So, now we have all five episodes who's going to play them all in a row?

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
I know I am, I can't wait to play them all consecutively, it will be fun- what about you lot, and why?:)


  • edited November 2012
    Naw. The big timegaps inbetween made me already replay every episode atleast twice.
    And what annoys me when replaying is that you can't skip cutscenes.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    Already did. I was forced to when my save deleted when I tried to start ep 5 so I started anew and remade all the same decisions. I know people should be really mad when something like that happens but I loved it. Great experience to marathon it all.
  • edited November 2012
    Already did. I was forced to when my save deleted when I tried to start ep 5 so I started anew and remade all the same decisions. I know people should be really mad when something like that happens but I loved it. Great experience to marathon it all.

    Same with me except Episode 4. Honestly that wasn't a great playthrough from Episode 1-3 because I was so annoyed that my save got corrupted. I will play it all the way through eventually, hopefully 2 more times soon. 1 time doing an evil Lee, 1 time doing a silent Lee.
  • edited November 2012
    No difference because no real choice.
  • edited November 2012
    Yep -- all because I like the soundtrack, and the plot.
  • edited November 2012
    When I have a day free I'll do them all together. I would wana try doing different options, especially now we know how they may effect us in later episodes. Thing is, I've made my choices and have my own story...I dunno if I could make different choices as I really enjoyed the ones I made and felt they were the right ones for me. I may just do it again and purposely do everything oposite. I guess it will never be as good as it was the first time round but I do wana see any cutscenes I may have missed due to choices.
  • edited November 2012
    I probably will play it again, just to see what I can do in a different way. Although, Ep4 ending stats - where you get to see how other people played so far and which characters they managed to save kinda ruined it for me, cause I know I can't do much difference...
    I can only kill more of them, or save Ben so he dies in the last episode
    . I don't want to see that screen in 2nd season.
  • edited November 2012
    I would not replay them all at once but I will use different choices then what I already did.
  • edited November 2012
    Ofcourse not. I now have a fond memory and a journey, which i didn know where it went.

    Why would i go back and change it, the cracks of the illusion will start to show. I know what impact the choices have.

    No i will remember my journey through this game, with the tough choices i picked first time.

    And i will hope they make another season.

    Got surprisingly attached to Lee, very cool character!:
  • edited November 2012
    I'am. I'm currently doing a silent Lee at the moment. Now I have all the episodes, I need to find some time lol
  • edited November 2012
    I did, doing everything different so far back at ep.4 and this time I'v only got Kenny coming with me
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, definitely doing a jackass Lee playthrough now.
  • edited November 2012
    I already did.

    Before Episode 5's release, I repurchased the entire series on my Xbox so that I could play the finale in time. I finished 1-4 on the Tuesday night and then finished Episode 5 the next day. It was enjoyable, but personally I think those who will play it on the disc or all at once without having played it before have missed out on some of the magic.

    I felt that the waits between the episodes made the entire journey a lot more personal and special. Which, in turn, gave the ending an even bigger impact.
  • edited November 2012
    I finished the game with my Lilly sided Lee. Now im doing my Pro-Kenny file, Im on episode 3 right now. Gonna continue tonight and smoke some greeenz
  • edited November 2012
    I lost my saves so I had to replay all the chapters to get to part 5. I never got the chance to tell Kenny off at the end of ep 4 and Im not passing that up.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm Gonna try them on ios. see if its any good.
  • edited November 2012
    I'd probably say no, partly because i dont know when i'll be emotionally ready to tackle episode 5 again! And also partly because I think the wait between episodes made me replay them several times whilst waiting, plus saves getting corrupted meant i had to replay the whole series up to episode 4 again, all adding up to me being pretty much all zombied out for now, but never say never!
  • edited November 2012
    I will be doing at some point just too make different choices to what I made the first time....
    I mean I wonder what would the out come be if
    I did not steal the food from the back of the car?.I wonder what conversation I would hear from the guy in Episode5 if I had not stole it.
    Please do not tell me if you did the opposite to what I did.
  • edited November 2012
    I've played through the first 3 at least 4 times I think. But I'll be doing it again... The only downside is to do all the "assemble swing" parts... Look at that. Look at that. Because if there is an icon, I will click it. Even if I've seen it 200 times. And that sucks.
  • edited November 2012
    I need a brake. may be on January. last ep. was so sad its made me sick, so... need time.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm playing them all straight when the last day before the VGA's come. I want Telltale to win GOTY.:)
  • edited November 2012
    Honestly... This game is hard to replay... Replaying a story that is already laid out for your is not really that fun. Although... it's extremely fun the first time playing it. Things are SO fucking tense it's so interesting and seriously stellar to play... This game is story driven which makes it so hard to replay, since you already knows what happens...

