Is there an update on the save file issues?

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
Hello, firstly, I don't want this to be a place for people to vent frustration, there are plenty of places for that.

I'm just curious if anyone has heard whether a patch is in the works regarding the save files?

I was hoping to be able to play through the five episodes and compare with some friends, so I bought a couple copies, convinced others to do the same...and choices are not being carried over between episodes.

I'm going to try to keep my friends and family calm through this, and hopefully I won't look like too much of a jerk for pushing so hard for them to get the game...but it would really help if I had more information regarding this situation.

I'm a fan, Puzzle Agent is awesome, and Telltale is the last bastion of the point-and-click adventure. I want things to go well, so help me, help them before they lose interest in this amazing vehicle for storytelling.

Thank you in advance for your aid.
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