Did anybody notice this?



  • edited November 2012
    wow amazing now they def have to have something like this for season 2. Like Clem doing something that has a reaction in the last episode or whoever the main hero is....
  • edited November 2012
    very cool pictures, i just want to know why he left his car the way he did :(
  • edited November 2012
    very cool pictures, i just want to know why he left his car the way he did :(

    He and his family were looking for his missing son(which I think the St John's must of caught and eaten) and when they came back their supplies had been stolen.

    Lee stayed silent in the Duck situation because I felt that since it was Kenny's child he should have the final say and I didn't want Lee influencing or pushing him either way,if he had given Lee the gun and asked him to shoot Duck I would of chosen to do it.For me, Lee acted in self defence when shooting the 3 or 5 bandits who were attacking the motel and I considered that situation similar to a soldier in a war zone rather than actual murder.Danny St John was immobilized in a bear trap and beating up Andy was enough for me(Personally, I thought sparing Andy was a harder choice since he was still mobile)

    Lastly, I agree with Rock114 that Lee killing walkers isn't the same as murdering/killing a person.
    You may think my reasons and justifications are completely crazy and wrong but that's what I like about this game.Players have their own reasons and justifications for choosing what they feel is right and that for me shows that the choices in this game did actually matter.
  • edited November 2012
    Amazing find! Adds a bit of foreshadowing. Campman storyline was still terrible, though.
  • edited November 2012

  • edited November 2012
    Honestly, I'm not really surprised, its probably just a reused mesh. But if Telltale did this on purpose I'd be extremely impressed.
  • edited November 2012
    Dildor wrote: »
    Telltale really knew what they were doing from the beginning. :O

    Yeah funny that :)
  • edited November 2012
    good deceive work.

    Now lets find Lee's wife!
  • edited November 2012
    Wow. It's awesome to see they planned it from the beginning
  • edited November 2012
    i wasn't jumping on the 'op' i was pointing out to the 'people' who didn't notice it was the same car we looted/didn't loot and therefore the owner of the car being the person who kidnapped clem..

    so imo it you anti milo people who need to re read stuff...

    also insults are not allowed so watch it...
  • edited November 2012
    Even if telltale didn't make this on purpose... biggest mindblow i've ever had, ever.
  • edited December 2012
    What. The. Fuck.. Mind = Blown.
    Holy breadcrumbs I.. Wow. Could be they used the same model, Or maybe they didn't.
    ...I think someone mentioned it already. They knew what they were doing from the beginning. ._.
  • edited December 2012
    Nice find.

    It also means that Campman must have past the Lee car crashsite without stopping and helping. What a hypocrit. :rolleyes:
  • edited December 2012
    Nice find.

    It also means that Campman must have past the Lee car crashsite without stopping and helping. What a hypocrit. :rolleyes:

    Isn't Campman's car in front of the police car? unless the police car passes him before the crash he couldn't of known.
  • edited December 2012
    FarmerJoe wrote: »
    Isn't Campman's car in front of the police car? unless the police car passes him before the crash he couldn't of known.

    The car passes Campman's a while before the crash, so he should HAVE known about it.

    Sorry for being a spelling Nazi, but there is NO "couldn't OF known it", or "should OF known it", there is only could've (like could have, or couldn't have), or should've (like should have). Pronouncing it similar when speaking doesn't make it right when spelled out. I'm seeing this more and more often on forums, even from local speakers, and it is outright wrong and an actually non-existant idiom. Sorry you took it all now. ;)
  • edited December 2012
    Well, then he definitely deserved the one handed choke out and tap to the skull he got.
  • edited December 2012
  • edited December 2012
    This is definitely deliberate on their part.
  • edited December 2012
    It's the same car model, but not the same car.

    There's a difference.
    Season 1 Car license plate: 2V9813G
    Campmans car plate: 2V3872G

    Bit better picture: http://i.imgur.com/KSsGM.png
    Source: I checked on my big 42" widescreen, license plates are definitely different.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    It's the same car model, but not the same car.

    There's a difference.
    Season 1 Car license plate: 2V9813G
    Campmans car plate: 2V3872G

    Bit better picture: http://i.imgur.com/KSsGM.png
    Source: I checked on my big 42" widescreen, license plates are definitely different.

    Actually, looking at that picture and the close ups on the license plates, they look identical. The second plate is shadowed, but they still have the same letters/numbers. Car confirmed for Campman's!
  • edited December 2012
    the picture is at 680p- I can't make a screenshot on my 42" fullHD widescreen, otherwise I could show you the difference more clearly. the license plates are different, someone who can screenshot a big screen please post.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    the picture is at 680p- I can't make a screenshot on my 42" fullHD widescreen, otherwise I could show you the difference more clearly. the license plates are different, someone who can screenshot a big screen please post.

    Probably just an oversight by the developers. They've admitted that they planned several things like this from the beginning.
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