    Not saying this game should change it's style (IT SHOULDN'T, it's what makes it special) but a game with more satisfying gameplay makes it more replayable. This game isn't a game you'd want to replay... It's more like the same gameplay but with slightly different experiences based on what you said.

    Which is not interesting to me... I HATE rewinding, because it ruins the realism. I never rewinded and stuck with my choices because It's probably what I would have chosen in real if i didn't have much time to think about it. That's what i love about this game.

    They give you a timer to make the choices, because in life in dire situations you don't have that much time to make decisions. Which brings a whole erra of realism and emotion...
  • edited November 2012
    I hear what your saying Christoaster.It is like who reads a stephen king book twice.Not many people if I had to guess.
    I also belive the dialog only changers on the different choices you make not the actual game play?
    Saying all this though I could be wrong and if I am ? someone will let me know Im sure.
    But my vote is still the same,at somepoint I will play it again.......
  • edited November 2012
    Finished them twice. with different alliances, and choices. I hated Larry real bad in both plays. He is just unlikable, no matter how u look at it.
  • edited November 2012
    I will be doing at some point just too make different choices to what I made the first time....
    I mean I wonder what would the out come be if
    I did not steal the food from the back of the car?.I wonder what conversation I would hear from the guy in Episode5 if I had not stole it.
    Please do not tell me if you did the opposite to what I did.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but choice doesn't really matter. I had 2 files running for each episode. I only played my first file for episode 5 where my Lee didn't take the food and it made no difference from your play through. The guy still wanted to kill me and keep Clementine because I was with the people who ate his food. Replay it by all means, I will be, but don't expect much changes. The same events are still scripted to happen and the same scenes are used just with different responses from the group members with you. In my play through of ep5 I let Christa and Omid cross the walk way with the banner first and it collapsed so I couldn't follow. I thought fair enough it made sense, he even pointed out Christa had more weight cause she was pregnant but Omid was the lightest. When I watched the youtube play through the guy playing chose to go first and the walk way collapsed straight after Lee passed so Christa and Omid couldn't follow. He then told them to go to the train just as I did.
  • edited November 2012
    dee23 wrote: »
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but choice doesn't really matter. I had 2 files running for each episode. I only played my first file for episode 5 where my Lee didn't take the food and it made no difference from your play through. The guy still wanted to kill me and keep Clementine because I was with the people who ate his food. Replay it by all means, I will be, but don't expect much changes. The same events are still scripted to happen and the same scenes are used just with different responses from the group members with you. In my play through of ep5 I let Christa and Omid cross the walk way with the banner first and it collapsed so I couldn't follow. I thought fair enough it made sense, he even pointed out Christa had more weight cause she was pregnant but Omid was the lightest. When I watched the youtube play through the guy playing chose to go first and the walk way collapsed straight after Lee passed so Christa and Omid couldn't follow. He then told them to go to the train just as I did.

    Hi there mate

    Yeah I had a feeling the core game play would not change much,if at all.
    Like we have agreed it is just the dialog that changes.
    It would have been nice if the core game play did change due to your choices.
    Would have giving it a bigger reply value as to play it again to see how the story would have gone if you did Y instead of X.
    Although the game we were all given I still enjoyed very much,but like many have said I can not see myself playing through it more then twice.
    But then again you never know,10 years down the line I may put my 720 away and dig out the 360 and give it a play through again for nostalgia lol.

    As to the bit in your quote :
    In my play through of ep5 I let Christa and Omid cross the walk way with the banner first and it collapsed so I couldn't follow. I thought fair enough it made sense, he even pointed out Christa had more weight cause she was pregnant but Omid was the lightest.
    I went across myself and it did the same although I am glad I did as there is a chance to do something cool
    involving mass slaughtering some zombies with a meat clever :)
  • edited November 2012
    I want to make other choices,and see how that plays out,so yes,in fact I am just now.
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