Episode 2,Telltale's original plan.
Hey you all,hows it going?
So,I was diging through Youtube for some unused lines today,and found some pretty interesting stuff.Though it would be worth sharing. (http://www.youtube.com/user/xAzureIzumix)
Episode 2 Highlights:
-Brenda's voice used to be a lot different.
-If you didn't cut Mr. Parker's leg off at the beggining,it seems that he would get chopped instead of Mark.It would be a very nice interaction!
-The Meat Locker scene was supposed to be much more longer and dramatic,with more lines,argument and interaction when it comes to reviving Larry.Seems this is what the picture from the episode menu was showing us.
-It gets confirmed that the traps belong to the St. John's.
-After stealing/leaving the food,it seems that there was supposed to be a scene leading us back to the Motor Inn.
So what do you think?I didn't listen to all of them,so apologies if I missed something important.

Episode 2 Highlights:
-Brenda's voice used to be a lot different.
-If you didn't cut Mr. Parker's leg off at the beggining,it seems that he would get chopped instead of Mark.It would be a very nice interaction!
-The Meat Locker scene was supposed to be much more longer and dramatic,with more lines,argument and interaction when it comes to reviving Larry.Seems this is what the picture from the episode menu was showing us.
-It gets confirmed that the traps belong to the St. John's.
-After stealing/leaving the food,it seems that there was supposed to be a scene leading us back to the Motor Inn.
So what do you think?I didn't listen to all of them,so apologies if I missed something important.

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For instance, just watch the "Next time on The Walking Dead" at the end of Episode 1. It's so much different. It makes the whole episode feel like you will be dealing with the bandits. Lots of unused dialogue, and even a scene of Lee either frantically running through the forest or a cornfield (I don't remember exactly). Kenny says something about "there's going to be a war." Kat criticizes you/praises you depending on whether you tried to save Shawn or Duck in Ep. 1.
I wonder what would have happened to Mark then, as clearly they planned on eliminating him.
If you killed the St. Johns
LILLY[pickup3][still fairly emotionless] You know, Dad told me about you... what you did to the senator... I didn't think you had it in you, but after tonight...
...I just hope you're doing it for the right reasons.
If you spared them
LILLY[pickup3]You know, my Dad told me about you... about what happened with the senator...
LEE [pickup3] Lilly I-
LILLY [pickup3]Look, I don't care what happened in your past. Tonight I saw what kind of man you are. You could have killed every one of them, but you didn't. I think that says a lot.
I, actually agree with that.
Imagine what they left out or replaced in all 5 episodes
I know it's unavoidable and happens with every TV show,movie,book and video game but I'm always disappointed when I hear of cut content.
Damn it! I want it all!!!
The preview to episode 2 had scenes and lines that never appeared i.e war is coming with bandits and Ben shooting a gun but this sounds like a LOT of unused content. I would of liked more interactions with Mark and the extra interactions with Lilly and Kenny.The unused dialogue in the meat locker sound really interesting,was someone hiding medicine that could of helped Larry?
Could David be saved or was he left and the St John's find him and cooked him instead of Mark?
What a shame,sometimes ignorance is bliss...
MORE,I want MORE!!!
Edit:and more Larry raging and ranting is always good!
Episode 2 - Mark and Andy wear different clothes
-Katjaa thanks/scolds Lee for saving Duck/Shawn
-Kenny says there's going to be a war
-Ben is surrounded with a gun saying "This isn't happening!"
Episode 3 - Kenny says Macon's run it's course, and another thing depending on your friendship
-Lee is wearing the clothes from Episode 2
-Omid and Christa are seen battling zombies in a room
-Clementine asks if people get mad when they're scared
-The interrogation on the side of the road is in the day and Kenny is in the disscussion
Episode 4 - Lee tells Clemeentine they can't look for her parents at the moment
-Omid falls in the street
-Christa and Kenny argue over Omid's health
It seems like the writer's never even planned Crawford when they made that preview.
May I ask you where you got that from? I remember some of that from the trailers, but the rest... I got no idea.
Edit: what i meant, was it all from the trailers/previews?
From the previews at the end of each episode.
