I'm gonna watch it, but I'm iffy about it. The book is one of my absolute favs so I just gotta watch the movie to find out what they do with it. It looks like it's gonna be kinda over the top though.
Would have been sooooo cool if they actually did it documentary style like the book and went from place to place in the world before after and during and stuff. Hollywood ./smh
It really doesn't look like it does the book justice, just seems like a mindless action filled zombie flick. Watch Brad Pitt save his family and then the world, not watch how different people and cultures react to the new situation and the hard choices they have to make.
I don't understand how they could take the great premise of the book and squander it like this. World War Z would have made a great anthology film. Get a bunch of good directors to each shoot a segment and have the reporter doing his interviews as a framework.
It really doesn't look like it does the book justice, just seems like a mindless action filled zombie flick. Watch Brad Pitt save his family and then the world, not watch how different people and cultures react to the new situation and the hard choices they have to make.
only thing that could save this movie is if midway through he has to shoot his wife or daughter that is infected...otherwise its garbage. Oh all the good guys win what a surprise. Who's making this film, fucking walt disney pictures...they are zombies jesus everyone would die IRL
I don't understand how they could take the great premise of the book and squander it like this. World War Z would have made a great anthology film. Get a bunch of good directors to each shoot a segment and have the reporter doing his interviews as a framework.
I haven't read the book myself, but I understand it was kind of a story told way after a zombie apocalypse, when the world was getting back to normal - which means this film has about as much with the book to do as Lawnmower Man (take a slightly bizarre story about a fat guy cutting grass by eating it, and tell a story about a retard that becomes one with a computer. Yeah, great concept that...
I'll be going to see it and I won't be going in with any expectations on it. From the trailer it looks a bit campy and way over with CGI. Plus the zombies having some problem solving skills could produce some laughable moments.
Pitt hasn't always had the best of roles but he still can put on a good show. IE: Interview with a Vampire, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys for examples. Didn't read the book so thankfully I am not able to compare the movie to it and just take the movie at what it is, a movie.
The best person to direct this IMO If we wanted a good World War Z would be Robert Kirkman or at-least George. A. Romero .... Under the supervision and approval of Max Brooks
It's just very unimaginative. I mean resident evil movies look better and more real and everyone (except ME) hates on those movies hard. This one is gonna make no money back cuz 350 or more million will never be earned for this garbage.....but then again tv shows like gossip girl, and two and a half men keep on making money and that darned twilight movie series blows hard but makes bank...Luckily Buffy is slowly approaching from the rear. Time to stake this shiny monster:p
I mean resident evil movies look better and more real and everyone (except ME) hates on those movies hard.
I'm with you on this one. I have enjoyed every single RE movie so far. Though the 1st and 2nd were the best as they were not as heavy on CGI as the rest are. I have not seen retribution yet though as it is 3D I expect even more CGI but the story leaning more toward the game.
Ask any true zombie movie fan and the majority will say that the best movies are the ones that didn't over use CGI.
No. I prefer to keep my fondness for the book untainted.
In the possibility of keeping a conversation alive.. If you didn't read the book then how do you feel about the movie trailer so far? Or, try to ignore the book and see the movie as just a movie and not a representation of the book and say what you think of it without being biased.
That also goes to anyone who has read the book as well. The great thing about being human is our ability to separate our thoughts and feelings from one thing to another. So, this could be a nice way to portray that aspect of life.
Another question is: Can anyone name any movie that was made based on a book that really felt like it did the book justice?
Seeing as you choose to use me as an example of "being biased", please allow me to expand on my comment. I'm not interested in watching a computer generated zombie flick that does not respect the genre to which it aspires.
I can think of many movies based on books that, while obviously not as in depth as the original story, I still appreciate as a visual interpretation.
Another question is: Can anyone name any movie that was made based on a book that really felt like it did the book justice?
There are more than enough good movie interpretations. But for each good movie, there are also movies that take what is good about the book and throw it completely out the window just to have a Hollywood ending.
Yes, I am looking at you I am Legend!
Not having read World War Z yet, but what I heard about the book and now see in the trailer. I have a feeling this one will be very similar.
maybe but boring dumb and handsome isn't a good combo. Why do we need good looking survivors. I plan on living thru zombies if they come and I'm not handsome like him but I like my chances versus his (IRL)
I'm actually looking forward to it, which - of course - doesn't mean I won't tear it apart if it turns out to be bad, but I won't judge a movie on a trailer.
