you don't have the hots for Lee's bedroom voice or Kenny's sexy handlebar moustache?
*lol* Definitely not the latter! I love both characters and think they're both very nice-looking guys, especially Lee, but facial hair and good parenting skills always make me think of my Dad. Lee's voice and look and personality are all awesome, though--I can't fault anyone for digging him, or Kenny even.
My old man has always been a mix of muscle and "teddy bear" in terms of build, so while most of my friends are divided between a preference for those two builds, both just send platonic signals straight to my brain. So probably because of that, to me the hottest build for a man is that of a scrawny beanpole just like Ben. I love long, bony limbs and sharp angles; they're a nice contrast to my short and curvy frame. I also think glasses and stubble are kinda sexy, so besides being an all-around great guy, Mark is quite attractive to me, too. Give me an older version of Ben who shared personality traits with Mark and I think I really would want to marry him! You can laugh if you want, but I can't lie, that'd be my dream guy, assuming he was geeky enough. *girly sigh*
Whut what? I can only speculate about how I'd feel if I were gay, but Christa's like a darker, more badass, modern update of Grace Kelly, and she and Omid are totally the Zoe and Wash of TWD. That's cool in my book! I assume if I dug ladies, that respect would translate.
Bang: Molly (She does a lot of that according to her tape) OHHH!
Kill: Lily... Psycho
Marry: Carly hot, nice and you get to bang her more than once if your married
Man, where do I EVEN begin with... OK LETS DO THIS
Bang - Lee (I know you would too)/ I KNOW THIS IS GONNA SOUND CRAZY BUT... Carlos? Idk maybe it's the accent LOL AND OMID MAN THAT GUY HE'S FREAKING HILARIOUS
Kill - The guys from the creepy farm and all the creepy fuckers
Bang- Luke (for obvious reasons), Mark ( if he wasn't dead. I actually had a crush on him the whole 2nd episode. Guys with glasses are the cutest. TT broke my heart.)
1. Bang Lee - you can tell he has a nice bod. And that voice??? Seeexy as hell. :cool:
2. kill Kenny. I found him sooooo annoying in my … morefirst playthrough but that was partly because I didn't help him kill Larry.
3. Marry Glenn. Cause I'm Asian.
1. Bang Molly. Although I would try and do a blood / pap smear test on her first, who knows what she might have gotten from that sleazy doctor. :eek:
2. kill Lilly. Bitch deserves it. :mad:
3. Marry Carley
My old man has always been a mix of muscle and "teddy bear" in terms of build, so while most of my friends are divided between a preference for those two builds, both just send platonic signals straight to my brain. So probably because of that, to me the hottest build for a man is that of a scrawny beanpole just like Ben. I love long, bony limbs and sharp angles; they're a nice contrast to my short and curvy frame. I also think glasses and stubble are kinda sexy, so besides being an all-around great guy, Mark is quite attractive to me, too. Give me an older version of Ben who shared personality traits with Mark and I think I really would want to marry him! You can laugh if you want, but I can't lie, that'd be my dream guy, assuming he was geeky enough.
Whut what? I can only speculate about how I'd feel if I were gay, but Christa's like a darker, more badass, modern update of Grace Kelly, and she and Omid are totally the Zoe and Wash of TWD. That's cool in my book! I assume if I dug ladies, that respect would translate.
Marry Carley.
Kill Molly because I don't know who that is yet anyway.
No love for the other bandits? xD
The other bandits don't have as soft a heart as bandit #3
Marry Ben, then bang him.
Kill Larry.
Marry Carley
Bang Molly (sex with a ninja? yes)
Kill Lilly
Kill Brie
Marry Mark
Kill: Lily... Psycho
Marry: Carly hot, nice and you get to bang her more than once if your married
This! but i'd switch Irene with Lilly, had bad experiences with her...
Kill Jolene
Marry Molly
Kill Lilly - See following
Marry Carley - *sobbing*
Kill - lilly
Marry - carley
Marry Lee
Kill Vernon xD
Kill some other Walker
Marry another Walker
Fuck Ben, marry Mark, and kill Larry.
Man, where do I EVEN begin with... OK LETS DO THIS
Fuck Kenny's mustache
Kill Bonnie
Marry Kenny's mullet
Bang Carley
Kill Lilly
Marry Molly
Bang: Mark
Kill: Carver
Marry: Nick
why da fuq do you wanna bang men? this says FEMALE
Are you serious with this thread ?
What the heck is this thread supposed to be? Damn you guys really have nothing useful to discuss.
Ok, the fact that I'm here means I've effectively run out of shit to do...
I'd fuck Lilly, Kill Bonnie, and Marry Katjaa
Fuck Eddie, Kill Stranger and Marry Nick
Fuck Wall Street!, Kill that fucking shitbird Ben!, marry Kenny! (Bromance)
I have a stupid question...........who is molly?
... No.
The girl from Episode 4. You know, the one with the hoodie and ice hook.
No? Seriously who is molly?
oooooooooh ok i remember her thanks
This thread is really pathetic, tbh.
Marry: Carly
GIRLS ~ I'd have sex with Molly, marry Carley & kill Lilly.
GUYS ~ I'd have sex with Omid, marry Luke & kill Carver.
Sex with Carley Kill Duck MarryMolly
Sx with Luke, marry nick, KILLL CARRVVEEERRRR ;W;