In a ZA would you lose your humanity?

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
So what would you do?
Would you remain as human as possible, because lets face it, the world is f**** and we need to work together to help build a better future.
Or would you turn bandit because in this bleak world, there is no law enforcement and government any more to prevent your actions. So you would kill other people for supplies and for the sake of survival, you would lose your humanity.


  • edited November 2012
    I have humanity left?
  • edited November 2012
    Kind of a vague question to ask.
  • edited November 2012
    zgamer wrote: »
    Kind of a vague question to ask.
    Not really. You lose your humanity if you are willing to murder another person. So choose yes, if you would be a bandit.
  • edited November 2012
    I'll try not to.
  • edited November 2012
    i lost my humanity in vampire the masquerade once and it sucked, so i wouldn't want to do it again

    :rolleyes: accidental vampire pun FTW
  • edited November 2012
    This is a really vague question, so vague that I can't even begin to answer. What is humanity? Different people will perceive it in different ways- take abortion for example, some think it inhumane and some do not. And remember how much context matters.
  • edited November 2012
    I'll create a band of Anti-Bandits.... The Z.A. version of Robinhood and his Merry Men of Justice. The easiest thing to do is to become bad in a end of world type situation, and there probably would be more bad men than good, it's sad to say.

    If willing to get rid of a problem for the good of my group, be it kill them or leave them for dead means that I'm losing my humanity, then that definition means YES, I picked NO though. I'd want to be more like Lee than Rick or Shane. Rick has lasted longer than both Lee & Shane...... and has started to lose his humanity, or saneness.
  • edited November 2012
    I think it's impossible not to. Those who don't are the ones who are going to die.
  • edited November 2012
    Define humanity. If you go zombie, definitely yes.
  • edited November 2012
    With how easily I am able to just say the hell with everyone but family. I can honestly say that I would most likely lose my humanity fairly quickly.
  • edited November 2012
    What a very subjective question.....
  • edited November 2012
    We'll never actually know unless we're faced with something like it.
  • edited November 2012
    In a ZA, would you lose your house keys?
    In a ZA, would you do various actions for a klondike bar?
    In a ZA, would you let the dogs out?
    In a ZA, would you kindly?
    In a ZA, would you just look at that?
    In a ZA, would you hit it?
    In a ZA, would you, or will you?
    In a ZA, would you yell it from the rooftops?
    In a ZA, would you ZA your ZA?
    In a ZA, would you keep making "In a ZA, would you..." threads?
  • edited November 2012
    First of all, define humanity. It's not necessarily the same for everyone.

    Second, how on earth would you be able to predict something like that? Everyone that says no to the question obviously don't think so considering current events, but would they in that situation? And all saying yes are either doing it jokingly or they are pretty close to losing it now, which is disturbing.

    In any case it's a very strange amd vague question, and impossible to answer in our current state.
  • edited November 2012
    In real life I don't really trust other people if I don't know them very well. So I don't think that I would join a huge group of survivors. That is why I think that I won't have much chances to lose my humanity until I finally die.
  • edited November 2012
    To me it is impossible to answer this question. Of course I'd like to think that I would at least try to remain a decent person, but who knows how you would react in such a situation?
  • edited November 2012
    I'm not sure what you mean by losing your humanity? If you mean merely being willing to kill to protect me and mine, then I'm not sure I ever had it. That doesn't really fit my definition however.

    It really depends on whether my family survives, if so I'd do whatever needed doing to make sure it stays that way, strangers only having value in so far as they increase the odds of that.

    Without them, though? I suppose I'd join a group, but I doubt I'd take any unnecessary risks for strangers, or allow the needs of others to endanger myself. Eventually things will quiet down and people start to rebuild, if I'm still alive I won't be alone, I'm not THAT good.

    Would that constitute losing your humanity?
  • edited November 2012
    TC should study morality/ethics/philosophy.

    In real life I'm a loner, not exactly by choice. Mostly because in my life growing up people made a lot of choices for me, and that put me on a path where I couldn't put down roots anywhere or have any friends. The result? Well, in a zombie apocalypse I'm not going to be any lonelier than I'm used to.

    Seems like that's what gets everyone, the whole being alone/losing people thing.

