT NOW, to be done in a few months.

It'd be like an adventure gamer's catalog and would be referenced in advertisement-laden, industry publications for decades!

What are your thoughts???


  • edited November 2007
    ASCII/ANSI art :)
  • edited November 2007
    I'm not a fan of text adventure games, so I'd really dislike that.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    One early idea for Reality 2.0 had something similar, though it degraded the other way, from the full 3D of the real Season One universe, down to lower polygon 3D, down to just flat 2D sprites, then to text. Reality 2.0 was already a larger-than-usual load with redoing all the recurring environments into the new style, as well as the text adventure, and the scope was reduced, but the idea definitely came up.
  • edited November 2007
    Did you consider adding a rendering filter to make things look pixelated, there are a bunch of vector image processing techniques I've seen that yield decent looking results. I don't know how it'd pan out resource-wise though...
  • edited November 2007
    If there were references to the older series (hit the road) in style, I think it'd be really funny. Like a glitch in the system or something, sam, max, the world and cursors would change to the original style for a certain set of sequences. Talking to someone would have the old talking interface (pictures of what to talk about) and max would make a crack at it, either commenting about the duck or how he doesn't know what to say anymore since there are no word descriptions and sidetracks. This would happen at different points while being in reality 3.0. Then maybe later on, the talk menu will be stuck on screen and sam and max would be able to walk on it only to be able to pick up the duck as an inventory item which would materialize in the real world as a live one (like getting the key in VR). Could probably be tied in to the plot.

    Just throwing in some silly ideas if this gets considered (for R3.0 or any other element).
  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2007
    Jeff1203 wrote: »
    If there were references to the older series (hit the road) in style, I think it'd be really funny. Like a glitch in the system or something, sam, max, the world and cursors would change to the original style for a certain set of sequences [...]

    Well, when you change the width control setting in Reality 2.0..
  • edited November 2007
    I'm not a fan of text adventure games, so I'd really dislike that.
    I'm not really a fan of that either. Of course, Sam isn't a fan of adventure games at all!
    "It made far more sense to a mug like me than those inane computerized adventure games, where goofy characters shlep impossibly large inventories from location to location trying to solve pointlessly obscure puzzles in pursuit of elusive goals and a highly improbable ending."
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