Ice Station Santa - play it again for Christmas!

EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
edited February 2010 in Sam & Max
One of the many great reasons for releasing Ice Station Santa in November was that you can now replay it in December and get that warm, Christmasy feeling inside all over again. Sam & Max designer extraordinaire Brendan Q. Ferguson has come up with another great list of things to try on your second play through. So grab some egg-nog, put on your warm, fuzzy slippers, and curl up in front of your PC for another few hours of holiday cheer.

In Ice Station Santa, did you...
...repeatedly talk to Flint, both before and after going to the North Pole? to Max in the office before defeating the robot and after going to the North Pole?
...…talk to Max on the street during the robot scene, before and after winning Jimmy’s horse, and after the exorcism?
…shoot the robot while you were on the street?
…say all the possible song lyrics to the robot before pulling his wind-up key?
…repeatedly bombard the Soda Poppers with snowballs?
…try to give Boxing Betty or the maze to the Soda Poppers?
…talk to Max outside Santa's before going down the chimney, and both before and after the exorcism?
…try to throw a snowball at an elf?
…choose all the incorrect things to make the elf cry before choosing the one about Santa?
…repeatedly knock on Santa's door?
…talk to Max in the workshop both before and after the exorcism, and during the showdown with Santa?
…talk to Max in Santa's room before and after finding the exorcism instructions, and after the Spirits appear?
…repeatedly look at the Stocking Stuffer recipient list?
…speak to the elves about the horsemen once you’d heard about them?
…sing the demon song before looking at the crate or computer? (You get a couple different choices)
…choose the song verse "at the place, you know, with the thing…"
…try to shoot Jimmy while he was on the ledge?
…try to give Jimmy the rat maze?
…choose all of Max's dialogue options with Jimmy on the ledge?
…say "Them" to Bosco more than five times?
...see the singing mariachi?
…talk to Max in Bosco's before getting his horseman?
…shoot the bug to hear his gunpowder memory?
…try to shoot Stinky or Sybil?
…give the maze to Stinky?
…give Mary Two-Teeth to Stinky?
…try to give Stinky's sock to Sybil and Lincoln?
…talk to Max in Stinky's both before and after winning trivia, and again after the exorcism?
…get all three versions of the Elmer decal, and the four other decals, and claim your mystery prize?
…shoot the Shambling Corporate Presence?
…repeatedly talk to Santa while he was on the guard tower?
…shoot the rat hole in Christmas Past?
...use Stinky’s sock on the bug in Christmas Present?
…talk to everyone in the real Stinky's diner while the bug family is there?
…talk to the bug after his family left?
…try to shoot Sam & Max of Christmas Future?
...turn the hints up to high and try not to solve puzzles no matter how obvious?


  • edited December 2007
    It might just be a bug in my game, but
    …talk to Max in the workshop both before and after the exorcism, and during the showdown with Santa?
    does not result in anything different for me.
  • BrendanBrendan Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Max's response to "What should we do about Santa" changes depending on the context.
  • edited December 2007
    I did most of these on my first few runs. Time to check out the ones I didn't think about like using the various items that smell on the bug.
  • edited December 2007
    I didn't talk to Max *that* much, silly fear of getting accidental hints (which wont happen since my hint-level stay at zero in options).
  • edited December 2007
    Huh, I would have thought
    Stinky's Sock
    would have triggered a funnier line than it did. Loved the
    Dirty Harry
    joke, though. :D
  • edited December 2007
    I can second the suggestion to replay with the hints turned on. There are a lot of great lines there. :)

    Also, I wondered if the "What's the rush? It's the middle of november!" was tied to the actual date you're playing. If I finish the game on Christmas eve, does it still say that?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    That would be cool, and very You Don't Know Jack vol. 4, but no, it just says that because that's when the episode came out :)
  • edited December 2007
    Soultaker wrote: »
    I can second the suggestion to replay with the hints turned on. There are a lot of great lines there. :)

    I'm going to try it at max hint level, Max will talking non-stop I suppose :)

    About the hint-level I once had it on #1 which I think is lowest but I still got an easy hint very quickly? Specifically I didn't realise I could search *past* Stinky's and didn't find the 4th horseman as a result, but when I return to the pole I pretty much immediatly got a 'hint' that the horseman was still on the car. While that was true it struck me as a bit too much hint at that level? (I turned hints of again after that, just needed the one past stinky)
  • edited January 2008
    …repeatedly bombard the Soda Poppers with snowballs?
    - yes, yes, and yes! One of my favorite parts of the game (along with Max's comments at the end of the episode). And speaking of snowballs:
    ... try to throw a snowball at Max?