Oh, and stating that an actor is boring, dumb and handsome as a given general is plain stupid in my opinion. In case you ever watched Kalifornia, you'd have had the same guy being the opposite... except for stupid in that case.
Just saw the full movie is on YouTube... it's definitely worth a WATCH. Pretty much Brad Pitt meets Kenny.
i would say they are a new monsters not zombies at least the running zombies (although not true zombies) in zombieland and acted like zombies (stupid) these guys seem to have the ability to work together and climb.
Haven't read the book, but thinking a "fresh" Zombie might be more powerful and still be really fast and able to climb, there wouldn't even need to be teamwork going on.
Haven't read the book, but thinking a "fresh" Zombie might be more powerful and still be really fast and able to climb, there wouldn't even need to be teamwork going on.
Zombie sees other Zombies and goes for it.
zombie see zombie do doesn't work if the first zombie shouldn't be able to do it anyway, climbing is a complex maneuver and not something a zombie should be able to do, they are Ghouls or a Revenants
Wasn't this book about zombies?
now its about cgi....hollywood for the win....but no yeah they fucking suck.
it's worse than sparkling vampires and mind talking wolves....and that's saying alot:p
I didn't think things could get much worse than that! lol
only thing that could save this movie is if midway through he has to shoot his wife or daughter that is infected...otherwise its garbage. Oh all the good guys win what a surprise. Who's making this film, fucking walt disney pictures...they are zombies jesus everyone would die IRL
I haven't read the book myself, but I understand it was kind of a story told way after a zombie apocalypse, when the world was getting back to normal - which means this film has about as much with the book to do as Lawnmower Man (take a slightly bizarre story about a fat guy cutting grass by eating it, and tell a story about a retard that becomes one with a computer. Yeah, great concept that...
Pitt hasn't always had the best of roles but he still can put on a good show. IE: Interview with a Vampire, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys for examples. Didn't read the book so thankfully I am not able to compare the movie to it and just take the movie at what it is, a movie.
Are those Zombies or Lemmings? Did someone get them confused?
I'm with you on this one. I have enjoyed every single RE movie so far. Though the 1st and 2nd were the best as they were not as heavy on CGI as the rest are. I have not seen retribution yet though as it is 3D I expect even more CGI but the story leaning more toward the game.
Ask any true zombie movie fan and the majority will say that the best movies are the ones that didn't over use CGI.
In the possibility of keeping a conversation alive.. If you didn't read the book then how do you feel about the movie trailer so far? Or, try to ignore the book and see the movie as just a movie and not a representation of the book and say what you think of it without being biased.
That also goes to anyone who has read the book as well. The great thing about being human is our ability to separate our thoughts and feelings from one thing to another. So, this could be a nice way to portray that aspect of life.
Another question is: Can anyone name any movie that was made based on a book that really felt like it did the book justice?
I can think of many movies based on books that, while obviously not as in depth as the original story, I still appreciate as a visual interpretation.
There are more than enough good movie interpretations. But for each good movie, there are also movies that take what is good about the book and throw it completely out the window just to have a Hollywood ending.
Yes, I am looking at you I am Legend!
Not having read World War Z yet, but what I heard about the book and now see in the trailer. I have a feeling this one will be very similar.
lol but its brad pitt that guy's handsome :P
maybe but boring dumb and handsome isn't a good combo. Why do we need good looking survivors. I plan on living thru zombies if they come and I'm not handsome like him but I like my chances versus his (IRL)
The Walking Dead taught you that your speed and physically strengh means nothing. You can run, but can you outrun a phycos bullet?
I remember one of the scenes they filmed they had loads of running extras. If they've CGI'd all over that I'll be very upset.
Oh, and stating that an actor is boring, dumb and handsome as a given general is plain stupid in my opinion. In case you ever watched Kalifornia, you'd have had the same guy being the opposite... except for stupid in that case.
Just saw the full movie is on YouTube... it's definitely worth a WATCH. Pretty much Brad Pitt meets Kenny.
at what point is the undead not a zombie? (i would say this point http://youtu.be/HcwTxRuq-uk?t=2m10s )
Zombie sees other Zombies and goes for it.
zombie see zombie do doesn't work if the first zombie shouldn't be able to do it anyway, climbing is a complex maneuver and not something a zombie should be able to do, they are Ghouls or a Revenants
so it should be called World War G or World War R