Grim Fandango: Hopelessly stuck

edited December 2012 in General Chat
The Telltale forums really aren't the place to discuss this, but I'm not a member of any other forum, so there you go.
Also, please note that this isn't a puzzle solution (I don't think), but quite possibly a glitch that'll set me back quite a bit due to not saving.
Anyway, in year 3 at the edge of the world I'm underwater at the conveyor belt. I set it to go in reverse, towards where Glottis is, and now I need to get back. However, if I go forwards I end up back on the conveyor belt and can't get off so I have to go back to where I was, and if I go backwards I leave as soon as the area loads (this is without any user interaction).
Can I get out of this or do I have to reload?


  • edited December 2007
    I remember when I played fairly recently it seemed to be riddled with glitches so I think you're probably gonna have to reload.

    Sorry buddy that really blows, but remember the first rule of adventure gaming: Always look in the trashcan... no wait that's not it, oh yeah, save early and save often.
  • edited December 2007
    I learned that the hard way with Phantasmagoria 2... I thought it would be as easy as the first one, so I never saved... then I hit a progression-stopping bug late in the game. Few things suck worse.
  • edited December 2007
    You can get out of this, I just don't remember how. I was stuck doing that for a few minutes, then I somehow managed to go up and stay there.

    Hmm ... did you try saving and loading, see if the conveyor belt movement resets when loading? I don't remember how I got it to work, might've been something as simple as walking up in a different angle.
  • edited December 2007
    My save was all the way back at the part where you're underwater and you have to get the light from that guy to go anywhere. In my defense, I was working under the impression that it was impossible to get stuck.
  • edited December 2007
    No I mean save at the point where you are stuck and then load that save. I'm not sure the game saves the conveyor belt setting. But you don't have to load the old save, I'm pretty sure about that.
  • edited December 2007
    I remember it's something to do with CPU speeds being too fast. I re-played GF recently and I used Turbo to slow my CPU to around 10%, went back in-game, hit the lever and it worked. Then I set it back to normal, and hey presto.
  • edited December 2007
    There is a patch for Grim Fandango that fixes issues with fast CPUs, right?

    ETA: Found the patch for you. It's at:
  • edited December 2007
    Rasher wrote: »
    There is a patch for Grim Fandango that fixes issues with fast CPUs, right?

    ETA: Found the patch for you. It's at:
    I played a bit further in, to the point where I have to go that way, but it still happened with the patch.
    I know that there must be something I'm missing because people have beaten the game, right? Right?
  • edited December 2007
    Yes, there is a way. I'm really sorry that I don't remember how.
  • edited December 2007
    Seriously, try Turbo. I've been using it for years (since that damned bug in Sickbay, SQ6). Just slow it down to 10 or 20%, pull the lever and change it back.
  • edited January 2008
    I experienced the same thing, I think, and I remember the solution as being something terribly simple.
    Tell me, are you actually stuck *on* the conveyor belt?
  • edited January 2008
    I experienced the same thing, I think, and I remember the solution as being something terribly simple.
    Tell me, are you actually stuck *on* the conveyor belt?
    Well, I'm stuck in limbo. I can't get away from the bit where you're on the rail.
  • edited January 2008
    Huh... uhm... Well, you could always try getting close to the part of the conveyor belt with the lever and then clicking the interaction button like crazy.
    If all else fails, you can download saved games for GF here:
    Sometimes an error in the game seems to be tied to the saved game you're using.
  • edited December 2009
    Late reply (or call of help!)

    I have a similar problem here with fork lift puzzle. Yes, got the patch; yes, matched the exe file with win. 98. Elevator's still waaaay too fast. I tried slowing the game down using the trial CPU killer 3, but it appears to have no results. (I made a new preset to slow it down with a few percent.) I see Turbo mentioned at a lot of boards but I can't find a link to the program that's still active.
  • edited December 2009
    Try downloading a save point just after that puzzle. Thats what I did when I was stuck on the conveyer belt.
  • edited December 2009
    Have you tried setting processor affinity for the game to only use one processor? Open up the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) while the game is running, right click the process for the game, and go to set affinity, and uncheck one of the processors. That might work a bit better than just slowing down both processors.
  • edited December 2009
    Yes this is a bug that is created by the faster processor of modern computers that the game cannot handle. I was stuck in your exact spot, it isn't really a puzzle it is a glitch. You need to download a program that will slow down your processor speed so you can go up the conveyor belt. VERY ANNOYING i know but that is just how it is.
  • edited December 2012
    I wrestled with this myself, but found a solution (eventually), the trick is, to go to the point where the conveyor belt turns up, in that indentation, you should be able to stand. Now, watch Manny's head carefully, because you'll have VERY little space to move. Turn him around, and eventually, his head should start facing the lever, looking down at it. Hit enter. Manny will now jump off of the conveyor belt, and you should be able to move on.
  • edited December 2012
    the problem lies with modern CPUs being to fast. I solved it myself with a tool that slowed mine down. The game ran in a crawl but I did get past it much easier.
  • edited December 2012
    I just never touched the conveyor belt controls until the very end of that section. I've heard that CPU Killer can help with this problem, but I'm mildly suspicious of any program that features an integral part of my computer and any synonym for destroying that part in its title.
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