    As for the rest, I thought I found everything on my second and third runs through, but now I'm gonna have to play it again!
  • edited January 2008
    i wonder if i am the only person who noticed the easter egg on boscos conspiracy wall...

    there is an overhead picture of telltales office building circled in the "could it all be coming from here?" picture :rolleyes:

    there are a lot of things in game that have fine detail like that, and can only be seen at high resolution....

    *Dangerzone starts keeping a loaded shotgun by the door.... just in case*
  • edited January 2008
    I just want a better angle of the wall so I can see what he has up on it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i wonder if i am the only person who noticed the easter egg on boscos conspiracy wall...

    there is an overhead picture of telltales office building circled in the "could it all be coming from here?" picture :rolleyes:

    there are a lot of things in game that have fine detail like that, and can only be seen at high resolution....

    *Dangerzone starts keeping a loaded shotgun by the door.... just in case*

    It's only creepy that you recognized an ariel view of our office by signt. (Fortunately, that's the old office!). There's a reference to the location of our old office in 201's dialog as well.
  • edited January 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i wonder if i am the only person who noticed the easter egg on boscos conspiracy wall...

    there is an overhead picture of telltales office building circled in the "could it all be coming from here?" picture :rolleyes:

    there are a lot of things in game that have fine detail like that, and can only be seen at high resolution....

    *Dangerzone starts keeping a loaded shotgun by the door.... just in case*

    How did you know what their offices looked like from an ariel view?
  • edited January 2008
    a friend of mine specialises in web technology, and he used to liease for the fbi, one day we were joking around and he said he can show me a current satellite image of just about anywhere on earth (within reason)... all he needs is a name, so after seeing my old neighborhoods and where some of my old high school bullies are living... among a bunch of other things that came to mind at the time, i asked to see some office buildings of companies i know (telltale, cyan, kheops, ubisofts eastern branch, etc.) add my photographic memory and the massive display resolution i use, i noticed the easter egg :rolleyes:

    as for the conspiracy wall... i may play 201 again in a few days to refreshen it in my mind before i play 202, i will get a nice shot of it for you guys (provided a telltale employee doesnt show some love and post a pic first) because as i do recall... a big portion of it is blocked by the junk in front of the wall

    (off topic, but you guys may find this intresting none the less.... apparently satellite images are considered classified untill they have been gone over by some goverment comission to declare that there is nothing harmfull or classified in the images (like people skinny dipping)... and i did sign a waiver saying that what i was seeing was classified at the time, this is why most satellite images on google and other sites are always several years old... but despite this, according to him, live satellite images are actually a very easy resorce to tap into, and are begining to be used by local police agencies to track criminals on the run in live time)

  • edited January 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    It's only creepy that you recognized an ariel view of our office by signt. (Fortunately, that's the old office!). There's a reference to the location of our old office in 201's dialog as well.

    Is that you know, the place, with the thing?
    Are taquitos like some sort of small taco? We don't have them in our Mexican restaurants here, not that I know of anyway
  • edited January 2008
    ok... i looked and i did have a save game right at the end of the episode (right before the final act) so i was able to go back to boscos and get a few shots of the wall without doing everything all over again

    the first is the main shot... the second is a composite of other views of the wall gotten from clicking on other things around the wall (sorry for the huge size... figured i would just post this way so your guys could see them at full resolution, but i did compress the size a bit)


  • edited January 2008
    that Zazzle & Fib comic just drives me up the wall. I know it's supposed to be funny because it makes no sense, but the levels of nonsensicalium particles makes my brain buzz something fierce.

  • edited January 2008
    I think those are the same frames from the Season 1 Case File, but more than likely it is the texture from the comic book in Season 1.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Both. :) It was on Harry Moleman's newspaper in episode 103, and then we used it in the case file.
  • edited January 2008
    Hey, could this be re-pinned, at least until there's a link on the Ice Station Santa page?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Pff, whatever.
  • edited January 2008
    Thank ye. :D
  • edited March 2008
    Did anyone try sending presents to various people? I sent a Moai head to Sybil but she never got it :(
  • edited April 2008
    I sent a Moai Head to Bosco.
    Imagine my surprise when it turns up in Chariots of the Dogs. Sadly Abe doesn't like mail so that ironic footbath won't reach him.
  • edited April 2009
    there's some: I find out today
    did you give Jimmy his "trophy" or Stinky's sock
    did you throw a snowball at Santa or the Shambling corporate presence
  • edited February 2010
    I give the maze to Stinky and was she the creator of the world simplest maze. Why?
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