Is anyone else disappointed that not many people have played this series?
Besides neogaf, and this forum..places like the ign board, the gamespot board, and other game forums have never even heard of this game, let alone touched this game.
I asked one dude why, and he told me because most telltale games are really medicore. I'm trying to do my part and convince alot of people to try this game out via my twitter and facebook but to no avail.
It's really sad that many people will continue playing there COD, but don't give 2 shits about a game that's really important for the future of story development for gaming.
I asked one dude why, and he told me because most telltale games are really medicore. I'm trying to do my part and convince alot of people to try this game out via my twitter and facebook but to no avail.
It's really sad that many people will continue playing there COD, but don't give 2 shits about a game that's really important for the future of story development for gaming.
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Fuck yeah.
depends on the person who plays it
If there were multilanguage subtitles many people would have been positive to buy the game.
I've looked in many Italian forums, where guys are just saying "oh, if it was in Italian I would have bought it - but it's only in english and surely I will not buy it".
Telltale is just continuing to lose foreign customers. Every decent game company have multilanguage nowadays.
Bigger offices, same problems. It's 8 years now and we still ask multilanguage.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'd be surprised if anyone I know would enjoy it.
Its a pity though that a lot of people just don't give games like this a chance.If it dosen't contain mindless shooting with guns and weapons from the future with things exploding everywhere,it basicly sucks.
The non gamers probably have no clue that this game even exists.:(
I would've thought that the fans of the walking dead show would find there way to the game, but that doesn't seem to be case.
The people who are playing the game are people who are already a fan of telltale games, or by word of mouth (i found out about this game from the goty hype of neogaf)...unfortantley the word of mouth isn't that widespread yet.
... okay, you do have a point. I guess I was thinking mostly about the people I know who plays the occasional video game. It might actually appeal more to those who don't.
It sucks there are 2 dividing fences still in this industry.
People who want to gaming mature into something more intelligent.
People who just want to kill shit and cuss like a 12 year old while killing there bro's on cod mp.
But then there's the kind of people who play just to have fun. Maybe they get on TF2 once in a while and hit someone with a frying pan for an example. The Walking Dead isn't really a FUN game. It's pretty slow-paced and a whole lot to "take in". A lot of talking and finding stuff out. You need some kind of interest in the world and in the characters. Some people don't think that's very fun.
I'd say that the type of average people who likes to read books would like this game very much.
People who are playing cod mp are having fun to. That's what I put them in the same group as people who like TF2 (which isn't a bad thing, because i love tf2 and i understand the idea of just wanting to blow off steam and have fun in a game).
That said, it seems the majority of the gaming industry (gamers) are still stuck in this mindset of all we want to do is kill shit..and thus people that are outside of the gaming industry think adults who play video games are immature people of society.
Are you kidding me? And you base this on what? Actual numbers? Or just random guessing by hopping to specific forums and asking 5 people?
Because let me tell you: you are completely wrong.
So far The Walking Dead is by far telltales fastest-selling game series to date. it was #1 best-selling title on Xbox Live Arcade for several weeks straight as well as on the playstation network.
Also I have seen it been placed on steams bestseller chart several times.
Even teltale themselves already after releasing EP1 (where they sold 1 million copies in less than 3 weeks after release) state that a “sales milestone” was achieved. And that was back in May.
In fact, this game sold so well and continues to do so that TT is currently expanding and hiring more and more people due to their recent success.
So yea your statement was pretty much something pulled out of your ass and is completely contradicting to the true success.
Well... In what number did Telltale's other games sell?
Go on other forums besides this one. I asked many people if they've tried this game and many people said "no" or don't want to.
Also, could you please post where you got that info from^ (besides the episode 1 milestone thing since I already saw that)
where are you getting this info.
An 1.5 doesn't equal mainstream appeal. Considering COD does 15-20 million sales annually.
What info? The hiring? Just go on telltales homepage it's big on the screen.
The #1 spots on PSN and XBox Live Arcade?
But you don't need to do big research to know that your post was uninformed and incorrect. Just open your eyes, steam is constantly pushing it, every big youtube-let's player plays it and advertises for it, most of the big reviewers rate it highly and besides: why would a company confirm a 2nd series of a game that did so bad (according to you)? No mate, the game sells really really well.