If Vernon didn't....

edited November 2012 in The Walking Dead
...take the boat, would Kenny still have committed suicide? I mean, it would be a really dick move for the only guy who knows how to operate a boat needlessly kill himself.


  • edited November 2012
    Kenny would have for sure stayed alive (or died under much different circumstances) if they had not stolen the boat. It was his thing to live for.
  • edited November 2012
    WD40 wrote: »
    Kenny would have for sure stayed alive (or died under much different circumstances) if they had not stolen the boat. It was his thing to live for.

    Damn. I fucking hate Vernon even more, lol.
  • edited November 2012
    Yep, he put all his hopes on that boat. I'm betting that if Lee and the others weren't with him when he found out that the boat was stolen, he would have killed himself then and there.
  • edited November 2012
    I'd think that Kenny would have stayed alive. During the Ben scene, he'd put a bullet into Ben's brain and go up the building with Lee. I don't think he go for the walkie in the Christa situation, either.
  • edited November 2012
    He definately would have at least made it farther. There's a good chance he really wouldn't have died. He still could have died though. Like maybe if you drop Ben, he'd still go down for Christa and that would play normally, but if you kept Ben he'd just shoot him and run back up the ladder with Lee.
  • edited November 2012
    did anyone notice on the ben scene that kenny got bit
  • edited November 2012
    A scenario like this would have played out like this instead:

    "We can't just leave Ben behind Lee!"
    "Kenny... you're the only one who knows how to operate the boat, you need to come with us. If we were to lose you..."
    "I... shit, sorry Ben."
    *shoots Ben*

    Kenny didn't commit suicide by the way.
  • edited November 2012
    CarScar wrote: »
    A scenario like this would have played out like this instead:

    "We can't just leave Ben behind Lee!"
    "Kenny... you're the only one who knows how to operate the boat, you need to come with us. If we were to lose you..."
    "I... shit, sorry Ben."
    *shoots Ben*

    Kenny didn't commit suicide by the way.

    I know. This thread is old. I just realized he didn't commit suicide. But taking the boat did make him fucking depressed.
  • edited November 2012
    At the end of ep 4 when they're at the top of the bell tower Vernon asks if they came by train and then shakes it off. I always thought he saw a fuckton of walkers coming into the city, tried to keep it quiet from the rest of the group and then got his crew to jump them for the boat as they weren't likely to survive to approaching onslaught.
  • edited November 2012
    Fuck you vernon! Daaaam y u die kenny!?
  • edited November 2012
    Kenny started to lighten up on Ben after he snapped at him once the boat was gone. Ben might not have done this if they still had the boat so if that Ben/Kenny scene played out Kenny probably would have left him, or just shot him and took off. Hard to say if he'd still jump down for Christa though.
  • edited November 2012
    If the boat was still back at the house, I think they would have plenty of trouble getting it to the river since the train brought that giant herd of walkers to Savannah.

    In my playthrough, Kenny gave his speech about suicide being wrong and to help those who care about you. When Christa was in trouble, he chose to help out Christa so that his speech wouldn't have been for nothing.
  • edited November 2012
    did anyone notice on the ben scene that kenny got bit
    Looks to me like he butted the walker out of the way with his arm. He probably would have yelled or at least grunted.

    I think he killed himself because he didn't want Ben to die alone, no matter how much he hated him.
  • edited November 2012
    I think Kenny still would have jumped down for Christa. Especially when he realized she was pregnant. He never hated her, even though they argued as much as he and Lilly did, and it didn't seem like he actually wanted to die when he jumped down in my game.
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