Hardest Choice? (Pollo)

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
For me, it definitely has to be whether to chop off Lee's arm or not. I chopped it off, almost letting the timer run out before I made a decision.

What has been the hardest choice for you in the entire game?


  • edited November 2012
    I might have to think a bit for a better answer, but I remember off the top of my head that making Kenny shoot the walker in the attic in Ep. 4 took me a long time to decide on. I got the feeling that him not being able to shoot would be a problem later, thought it turns out I was wrong.
  • edited November 2012

    I really hate Larry but it's the most hardest choice whether to kill him or not. In the end I and Kenny did kill him.
  • edited November 2012
    I'd go with the decision about Lee's arm.

    The logical choice seemed to be to chop off his arm, but...I just didn't think he'd be able to protect Clem with heavy blood loss and only one arm. I had to think about that one for a while.
  • edited November 2012
    From quick recollection; Possibly wether or not to kill the screaming girl in Macon.

    I didn't shoot her. I regret it but the game didn't offer me a lot of choices there. :/ Like it did offer much anywhere... hmph
  • edited November 2012
    ...I want multiple choices.
  • edited November 2012
    For me it was whether or not to kill larry. I wanted the asshole dead but not like that dragging his daughter off of him. I didnt have a hard time with the amputation at all. I kept my arm. I already knew it was too late and it wouldnt matter.
  • edited November 2012
    Weather to pull Ben up or not, was the hardest choice for me cause I had such mixed feelings about him. But it was a close one.
  • edited November 2012
    Stealing from the car. Although luls no matter what I did Campman would still hate me for it.
  • edited November 2012
    Doug or Carley because it was such an annoying thing! I liked them both and although I could see it coming, it was tough and I almost didn't pick either because I was stumped. Killing Larry was a close second because it was cruel but Larry really was an arse. 3rd is chopping off Lee's arm: I didn't do it but it was a hard decision none the less. By the way put spoilers in the title!:(
  • edited November 2012
    Leaving Lily behind. Really tough one. I loved Carley, but ultimately, I couldn't force myself to leave Lily behind. I figured it wasn't the right time or place. My plan was to deal with her the next morning (where I probably would have abandoned her). Whoops.
  • edited November 2012
    Shooting duck or not, I mean you can't do that to a kids father, but killing his son to save him grief... it was the hardest choice.
  • edited November 2012
    Mine was whether to help kill Larry or not. I chose to help.
  • edited November 2012
    mine was stopping lee from turning
  • edited November 2012
    Mine was taking Clem to crawford. I didn't want her to come with me, but I didn't feel like leaving her was a good option either.

    In the end I left her in the house with Omid, thinking that at least she could hide somewhere.
  • edited November 2012
    For me it was saving Doug or Carley, of all the choices that one felt like it had the greatest impact on the game. Also it was a genuine example of deciding who shall live and who shall die.
  • edited November 2012
    Actually the hardest decisions for me weren't listed here: Many conversations with Clementine. I always felt like every little detail is important to let her grow into a more or less normal woman.
    Apart from that I'm with most of the voted ones so far: Taking Clem to Crawford or leaving her in the house (I left her in the end) and removing Lee's arm (which I did).
    I also think the "Chop off David's leg" one was hard as well. I really tried every possible option (and were very mad that Lee threw the stone at the chain instead of using it to block the trap...are you serious?) and when I finally decided there's no other way there wasn't enough time left. So I chopped the poor guy's leg a few times and couldn't even finish it in time, leaving him there after he suffered so much. That was the only time I couldn't bring myself to go on like that and reload.

    In the case of "Doug of Carley" I honestly thought that Carleys situation didn't look nearly as bad as Doug's, so it wasn't really a decision who I want to save, but who looked like they actually needed help to me.
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