Season 1 + Season 2 Bundle Pack?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
Hello, or as my culture would say, "Soup /TelltaleGames/",

I heard from a friend of mine that the 4th episode of Sam and Max was released as free around two weeks ago. I fell in love with the series, and I'm planning to buy both Season 1 and Season 2 for Christmas.

Here's where my question comes in: Are you guys planning to release a bundle pack with both seasons for Christmas? It'd make things a bit easier for people who want to buy both seasons at once, and personally it'd make an excellent gift (that keeps on giving ;) ).

Thanks for responding!


  • edited November 2007
    A gift that keeps on giving. That's a good idea.

    Maybe I should get my mom a shrimp farm.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    We just lowered Season One's price by $5, so you could consider that an early christmas present and/or a great bundle deal if you'd like :) I don't think we have any specific plans to offer a "christmas two pack" or anything like that, since when everything you get is an electronic download, there only real "combo" that happens is that it would show up in your cart as one item instead of two.
  • edited November 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We just lowered Season One's price by $5, so you could consider that an early christmas present and/or a great bundle deal if you'd like :) I don't think we have any specific plans to offer a "christmas two pack" or anything like that, since when everything you get is an electronic download, there only real "combo" that happens is that it would show up in your cart as one item instead of two.

    I was talking more along the lines of a price cut for the bundle. Maybe I'm just being greedy.

    Nonetheless I'm still buying the two seasons. :D
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