csi hard evidence/missing dll file

edited January 2008 in Game Support
I uninstalled and reinstalled the game numerous times....turned off the firewall..and still this game will not start....

I click the icon and get an error message from autoupdate.exe
cannot find msvcr71.dll..

This is a brand new xp install and updated pc..latest drivers...and this pc plays other games fine. My specs:

asus mobo
intel dual core 2.66 conroe
2 gigs ram
evga 8600gts
550watt power supply....

This game works on another pc in the same room.


  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2007
    See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326922

    I'll try to find the installation package link, but like it is said on the previous link document, Applications should include locally the required files.

    Our friendly software giant, in its infinite wisdom, removed the installation package from their site. You can try downloading from elsewhere the Visual C++ 2003 Toolkit (removed too, aparently superseeded by Visual C++ 2005 Express).

    Note: support should be requested on Ubisoft's site.
  • edited December 2007
    I was not able to go onto the link that you gave to get the previous file the error mentioned. But now when I try to load the game it is saying that file MFC71.DLL is missing. This is really frustrating since I have played all other CSI games without problem. Is this a known problem with this particular game? We have even loaded the other CSI games to see if it was a computer problem but all others play fine. This is a legitimate copy of the game that my Husband bought me for Christmas but I have not been able to play.
    Thank you so much for your help.
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2007
    I'm confused. Which file is missing? mfc71.dll or msvcr71.dll?

    MFC71.DLL can be downloaded from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?mfc71
  • edited December 2007
    Sorry for the confusion. Previously it said that file MSVCR71.DLL was missing. Now it says that MFC71.DLL is missing. I looked at the download for the last file and have the Zip file saved to my desktop. But I am not sure where to save this file within my programs files?
    Thank you for your help and I apologize for the confusion. I am not sure if the previous file will still be missing once I get this file.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    This is really frustrating since I have played all other CSI games without problem. Is this a known problem with this particular game?

    As I understand it, the missing dll files are related to the auto-updater that Ubisoft is now using for all of its games, not to the CSI game itself. You might be able to bypass the errors by launching the CSI4.exe out of the CSI folder in C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Telltale Games (I think that's the path; I'm going from memory here...) instead of using the desktop shortcut.
    But I am not sure where to save this file within my programs files?

    Both MSVCR71.DLL and MFC71.DLL belong in C:\Windows\System32
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Both MSVCR71.DLL and MFC71.DLL belong in C:\Windows\System32

    Emily, that is precisely the problem. Those files shouldn't be there. It was a bad practice that is currently outlawed by Microsoft.
    The main problem is that since each program installs their own msvcr*.dll, sometimes that broke already installed programs by installing a different (newer) version that was not expected by the already installed programs.

    Anyway, installing those files in the system32 directory on a clean system will not cause harm.

    This is probably an issue that the people at Ubi should address.
  • edited January 2008
    I wanted to say thank you to both of you for your responses. I am now enjoying playing the game.
    Happy New Year
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Emily, that is precisely the problem. Those files shouldn't be there. It was a bad practice that is currently outlawed by Microsoft.

    Maybe so, but all I did was search for them on my own home machine (which has never had CSI: Hard Evidence installed on it, btw) and that's where they were. It may or may not be the right place for them in Microsoft's eyes, but putting them there fixes the error message for people, and that's all I'm worried about!

    rainpnw, I'm glad it's working for you now. Enjoy the game. :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Maybe so, but all I did was search for them on my own home machine (which has never had CSI: Hard Evidence installed on it, btw) and that's where they were. It may or may not be the right place for them in Microsoft's eyes, but putting them there fixes the error message for people, and that's all I'm worried about!

    Sorry Emily, didn't want to get pedantic or edgy. I was just stating that whoever built that utility (Ubisoft) should fix this problem.
    Almost all the folks out there have the files in that location since those files are installed by almost all software from around 2002-2004 (Including Office 2003). Since rainpnw had a clean system, the files weren't there, but in the near future, when we all start to have only newer software (anything after 2006), the files will not be there.
    Emily wrote: »
    rainpnw, I'm glad it's working for you now. Enjoy the game. :D

    That's the important thing, she got to play the game ;),
    Again sorry for the sidetracking...
  • edited January 2008
    Ok, I ran into the same problem last night with missing DLL files for HARD Evidence.
    So to sum it up, I had to find 3 files.

    Go here:

    Search for these 3 files - unzip them and put them in c:\windows\system32


    Edit: And btw, I was playing it on Vista :)
    Played all cases through 2 times to get a Master Degree. Fun game.
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