    By the TC's standard I've probably already lost my humanity. If by murder, you mean kill someone for no reason, or just so you could take their stuff, no I wouldn't do that. If you mean I would kill someone to ensure I survive? that's a no brainer. Even then though, a lot of whether or not I'd kill someone would be context dependent. Not going to do it for no reason, but if I think that's what I go to do to go on living? No problem.
  • edited November 2012
    I've been told that I look like an "unlikely hero" and I know for certain what plans and descicions I'd make in the ZA.
    So yeah...I'd be the hero-type. Of course--I'm not stupid enough to put myself at impossible risks trying to save someone, but I ain't just gonna pass over people who need some help!
    Gonna take a pistol-crossbow and longbow just in case the scum try to attack my friends, coz not all guys will see it my way!
  • edited November 2012
    How can you know that? :/
  • edited November 2012
    What's a "ZA"?
  • edited November 2012
    Zombie Apocalypse.
  • edited November 2012
    I would model my decisions after Shane.


    You mad?
  • edited November 2012
    Loose my what now?
  • edited November 2012
    It would be a different world, It would be very easy to end up doing something stupid because of the heat of the moment and very strong emotions, someone might not be there to stop you from killing someone
  • edited November 2012
    I voted yes as I would,I would not become a bandit though,I would lose it later on,not once it has all started.

    Everyone would (as long as you survived long enough to lose it) it could take months though,but eventually it will happen.
  • edited November 2012
    I would try not to :)
  • edited November 2012
    By technicallity, humanity is the measure we gauge our actions agienst our fellow man. Frankly, i believe that an apocolyptic event would change our aspects on life, people, and our actions. For instance: in the world we live in today, we are rarely given the opertunity to save people and when it shows itself we are obligated to take action. However, in the apocolypse we would be more focused on the survival of ourselves and those close to us.

    So yes, the humanity I hold today would all but be abolished in this event.
    -please forgive my spelling.
  • KaeKae
    edited November 2012
    I'd probably be a mix. I'm out to protect me and mine, first and foremost, but I wouldn't become a total monster.
  • edited November 2012
    Easy answer: Become a bandit hunter. You get to loot what they have and keep your morality intact at the same time.
  • edited November 2012
    I don't thinks so. Only strongest survive.
  • edited November 2012
    In general I'm a pragmatist, and believe in trying to put feelings aside to make decisions rationally. But I also firmly believe that there's no point surviving if you just become a worse monster than the zombies in the process. I would try to do what I thought was right, try to maintain a sense of justice, even when it meant taking the riskier or more dangerous path. I'd probably end up dead because of it. But we all die eventually anyway, and I'd rather go out having stuck to my convictions, than having bought myself a few extra years by doing whatever awful thing it took to stay alive.

    Of course, this is all theoretical. Who knows how they'd actually behave if they were really faced with a situation like the end of civilization.
  • edited November 2012
    I would pretty much be a walking demon. Let's not delude ourselves here, "humanity" can only be defined by the laws and rules governing it.

    Throw all that out the window and at BEST, to survive, you end up like Rick.

    That's the best I'd hope for. I don't mean TV Rick, either. I'm talking comic Rick. Sits on a truck and talks to an empty phone Rick.

    At best.
  • edited November 2012
    Everyone will lose a part of their humanity, whether they want to or not, i think.

    I believe it would be possible to retain humanity in some form, keeping to your morals, your ideals and such. It would be more difficult always, and there would be plenty of times where you simply cannot do the right thing, for one reason or another. It really depends on the individual a lot, and their own willpower and desire to stay true to themselves, i think.

    In the end, no one can be right or wrong here because we just don't know how this would play out if a real zombie apocalypse would happen. I'd try as hard as i could to retain my own humanity, and would die before i dropped to the levels of a bandit. Though that probably wouldn't be necessary, since I would likely freeze in terror at the sight of a walker, and likely fall prey to the apocalypse before i could learn to accept it.
  • edited December 2012
    Obviously you can't know for certain but yes I believe I would be very willing to kill other people.
  • edited December 2012
    I'd be too weak to lose my humanity.
  • edited December 2012
    Depends what situations I go through really. I'll probably thrive in a ZA.
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