I think I know who those people were...

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead

I'm talking about the epilogue. I highly doubt it's Christa and Omid honestly. Think about it. Several times the option of "Give Clementine to someone safe" appeared as on of the four choices. Why would Lee even think such a thing if that was not the case right? Of course, you could also tell Clem "not to trust anyone ever" where he mentions he isn't sure of how trustworthy Omid and Christa are but I doubt she would listen to that. But there's more.

Christa and Omid have proven that they don't really like Lee. If you don't show the bite and did not leave Clem in the house with a gun they reveal that they don't trust you. Also, she doesn't want a family as evidenced by how she drank a lot of the wiskey and did not like the idea of parenting Clem. To top that all off, they thought meeting up with Lee and Clem at the Marsh House was a stupid idea. My guess is that because they are on their own again, it gave them the time to think of their choices. They probably felt thought that Lee may turn into a walker and kill both the kidnapper and Clementine. Not willing to take chances, they left to the countryside. A DIFFERENT countryside. The two people shown looked like men and both looked about the same height. One of them looked fat. (This could be Christa with her baby bump starting to show though). If it was the same two characters, that would be great but Telltale always pulls the unexpected and they may be Omid and Christa after all.


  • edited November 2012
    george1120 wrote: »

    I'm talking about the epilogue. I highly doubt it's Christa and Omid honestly. Think about it. Several times the option of "Give Clementine to someone safe" appeared as on of the four choices. Why would Lee even think such a thing if that was not the case right? Of course, you could also tell Clem "not to trust anyone ever" where he mentions he isn't sure of how trustworthy Omid and Christa are but I doubt she would listen to that. But there's more.

    Christa and Omid have proven that they don't really like Lee. If you don't show the bite and did not leave Clem in the house with a gun they reveal that they don't trust you. Also, she doesn't want a family as evidenced by how she drank a lot of the wiskey and did not like the idea of parenting Clem. To top that all off, they thought meeting up with Lee and Clem at the Marsh House was a stupid idea. My guess is that because they are on their own again, it gave them the time to think of their choices. They probably felt thought that Lee may turn into a walker and kill both the kidnapper and Clementine. Not willing to take chances, they left to the countryside. A DIFFERENT countryside. The two people shown looked like men and both looked about the same height. One of them looked fat. (This could be Christa with her baby bump starting to show though). If it was the same two characters, that would be great but Telltale always pulls the unexpected and they may be Omid and Christa after all.

    I'm not sure I agree with that. During my play-thrus, Christa and Omid were nothing but nice to me. When I mentioned taking Clemmy to them (Kenny being my first choice), they seemed really sympathetic, and almost happy. They exchanged a smiling glance toward one another, before I went Rambo on the horde.

    When I saw the two, there was a clear height difference in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I thought that they might have been other people (In one of my play-thrus, I let the St. Johns live. *Shudder*), but when I took a good look on my second play-thru, I kind of dislodged that thought from my mind.

    If they aren't Christa and Omid, I'll be damned surprised, though. :D
  • edited November 2012
    Clem looked more scared than happy at the end of the epilogue.
  • edited November 2012
    george1120 wrote: »
    Clem looked more scared than happy at the end of the epilogue.

    I think that was more for dramatic effect, for the audience. Then again, they were WAY out there, and she probably couldn't see who they were. Remember, Clemmy has no idea what you told Christa and Omid, aside from one of the options to "find them." She didn't, and wandered away. There's no way she knows it's them. :D
  • edited November 2012
    SO does that mean Clem lives and season 2 is going to be based on her? This game absolutely blew my mind..Id like to see new charters in season 2 but Id also love to see Clem live on into season 2
  • edited November 2012
    tfb4me wrote: »
    SO does that mean Clem lives and season 2 is going to be based on her? This game absolutely blew my mind..Id like to see new charters in season 2 but Id also love to see Clem live on into season 2

    I think that's up for grabs. I'm leaning toward yes, in my opinion, that Clemmy will be in season two. That would be a really odd way of closing season one, with that ending. Really, if you think about it, the first season was based on her. She effected most of your decisions, after the first episode.

    Huzzah for the false protagonist! <3
  • edited November 2012
    Clem finds the shotgun casings on the ground, so you know even the countryside has its danger. Then she sees the silhouette's off in the distance, she goes through so many thoughts all at once. Is it Omid and Christa? What if it's someone else dangerous? Should I run away? Hide? Go after them? Then you see the two silhouette's stop dead in their tracks and start looking at her. She knows they saw her, so now what? Run? Go towards them? Wait for them to come towards her? It is a messed up situation given the circumstances. If they continue the story in season two, we will find out, and more than likely I think it will be Omid and Christa. It is suspenseful and we have to wait to find out, a good cliffhanger for people to come back when they release the first episode.
  • edited November 2012
    It's definitely Omid and Christa. It perfectly fits their silhouette: one was tall and thin while the other was short and rather plump.
  • edited November 2012
    Not sure where you're getting the negative opinion of them, they were both awesome people to me in my playthrough.
  • edited November 2012
    Wow couldnt sleep worth a crap lastnight...Kept thinking of my darling Clem out there all alone..I sure hope those 2 people werent bad..This is the first game that has messed with my head like this..Way to go Telltale!
  • edited November 2012
    To me they were just trying to be cautious. They joined a pretty f***** up group, didn't know much (if anything) about all the conflicts in there and didn't make contact with anyone up to that point at all to be safe. Lee revealing the bite however is a huge proof of trust, and that could have been the point where his intentions became clear to them. Actually they both are the only persons that seemed nice from the beginning to the end.
  • edited November 2012
    My first thought was that the silhouettes were Omid and Christa, implying they found each other after all. But it could very well be different characters from Season 2, if Season 2 starts with a new story and set of characters. Maybe in the end of Season 2's first episode, you wind up walking along the countryside and suddenly you see a little girl staring at you in the distance. That'd be pretty interesting. But I still think Omid and Christa are most likely who they are.
  • edited November 2012
    i intially hated christa and omid cos i lost carley...

    then upon doing a second run with from dougs demise i saw them differantly..

    christa hesitated before drinking sort of a i don't want to but i need to fuck it i'm going to...

    also it is WAY to early to tell who it is even ttg don't know who those two are.. merely place holders...

    now in my first run of ep5 i told them to get a boat and find clem, my question is how would anyone find a boat in a freaking field ? ;)
  • edited November 2012
    At first when the screen goes black I thought I heard a gunshot and I freaked out but realized it was a special effect 3x
  • edited November 2012
    so has anyone seen in a playthrough without ben (the one were christa/kenny die) if there are still 2 persons in the epilogue?
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