"Campman", Mercy or no mercy

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
(this poll will close on the 20th)
will you give him mercy for stealing a little girl?
(the fourth choice is supposed to be: maybe not, maybe I'll kill him) :(


  • edited November 2012
    I chose the 1st option. Why? Because I'm a nice guy. The game hints that he hasn't hurt Clem, so why just straight up kill him? Let him show his personality first. I love Clem as much as anyone would, but seriously people - go into reality. This community is full of people who love Clem to an ABNORMAL state, it's just Clem Clem Clem, do anyone that looks the SLIGHTEST to a threat, and i'll tear you to pieces fucka! Just stop with that, it's retarded.
  • edited November 2012
    I honestly don't know at this point. What are his motives? Why did he kidnap Clem? I'd think that it's too early to say that I'm going to kill him. Let's see what happens in episode 5.
  • edited November 2012
    Too early to tell.
  • edited November 2012
    He Essentially got Lee bit and most likely killed
    and Depending on how Clemmy was under his "Care" will decide the bastard's fate
  • edited November 2012
    I have every intention of killing him, it'll be up to Telltale to convince me not to.
  • edited November 2012
    Depends, really. If he hasn't done any harm to anyone, even if he did kidnap a little girl, killing him is not worth it. If someone gets hurt (or worse, killed) because of him, be it Clem or someone that came with me, you can consider that guy dead.
  • edited November 2012
    I said yes because of the wording of your question (stealing or kidnapping a little girl). If it comes out that she started talking to him on the radio again and ran to find him because she is mad at your or thinks he can help find her parents (even if he didn't tell her he could) I would spare him if he found her and protected her.

    However if he lured her out of our group and protection than yes I'd kill whoever it was for putting her at risk and just being an ass. For the record I don't think it was Campman doing this based upon the evidence of how they despised the young, sick and old.

    I have no idea who it is but can't wait to find out in a week.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm gonna kill him, I don't care if he's nice, many psychopaths and deviants can seem outwardly nice. In the end he's someone who's willing to kidnap a child to get what he wants, in the ZA that's going to net him a bullet to the brain (or a salt lick, or the floorboards of a belltower).

    This time a heart attack and a hysterical daughter aint gonna save someone, this time clems and the rest of the group staring scared and horrified at me aint gonna save someone, this time a heroic acceptance of death and willingness to sacrifice oneself for the group aint gonna save someone. Whatever telltale throws at me, he dies.

    Show No Mercy
  • edited November 2012
    He Essentially got Lee bit and most likely killed
    and Depending on how Clemmy was under his "Care" will decide the bastard's fate

    This is what I wanted to say. Without that guy messing with Clem on the radio, she wouldn't have run away, Lee wouldn't have gotten bit, etc..
  • edited November 2012
    I don't give a shit if he hurts Clem or not. Fuck her, I just want Lee's kill list to go higher.
  • edited November 2012
    If he's a nice guy I might give him mercy. Though I highly doubt it, but it could be that he (if he did) kidnap Clementine, Maybe he was looking to find her a better place. Could be. Time will tell...
  • edited November 2012
    Only if necessary...

    I won't risk Clem for a kidnapper
    And if he doesn't beg for mercy
    If he doesn't apolagise
    If he doesn't promise to leave us alone
    If he doesn't have a valid reason
    If he gives me no choice
    I will not risk Clem and I will not let him be a risk to anyone else
    but also I will not risk Clem over a Vandetta
    and if best for Clem...
    will spare him
    Or hopefully give him a ...
  • edited November 2012
    He's dead already to me.

    Fucking got me bit :D
  • edited November 2012
    Depends on how he treats Clem and how the confrntation between him and Lee goes. If he threatens to hurt her, I've got a 9mm round with his name on it. If not he can go his way AFTER releasing Clem.
  • edited November 2012
    Obviously as of right now you would kill him but if you really think tt is going to let the backstory of this mysterious man go untold, youre wrong. And chances are there is some redeeming quality about him and herego I said maybe.
  • edited November 2012
    If Clem is unharmed, If he lets her go, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for him. I will not pursue him.

    If he doesn't let her go, I will look for him. I will find him.

    And I will kill him.

    Nah in all seriousness I voted maybe because I was wondering if Lee & co. had maybe misunderstood his intentions somehow, but I think it unlikely. He'll have some unjust justification for his actions but he'll probably have to die.
  • edited November 2012
    Now that I think about it, TellTale will probably give him some sort of redeeming value that will even out the % of players who chose to kill him or not.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm pretty confident I'm going to kill him. Abducting or taking or coercing Clem to go with him is what got me bit. I am dead because of him, so it's only fair he joins me.
This discussion has been closed.