So I have an interesting idea...

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
Well we all know that in the end of episode 4 we are basically able to choose who comes with us to find Clem and we know people probably will die in episode 5.
Well what if we are able to choose who'll die in episode 5 similar to how we chose who comes with us. SO at the end we have a different character or 2 depending on what we did :D


  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    Not Really interesting.. Or close to that.. so, the same reaction as the post before...
  • edited November 2012
    Way to rain on my parade :rolleyes:
    When I read it back it does seem a bit lame, I was in a rush so I should elaborate it a bit more :(
    I was thinking that there could be a choice like the Doug and Carley choice in episode 1 that involves more characters, but instead of choosing who to save, we can choose who to leave. So say if any of the the group does make it to the end then people will have different outcomes depending on their play-through. For me that'd be a really hard choice that'll mess with my emotions no matter what.
    I have everyone coming with me so I won't be surprised if there are certain places where a character is programmed to die but it depends on our choices on who actually does die at that point.
  • edited November 2012
    Why does everyone think their ideas are interesting? I mean, it's something that always happens, we all think our ideas are interesting, but we shouldn't be bragging about it if we didn't hear anyone's opinion first... Jus some general of topic, nothing related to this post at all. It seems like a nice idea, I'd hate to leave anyone, however...I'm guessing I'd help everyone (if possible). I think it depends on the situation.
  • edited November 2012
    Well, that's a different point there. Could be.. I don't know. So, you are thinking that.. Well, say 5 people are boarding the boat, and we have to pick just a few people to come with us? Or we can determine the death of a character, whether he lives or dies. I dunno, maybe on random characters, but on every character. People would do that to pick everyone to live.
  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited November 2012
    Ghositex wrote: »
    Why does everyone think their ideas are interesting? I mean, it's something that always happens, we all think our ideas are interesting, but we shouldn't be bragging about it if we didn't hear anyone's opinion first....

    Agreed, their inability to control themselves is silly. They think they'll get responses like "Omg you're so clever" and when they instead get criticism they go in a huff
  • edited November 2012
    Ghositex wrote: »
    Why does everyone think their ideas are interesting?.

    In my opinion, insecurity.

    Instead of merely presenting it, they draw attention to it in the hopes of getting more out of it.
  • edited November 2012
    My concern is that Im going to be handed a "Kill one of your group or Clem dies" choice & Kenny wont be around to taste lead 'cause I told him to fuck off.
  • edited November 2012
    Ninnuendo wrote: »
    my concern is that im going to be handed a "kill one of your group or clem dies" choice & kenny wont be around to taste lead 'cause i told him to fuck off.

    long live kenny!
  • edited November 2012
    OMG Dude, you are so clever!
  • edited November 2012
    I'm worried it may be a Mass effect 2 ending area

    You give someone a task and you choose the right person or they die

    Ben may be best as a distraction while Kenny would be best at opening a door
  • edited November 2012
    Ghositex wrote: »
    Why does everyone think their ideas are interesting? I mean, it's something that always happens, we all think our ideas are interesting, but we shouldn't be bragging about it if we didn't hear anyone's opinion first... Jus some general of topic, nothing related to this post at all. It seems like a nice idea, I'd hate to leave anyone, however...I'm guessing I'd help everyone (if possible). I think it depends on the situation.

    I usually think Telltales ideas are better than most of the ones we come up with but we have to pass the week somehow and many people are almost crying with anticipation
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