Did you decide to cut Lee's arm off or not?
I personally decided to cut it off. It seemed that if there was any way I was going to live through this at all that I was going to have to cut it off (although, the only person I've ever seen survive a bite in TWD is Herschel from the TV Show). I mean, of course, it didn't matter anyways. But how many of you cut off your arm and how many of you didn't? Also, why?
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Unfortunately, it seems like it only ended up being a detriment. Lee succumbs to the infection either way. Which I think is stupid, the ending was too predictable, and saw it coming a mile away. Er... actually, never mind. I'd rather it be predictable then them trying to do something new and screwing everything *thinks of ACIII and ME3*
I do think that it could've been a bit... brighter. I'm not a big fan of extremely sad endings. Still though, Lee ended up succeeding. At least it didn't make it look like everything I did was for nothing.
well it can be speculated if you cut it off that maybe lee would die by blood loss instead of the bite but again either way lee wouldnt survive. It was kinda obvious that it would end sad since it is the walking dead and lee went out like a hero.
I did that too
good to see that, i did enjoy strangling campman(or whatever his name really was) with both my hands though.
Me too, although I thought I would breake the controller the amount of hammering I gave it, my parents thought I was crazy lol
Took me completely off guard, so I went for it without really thinking. Hoped it would work since it was an actual choice and felt really wierd seeing Lee without his arm.
In the end, although I was pretty pissed off that the amputation option didn't even change his fate, I'm still satisfied the depressing, epic ending
Still though TT...why the hell couldn't you make the amputation a vaild end-changing choice? Still would've been a great ending having Lee survive regardless to say.
I'm kinda sad I cut it off for ONLY this reason
I heard it did keep you from fainting more though.
And strangling Campman with one hand was just too epic.
I knew I had done right by Lee when I saw him pick up that glass shard with one hand and the cleaver in the other then start tearing into a gaggle of walkers.
And I thought that Lee needed more two arms than extra suffering and being mutilated.
I know a hopeless case when I see one.
1 - The "bite" most likely already spread through his whole body.
2 - If you don't cut it off, it's not like Lee is going to die, and if you DO cut it off, he lives, the game would be totally unfair and stray really far from each other, so It wouldn't matter.
Because as said the bite doesn't kill you, but the infection of the wound (bacteria etc. from the zombie) will. So cutting of the arm may work.
While playing the game I tried not to think about what should be happening out of a dramatic standpoint or something like that. I just tried to imagine what Lee feels at the moment. And maybe having a little more time to rescue Clem without Blackouts may be enough to do it.
I really believed (well rather hoped) Lee would make it at least to the train until I saw his pale face on the way back with Clementine
Wonder what the changes will be like.
My only thought was getting to Clementine has fast as possible and I figured that would be easier with both arms.
In addition, one handed Lee has some funny dialogue options and is a totally badass wtfpwning the zombie herd with one hand.
I figured it would be useful to have both arms for when I met the kidnapper.
That's what I thought when Lee passed out the first time.
Ditto; after he passed out that first time I kinda had the feeling that hacking off the arm was just rearranging chairs on the Titanic. Didn't seem like it'd make a difference at that point, so I didn't bother.
In the end, though, i think keeping the arm is the better decision.
I knew Lee was dead anyway, but he still had unfinished business and a little girl to save. And it's much better to use everything you've got to achieve the objective. Lee was becoming weaker with every minute, and making him a physically disabled person combine with severe blood loss wasn't the best decision for me.
It was such a hasty decision, but afterwards I thought: Oh shit, the fever is gonna get him.