Who Were You With At The End Of Episode 4?

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
When you went to confront Vernon, thinking he was the Stranger?

I got Omid and Christa, Kenny pretty much told me to stuff it, and I gave Ben the option but he decided against it.


  • edited November 2012
    everyone (including ben)
  • edited November 2012
    everyone (including ben)

  • edited November 2012
    Kenny, Christa, Omid. Another Playthrough same with Ben.
    There isn't really many options for this.
  • edited November 2012
    I had everyone in my playthrough. It's amazing how I got all of them to come with me, considering that all my concerns were on Lee's bite.
  • edited November 2012
    I managed to get everyone, somehow.

    Christ and Omid came because I showed them the bite, Kenny came because I told Clem was the only family I had left, and I left the decision with Ben and he decided to come with me so he could prove himself to me.
  • edited November 2012
    CarScar wrote: »
    I managed to get everyone, somehow.

    Christ and Omid came because I showed them the bite, Kenny came back I told Clem was the only family I had left, and I left the decision with Ben and he decided to come with me so he could prove himself to me.

    Gee, funny how that happened to me, too, even though at the end of episode 4 only Ben was coming with me. It's almost as if MY CHOICES DIDN'T MATTER, but that can't be the case, 'cuz TTG's marketing department kept telling me otherwise.

    In any case, even when there seemed to be something meaningful going on, there wasn't. People came with you because you were bitten, and might not be able to help Clem. Why not come with you if they thought you were healthy, and therefore more likely to survive and succeed? There was no logic behind their decisionmaking. I also thought it was a complete hoot, that throughout episode 5 we'd get little notifications in the upper left hand corner. "Christa noticed you said that." To what end? It affects nothing.

    A decent interactive comic with a terrible ending. What a shame TTG sold it as something else entirely.
  • edited November 2012
    Gee, funny how that happened to me, too, even though at the end of episode 4 only Ben was coming with me. It's almost as if MY CHOICES DIDN'T MATTER, but that can't be the case, 'cuz TTG's marketing department kept telling me otherwise.
    Despite TTG claims that the game is about "choice" it really isn't. It's about a great game with a great plot, great sequences, a great art style, great soundtracks, great voice acting and with great characters. I'd take a great game with all those qualities over a game with "choices" any day.

    And, in my opinion at least, although the games choices didn't effect the game as a whole it did however effect me emotionally. Like with Lilly, if you attempt to save her dad she starts to warm up to you and even though her dad died regardless of your decision I made a relationship with Lilly and I actually started to like her. Similar with Kenny, he starts acting like your bro depending on your decision, you really start to connect with him. Or with Carley vs. Doug, in the spectrum of things the decision didn't really matter. Although me saving Carley brought about a really sweet relationship with an awesome character that I, personally, enjoyed. Similar to what I said before, I'd take a game I'm emotionally invested in over a game with "meaningful choices" any day.

    All a matter of opinion I guess. What really made this game awesome, too me at least, was how amazing every character is. Like with Clem, I didn't want to save her just because it would make me "win the game" like most games, I wanted to save her because she meant something to me.
    In any case, even when there seemed to be something meaningful going on, there wasn't. People came with you because you were bitten, and might not be able to help Clem. Why not come with you if they thought you were healthy, and therefore more likely to survive and succeed? There was no logic behind their decisionmaking. I also thought it was a complete hoot, that throughout episode 5 we'd get little notifications in the upper left hand corner. "Christa noticed you said that." To what end? It affects nothing.
    Christa and Omid's main concern was getting the baby to safety. Safety was on the boat. If they believed Lee was healthy they would probably also believe he'd be capable of saving Clem on his own. They've seen what he's capable of, he's a real badass, they would have trusted him to save Clem. After hearing that he's bitten they'd believe he may fall short of saving Clem. Also mind you they didn't know the herd was coming into town at that time, Savannah was relatively safe at that point in time.

    I thought the notifications were a nice touch. They didn't really matter but, I'd like to think, that they'd carry what I said after I died. Like, for example, when you were giving Clem tricks on surviving. Telltale did a great job in writing characters so realistically that I'd actually start thinking in that way. I'd be surprised if you didn't love the characters too.
    A decent interactive comic with a terrible ending. What a shame TTG sold it as something else entirely.
    I loved the ending. It was so touching. They made me love every single character, even the ones I was indifferent with or hated. E.g. Kenny. I hated Kenny for every episode aside from in number 1. Episode 5 he was awesome, he started to realize his mistakes and went out a badass.
  • edited November 2012
    Gee, funny how that happened to me, too, even though at the end of episode 4 only Ben was coming with me. It's almost as if MY CHOICES DIDN'T MATTER, but that can't be the case, 'cuz TTG's marketing department kept telling me otherwise.

    In any case, even when there seemed to be something meaningful going on, there wasn't. People came with you because you were bitten, and might not be able to help Clem. Why not come with you if they thought you were healthy, and therefore more likely to survive and succeed? There was no logic behind their decisionmaking. I also thought it was a complete hoot, that throughout episode 5 we'd get little notifications in the upper left hand corner. "Christa noticed you said that." To what end? It affects nothing.

    A decent interactive comic with a terrible ending. What a shame TTG sold it as something else entirely.

    clueless aren't ya?
  • edited November 2012
    Ben, Christa, Omid. Kenny was an asshole ever since the meat locker.
  • edited November 2012
    Christa and Omid because they're good people. Kenny because we're bros and he's never let me down before. Not Ben, because he had a "little fall" back in Crawford.
  • edited November 2012
    Gee, funny how that happened to me, too, even though at the end of episode 4 only Ben was coming with me. It's almost as if MY CHOICES DIDN'T MATTER, but that can't be the case, 'cuz TTG's marketing department kept telling me otherwise.

    that's a glitch lol...you can fix that and can only have Ben :P seems your saves didn't copy across
  • edited November 2012
    Kenny, Omid and Christa. Ben elected to stay behind.

    I wonder what the requirements are for Christa and Omid to join you when you don't reveal your bite. Probably involves helping Omid at the end of episode 4...

    On that note, i know some folks who immediately(and i mean immediately) hid the bite, no hesitation at all. Wouldn't want to be with them for a zombie apocalypse. :eek:
  • edited November 2012
    Everyone except Ben. Kenny didn't want him to come with us, so he left to take care of the boat.
  • edited November 2012
    Everyone. Omid and Christa decided they were coming, Kenny did it for family. Told Ben it was a decision he had to make, and he decided to come with me.
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