A few things to discuss

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
Sorry about the vague title. I have a few things I'd like share opinions on and I didn't want to make multiple threads for them seeing as there as so many active threads right now :D If there are already threads on these topics I apologise in advance.

1. What do you think was the best scene in the whole series?
For me it was the Kenny and Ben scene in episode 5. It had something really tragic and special to it. Just the way Ben really wanted to live this time probably because he really wanted to prove himself but it was clear he was a goner. During that scene it really felt like for the first time that Ben really is just a kid and it was even more tragic as we just saw him standing up for himself and learning how he had been feeling all this time. It was really clear that Kenny forgave him and I think even related to him so gave his life to make sure Ben didn't feel any more pain.

2. Who do you think were the most developed characters?
I think it was Kenny, Ben (only if he was in episode 5) and Clementine (I didn't include Lee because you choose what he says most of the time).
Kenny: He kept on pushing despite his family dying. He still held onto hope and left behind his selfish attitude to save another's life.
Ben: I think Clementine may have been the only one to ever ask Ben about his family and that makes me feel worse for Ben. It was forgotten that he was a kid and he lost people too. That and the fact that he was always put down by the group makes Ben one of the most tragic characters. I only think you can see the last part of his development if you saved him. I think he proved himself without being the hero, all he had to do was to stand up and stop sulking in the shadows, he gained some confidence in episode 5.
Clementine: It was amazing and she was still incredibly strong but at the same time it was still clear that she was a little girl. I think everyone can see what makes Clementine a great character.

3. Do you now think it was a good idea to leave Clem with Vernon?
I do now. She probably wouldn't have been taken by campman and Lee wouldn't have gotten bit and then Clem wouldn't have been wandering alone at the end. I don't know if Vernon would have attempted to take the boat still though.

4. Did you like who campman turned out to be?
I really did. When I first saw the station wagon outside the hotel I immediately shouted "NO, IT CAN'T BE..." because I know some people said campman could have been the guy who owned it. I'll be honest and say i was a bit disappointed when I found out he was a normal guy with no connection to Lee, but when he started talking to me I was pulled in. I thought he may have been a good guy concerned about a little girl, even though it was clear he was mad, he had good intentions. I wasn't going to leave Clem with him and wanted to try and avoid violence with him because he cared for Clem...but then he started talking to the head inside his bag. That for me made a big impact, I was just like "woaaaah, ok, my first impression of you has taken a complete U-turn!". After that i didn't care about his good intentions and I went ballistic and didn't even hesitate to kill him which was awesome because I pitied him before the head bit :eek: When it was all over my mouth was literally hanging open!


  • edited November 2012
    1. What do you think was the best scene in the whole series?

    The final exchange between Clementine and Lee. It was so unbelievably heartbreaking - as I've said in another thread, I am a grown ass man that hasn't cried in God knows how long, and I wept like a little girl during their last conversation.
    2. Who do you think were the most developed characters?

    That's a really good question, and I don't think I have a very good answer to it - I think that was kind of the point. None of the characters are overly developed; they're meant to represent how little our pasts matter in this kind of situation. It's also meant to keep focus on the present, and the story of Lee and his redemption, I think.

    I do think, however, that Kenny is my favorite non-Lee character due to his complexity and how well he mirrors your average human being in real life. He's emotional at times, irrational at others, caring and protective for those he feels close to, and irreparably broken by the death of his wife and son. He pursues the dream of a boat with feverish passion and, even though he had been pretty shitty throughout the last few episodes, redeemed himself with one single act of empathy towards another human being that probably lead to his very painful death.
    3. Do you now think it was a good idea to leave Clem with Vernon?

    No; Clementine belonged with Lee. I can't tell you how sick I got of people trying to tell me how to raise that girl throughout the series. Either way, her place just wasn't with Vernon. She loved Lee more than anything, trusted him with her life, and grew stronger and smarter under his care. Was it terrible, what she wound up having to do for Lee? Absolutely - but sometimes you just can't run from terror.
    4. Did you like who campman turned out to be?

    I was a little surprised. I had never even thought about the possibility that he was the owner of the car we pilfered (though I didn't partake in the pillaging myself), and I also felt that it was kind of arbitrary and random - but maybe that's the point, right? All of this pain and suffering was caused by one mild-mannered (if not mildly crazed) individual whom we had unknowingly wronged months ago. I think it was supposed to illustrate how even the most innocuous of actions have very serious repercussions, even when those actions seem to be the right or smart thing to do.

    All in all, I'm so thankful that TTG delivered this masterfully complex work of storytelling to us. I can only hope that other game companies start creating work half as compelling as this game.
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