Does anyone agree with me on this....(kenny)
i was looking through threads but can't seem to find one that talks about this so...
i honestly think that kenny didn't deserve to die..(well no one knows if he died or so because they didn't show it) if he did, it isn't like kenny to do such thing. He himself said during conversation that " it isn't right to just leave the people who cares for you and that you need to push on and help those who need it.."
so if anyone agrees with me on this... i would say that kenny shot ben to take him out of misery and found an open window in the building and survived.
season 2 goes on and clem got together with omid and crista then kenny comes in. ( hopefully solved his issues and would continue life for clem..or something like that)
lol i know kenny was an ass the whole season but i wish he is still in second season proving people wrong that he will now keep his cool and try to survive for the sake of looking for a new beginning....
i honestly think that kenny didn't deserve to die..(well no one knows if he died or so because they didn't show it) if he did, it isn't like kenny to do such thing. He himself said during conversation that " it isn't right to just leave the people who cares for you and that you need to push on and help those who need it.."
so if anyone agrees with me on this... i would say that kenny shot ben to take him out of misery and found an open window in the building and survived.
season 2 goes on and clem got together with omid and crista then kenny comes in. ( hopefully solved his issues and would continue life for clem..or something like that)
lol i know kenny was an ass the whole season but i wish he is still in second season proving people wrong that he will now keep his cool and try to survive for the sake of looking for a new beginning....

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You also don't consider the other split to the story, if you hadn't saved Ben. In that case he jumps down a hole and is surrounded in darkness by zombies, so I don't see how he could escape. It's a stretch to say he survived in Ben's situation as well.
I seen a zombie bite his arm
I think the room was dark for a reason, there was probably an open exit somewhere in there (would make sense since there were apparently at least a dozen walkers inside, seems unlikely they would just all have died in the one and same locked room) and since the walkers had apparently been "sleeping" before Christa dropped down to them, it might just as well be there was a corpse in the room, perhaps someone who had shot himself in the head, so it's a viable possibility that Kenny managed to knock back the walker that was trying to bite him (since he clearly was fighting at least one of them while saying his last words to the remainder of the group), escaped from the room and the walkers started munching on aforementioned corpse. Then he could've found some sort of rudimentary weapon, fought off a few walkers and escaped from the area the same way Lee and Clementine did in the very end, which is to say, by being covered in walker intestines.
I didn't try playing with Ben alive but I've read that includes off-camera munching sounds too; well, we all know for certain in THAT situation there was a non-Kenny corpse around for them to chew on (Ben).
It's unlikely, but taking into account the fact this game is supposed to be unexpectable, these scenarios actually become more likely than most others.
If you let Ben live to episode 5 Kenny is 100% Death he was surrouned by A LOT OF ZOMBIES! He only had 1 bullet and there was no escape way. I dont think Kenny was secretly Super Man and killed al those zombies.
You're absolutely right. Sure, he didn't deserve to die. No one did, but it's bound to happen eventually. If Kenny died, so be it. Allow the world to be more emotion filled.
Sure, he argued with lee alot and maybe put his family first, but that scene was just heart wrenching for me.
Kenny's part didn't have anything to do with that. He fucking sacrificed himself, he knew he could have shot Ben and left the alley.
Andrew in the TV series. You see him get left with a bunch of zombies, but he survives and winds up causing trouble for the group later. A lot of it.
Carol, also in the TV series. T-Dog 'saves' her, and it's implied she died, when really, she didn't, but they find something of hers and she's in a dire situation when you see her last.
Tyreese in the comics is locked in a room with dozens of zombies and (I think?) nothing but a hammer. He kills all of them and is rescued later by the group amidst all the dead walkers.
Even Lilly in the video game series falls into this category. She's left behind in one case, and you see a zombie running at her, and then she turns tail, but anyone who's read the comics knows she's still alive.
There are other examples too, but those are three (four if you count Lilly) standouts. Kenny stands out because NEITHER of his death scenes show him being killed, or even bitten. Every other character is confirmed dead in some way. You either see them being killed or see a body...with the exception of Kenny. Think about it. Why would they specifically have two vague death scenes for a character? It's not because people love him, since they like brutal death scenes. It's not because they think it's obvious he dies, since he's NEVER shown to die.
By the way, I'm not one of those idiots who puts stock into conspiracy this case, ideas that Lee is alive and so such. But Kenny is definitely alive. I'd bet a lot of money on it, simply due to this franchise's history with characters in this sort of situation.
Not dead if you don't have the body to prove it.
Only possible exception I could see is him being a zombie, but I doubt even that. We'll see him in season 2 or 3, guaranteed.
He did go out heroically, though, even if it was a bit unnecessary. Towards the end he really grew as a person, (almost) getting along with everyone, changing his mind about Ben... I was fiercely proud of him. Well done, Telltale! Now bring him back for season 2!