It would kind of seem weird to play as a character that was an NPC I seen develop over the first season, it wouldn't seem like I was playing as them as it did with Lee.
It would kind of seem weird to play as a character that was an NPC I seen develop over the first season, it wouldn't seem like I was playing as them as it did with Lee.
I'd prefer to play as Kenny if i could choose! But i'd be happy with a new person who meets up with Clem and she joins that group
I'd rather it be a new protagonist, that way we can see how my sweat pea was shaped by Lee's deeds from an outside source. I would also feel weird steeping into Clem's shoes after being her guide/mentor/babysitter/father.
If I was writing season 2 I would start back at the begging of the outbreak. But get the new character through the first few months durring the first episode and have them meet up with Clem at the end of episode 2. That way the User can have new baggage in hand once my adorable queen enters the picture.
Nope. I'm not sure I even want her to reappear. Some stories are better left untold, and I think Clem's is one of them. Having her be off surviving with the lessons and knowledge passed on from my Lee is enough satisfaction for me.
I don't want to play as Clem, but I wouldn't mind if we played as another character taking care of Clem as well. I also wouldn't mind if she didn't appear, and it was all about a differente group.
New protagonist but i feel that Clem should still be in it and be an integral part of season 2. It wouldn't make sense to not know what happens to her after Lee heroically sacrificed himself to save this girl.
NO. Come on, guys. Will our choices as Clem really affect what the group thinks? You can't do a teenage Clem because of the canon time-skip with the comics. Playing as Christa or Omid would be great.
NO. Come on, guys. Will our choices as Clem really affect what the group thinks? You can't do a teenage Clem because of the canon time-skip with the comics. Playing as Christa or Omid would be great.
This i think omid would be perfect i'd love to see what he has to go through to keep clem his Gf(Wife?) and unborn baby safe. Plus they wouldn't make us play as a new guy and force a connection between him and clem because as i remember omid is her fav aside from lee
Would you want to play as Clem, just as Season 1 finishes?
No, she is still a little kid, and doesn't get directly involved in the action much, I imagine this would probably continue in whatever other group she winds up in.
Had someone asked me months ago I'd said yes, but no, she is a character, that developed an own personality, based on our decision, and I think, if she re-appears in season 2 the full potential of that character will be unfolded, we will probably see, how we influenced her, and how she took on our advices.
Playing her would destroy that built-up personality, it'd be you controlling her, which means she couldn't make own decisions, and that ultimately means: Whatever you did, whatever you told her, it doesn't matter at all.
No, thanks. Why then do I raised her? Then to get full control over her behavior? So it will be not interesting. I want to see consequences of mine actions and decisions.
I have to say no on this one. Not only would the interactivity between the characters Clementine would potentially meet be awkward but her leading a group of people would also be extremely unrealistic. I mean what sort of decisions could a 9 year old actually make? I would rather play as a new protagonist who isn't a child and knows what’s right and wrong off the bat.
I have to say no on this one. Not only would the interactivity between the characters Clementine would potentially meet be awkward but her leading a group of people would also be extremely unrealistic. I mean what sort of decisions could a 9 year old actually make? I would rather play as a new protagonist who isn't a child and knows what’s right and wrong off the bat.
I wanna play a new protagonist. Unlike other characters who have set personalities (anyone from Season 1 that's still alive) with a new character we can have a variety of dialogue options, which is what made Lee so great. He didn't have a set personality at the beginning of the game, and his personality eventually became whatever the player turned it into. With Christa, Omid, Kenny, or Clem, they have established personalities (and it would be really weird doing stuff better suited for adults, in Clem's case) that would detract a bit from the story and conversation with the group. By all means, bring these characters back so we can see them again (especially Kenny!) but don't have us play as one.
I feel we will either play as a new character, Omid and Christa(one of them), or Kenny. An old character preferable simply because they are already established, have a foundation to build off of, and it'd be easier plugging them into where they separate from Lee.
I'd prefer to play as Kenny if i could choose!
If I was writing season 2 I would start back at the begging of the outbreak. But get the new character through the first few months durring the first episode and have them meet up with Clem at the end of episode 2. That way the User can have new baggage in hand once my adorable queen enters the picture.
That and who doesn't love Clem haha
This i think omid would be perfect i'd love to see what he has to go through to keep clem his Gf(Wife?) and unborn baby safe. Plus they wouldn't make us play as a new guy and force a connection between him and clem because as i remember omid is her fav aside from lee
"There must be thousands! Jesus!"
Lol his eyes during that part
He should get his own game where you make funny faces like that mario thing on 64 lol
No, she is still a little kid, and doesn't get directly involved in the action much, I imagine this would probably continue in whatever other group she winds up in.
I'd prefer to play as Kenny to. One of the main characters deserve to live on. (Apart from Clem)
Playing her would destroy that built-up personality, it'd be you controlling her, which means she couldn't make own decisions, and that ultimately means: Whatever you did, whatever you told her, it doesn't matter at all.
True words, agree.