What do you want resolved most of all in Season 2?
Season 1 left us with some unresolved issues...
- Clem's fate
- Omid and Christa's fate
- The cancer-survivor's fate
- Molly's fate
- Lilly's fate
- Kenny's fate (though it's a pretty easy guess what happened)
- The Save-Lots bandits
Should these be left unresolved or should they be addressed?
Personally, I think the biggest issue is Omid and Christa.
- Clem's fate
- Omid and Christa's fate
- The cancer-survivor's fate
- Molly's fate
- Lilly's fate
- Kenny's fate (though it's a pretty easy guess what happened)
- The Save-Lots bandits
Should these be left unresolved or should they be addressed?
Personally, I think the biggest issue is Omid and Christa.
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I think Clem, Omid and Christa are the most important, though.
I'd kinda like to see Vernon again, just to punch him for stealing the damn boat.
I hope season 2 is a new group with no real ties to season 1. Maybe an appearance by Clem near the end.
Lilly should also be done in terms of the game's canon as the rest of her story is told in the Walking Dead Comic. As much as I loved Kenny, him surviving would be incredibly lame and unrealistic, even by gaming standards, but I'll miss him. Clem, Christa, and Omid's fate will probably all be connected so they are, by the far, the ones I want to know what will ultimately happen to them. I maintain my belief though that was Christa and Omid in the end and reunited with Clem.
also it would kinda suck if all season 2 did was have cameos of season 1 characters.
What i hope for and care about is Clem, then Omid and Christa.
I think this should be based around keeping Clem alive. The last of the games they do should break our heart.
Fact is if theres no Clem the post credits was pointless.
- We hear Molly ringing the bells when Lee and them did in Savannah and later we get chased by a horde of zombies and in the midst of the horde we see Kenny among them.
-We say it would be a good idea to leave Savannah and even get out of the state. We see a wrecked train with a bunch of people in it. It could be the Cancer patients, but we don't see Vernon, maybe he escaped.
- As the new survivors we run into Lily in the RV and she looks kind of beat up and gruesome but since we(the player) know who she is, they change her personality to make you wonder what she's been through. So it's almost like she's new again. She should be dodgy and untrusting of you and your group, but undeniably helpful because you were tired and hungry and were traveling on foot.
I think this would be an awesome way of concluding a story with references and indirect information. I figure if they are going to leave us in the cold like they did this episode. They would probably leave next season to sew the loose ends. I just think that would be kind of a cool way of doing it.
All in all, I want them to answer all these questions, we're deserving of an answer, these are people we met and grew to know. However, with Lee dead I don't want to come back to the same exact story. I played for the Lee and Clem couple not just Clementine. I would like to know how things turned out for her but not by playing as her.
Unless Omid and Christa are the silhouettes at the end of the game I really don't they'll be addressed. They weren't really big characters, they easily could have died in the death trap of a horde invaded Savannah, and we never really got that attached to them, at least I didn't, they merely stayed flat characters, so I'd think season 2 would scrap them unless they're the silhouettes.
I expect for season 2 we'll be in a new group (Maybe we're one of the silhouettes or maybe their part of our group) and Clementine will be found and introduced to our group. But Lilly is in the comic book, read that if you want to know what happens to her, or maybe she really is a different Lilly... The cancer survivors will probably never be seen again I mean they were either torn apart next to a boat or are roaming the high seas (Kirkman pulls this in the comic book). Kenny's fate is probably up to us to be deduced (*Sort of Comic Spoiler* Even though Kirkman has pulled this type of thing in the comic with a surprise *End* Kenny only had the but of a gun in an alleyway). Save Lot Bandits would be fun to reintroduced and are such a large group that it's possible. Though, Molly is a lone wolf so we'd probably not see her again with the whole disaster in Savannah.
Come on and prove me wrong writers of the Walking Dead like you always do.
Another person's fate I think everyone seems to forget about is Glenn's (from season 1). I think he was heading for Alanta, I'm not sure. If he was, then where the hell did he end up?
In a comic book.
Haha not sure if trolling or serious. Glen did exactly that, went to Atlanta and met up with a guy named Rick and the rest, well, the rest is history my friend.
as far as christa and omid go, im pretty sure they were the silhouettes at the end (especially since the male was shorter than the female, something lee makes a jab at while they're locked in the attic)