how do you think the virus "works"?
I think it works like this:
the virus is a toxin that is "stored" in the brain and the virus is only activated when you die IF the brain doesn't have much damage because it's very delicate.
the bite just makes you sick and kills you off with that being said: it leaves no damage on the brain and is useful for the virus to activate.
how do you think it "works"
the virus is a toxin that is "stored" in the brain and the virus is only activated when you die IF the brain doesn't have much damage because it's very delicate.
the bite just makes you sick and kills you off with that being said: it leaves no damage on the brain and is useful for the virus to activate.
how do you think it "works"
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(Yes, I know it doesn't happen in the comics, but I state it because the show means to clearer spell out what was previously only hinted at.)
I thought he wasn't a real scientist? Didn't he said his wife was and that's why she should have lived and he should have died?
I thought it was a sort of parasite that takes control of the human brain, using the body to seek out food(flesh) for nutrients or what-have-you to nourish itself. On it's own, it's not strong enough to forcefully overtake the brain when it's already in use(living hosts) but can freely utilize it when the host has died.
As for the bite, i never really thought that part out much, but figured it somehow gave the parasite an "adrenaline boost" of sorts so it becomes strong enough to steal control of the brain from the living host, thus causing death.
Well...i was never was the best at coming up with this kind of stuff. :rolleyes:
He's cited as a doctor in the wiki. His wife was the lead scientist. Even so, there was at least one doctor looking for a cause of the reanimation. Nothing was ever found.
A strong airborne virus can spread pretty quickly.
I agree with TheNNerdGamer, I don't think zombie bites and the zombie virus are actually related at all. Zombie bites just happen to be lethal, allowing the virus to do its work.
You're a zombie. :eek:
And thats how they make Cheez-Its. :cool:
I'd go further to say that the zombie virus remains dormant because our immune systems are still strong at that point and viruses of other types have been known to do that.
The zombie bite acts like an immune system blocker, like AIDS or a list of other immunodeficiency diseases. The bite lowers your immune system and everything around you just kills you. The zombie virus only activates upon death.
They began their evil plans by getting into every household and hypnotising them with * woof woof woof which translates as You will become a geek and wipe out humanity