The Katjaa thanks/scolds Lee for saving Duck/Shawn is still in episode 2,you can talk to her in the barn.She even thanked my shy,silent and indecisive Lee when he did nothing
I should really stop listening to these cut audios, there's some good stuff that I wish was in the game. You hear Doug mentioning that he fixed Clem's radio and I enjoyed the extended argument between Kenny and Larry in the drugstore" I've been in wars!" and Larry: "I'm a patriot!" Kenny:"You're a prick!"
It seems those excellent voice actors did a lot more work than I thought.
Edit:Carley mentions that, maybe, the radio doesnt have any batteries...
Thats true.
Theres some stuff they really should have left.
Clem:Wait,what about Maybelle? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yjmC5gcdQI (4:00))
Clem:The cow!!
Lilly:Comon honey,we-we gotta move!
Playtesting. A lot of this stuff was in the episode at one point and as cool as it sounds in isolation it wasn't working when you actually played through the game. There are some cool ideas in there, but most deleted scenes are deleted for a reason.
Some is also deleted because it steps on the story. We realized as we went that we didn't want Lilly to reveal that she knows your past until the RV scene in episode 3, so that was removed from 2. Things like that.
Things also get added late if they help the story. For instance, the scene on the road to the dairy where you first meet the bandits wasn't in the game until a couple weeks before it came out.
I'm sad Clem's line about the cow got cut.
We deliberately left Crawford out of the preview.
But the scene with dead Doug/Carley seemed so cool, why'd you guys cut it out?:(
Ah so what made you guys chose mark over david?
I'm just curious about the trailer for Episode 2. It made it seem like you had a lot more planned for the bandits at first. Obviously, you didn't want to hint anything malicious about the St. Johns, so I understand that totally, but there's a scene where Lee is frantically running away, and Kenny talking about there was going to be a war. Were there more plans with the bandits originally, or was that just to throw people off about the true villains of the episode?
Yall should've kept the other version of getting the keys from Lee's brother. The one where Doug goes out and blows a car horn to distract the walkers.
I replayed the first two episodes, I saw the previews too, helped refreshing my memory
Yeah, i know, i keep thinking about how different the game would be if all of those unused dialogues were in-game... Talking about re-playing the game, does anybody get a different feel with the story? I get some awkward kind of 'nostalgia' when playing the game, especially in episode two. I Hate-Loved going through the Meat locker scene again.
Gotta love Clementine. I wish the cow was still alive, maybe Maybelle had superpowers and killed all of the walkers and flew away to safety with a milk-based jetpack?
I wish there had been more interaction with Lilly during the episodes, maybe less people would have got to hate her... you know, a lot of people like Kenny just because you met him first, and got to know him more. Same with Carley and Doug; I spent half(?) of the first episode with Carley, while i just got to talk with Doug a couple of times. I'm guessing that Lilly telling you about your past just wouldn't have worked out...
Maybe you'll release a directors cut later on. Peter Jackson did it, maybe you can too.
Your answer suggests that these cut audios were fully functional and completed scenes,is that the case?
I understand that you had your reasons to cut them, due to story reasons and pacing, but I'd love to see them.Don't let them go to waste,why not include them as deleted scenes in the retail version?
I really enjoyed these characters and I'd enjoy seeing more of them, it would also give me a reason to buy the game again.
Yeah I basically got all that from the trailers.
The trailers are created while we're still making the episode they're for. We want to show you the kinds of things you can expect without spoiling the actual events. Small details in presentation can also change during production if something isn't reading quite right.
Fo example: You never see Chuck roll back the train boxcar door in episode 3, but he does it in the trailer.
For those interested,there are is now a complete unused line/retake upload for the third,fourth and fifth episode.
it was from the "next on the walking dead'
The reason the trailer for Ep 2 is different is partly deliberate (they want to give you a feeling of the story without giving anything away) and partly because they were nowhere near done with the above editing process.
The reason for all those extra sound files being in the game is probably (I'm speculating here) that editing things "in engine" is faster than assembling only the ones they want to use. I haven't looked but I'm sure there's a freaking ton of those files, and just keeping track of them all must be someone's full-time job there. Easier and faster to just have them all in the engine already so the game's editors can work right up to the deadline and get it just right.