Playing on Linux

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
Has anybody been able to configure WINE to run Sam & Max games yet?


  • edited November 2007
    I haven't tried in WINE, but I did using Virtualbox. You'll need to install directx and all that to get it working right. It doesn't work in Virtualbox, but then again I'd rather run it in native windows.

    The Telltale engine still causes massive memory leaks for me, and I'm sure running it emulated would reduce performance enough to limit playability.
  • edited November 2007
    I haven't used virtualbox. Under wine, the game installs and the reminder message comes up. However, the reminder message formatting is off and the "play" button can't be found. Is there a way to skip the reminder box and launch the game directly?
  • edited December 2007
    I haven't used virtualbox. Under wine, the game installs and the reminder message comes up. However, the reminder message formatting is off and the "play" button can't be found. Is there a way to skip the reminder box and launch the game directly?

    I found some web sites were people have claimed to got it to work. I've still had no luck. If anybody knows of a command to bypass the reminder message and launch the game immediately, I think it might work. It's that reminder screen that's the roadblock right now.
  • edited December 2007
    Yeah, i just tried it myself. The reminder pops up, and i can't click the buttons. A bit sad, since the older versions of the launcher worked just fine and the episodes played quite well through Wine.
  • edited December 2007
    I suspect you're simply lacking a copy of Internet Explorer installed on Wine.

    Quick instructions:
    1) Nuke or backup your ~/.wine directory.
    2) Automagically install IE6 with ies4linux.
    3) cp -r ~/.ies4linux/ie6 ~/.wine
    4) Run SamMax201.exe. The buttons may not show up, but click around where they should be (try the tip of Sam's tie).
    5) Enjoy your favorite dog and lagomorph. On Linux!
  • edited January 2008
    You can run "dxdiag" in virtualbox if you want to see for yourself why it will never work. Its not meant for gaming.
  • edited January 2008
    Till wrote: »
    I suspect you're simply lacking a copy of Internet Explorer installed on Wine.

    Quick instructions:
    1) Nuke or backup your ~/.wine directory.
    2) Automagically install IE6 with ies4linux.
    3) cp -r ~/.ies4linux/ie6 ~/.wine
    4) Run SamMax201.exe. The buttons may not show up, but click around where they should be (try the tip of Sam's tie).
    5) Enjoy your favorite dog and lagomorph. On Linux!

    Well, I did just that and it actually changed something because now I don't get an error message anymore. However, I was asked to download the gecko engine (it was a blank wine installation) and then the launcher appeared. But it displays some random graphics (see attachment) and if I scroll down, it says "Sorry, something went wrong". I can't click anywhere (except for minimize and close) and I'm not able to log-in. Any ideas what I should do?

    I run Kubuntu 7.10 btw.
  • edited January 2008
    If you're getting a prompt to install Mozilla, then IE wasn't installed properly. I don't know what to tell you, other than it Works For Me with Wine 0.9.52. Be absolutely sure you're using the Wine installation that IEs4linux created as your .wine (ie, step 3 in my example)

    You can check by running something like "wine iexplore", which should start the real Internet Explorer, not Wine's built-in substitute based on Gecko.
  • edited January 2008
    Uuh, yes, you're right, the files were copied into another directory under .wine, so they weren't used. Now they are and it actually works fine. Thanks and Sorry for disturbing!
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