not lee! noooooo
just finished ep 5. great story, i dunno about that ending tho! lee better not be dead!
much like the tv series i feel like if certain characters die (glen and daryl mostly) i'd stop watching. ill check out season 2 to see how clem made out but if lee is dead...
for me clem and lee make the game what it is. just my opinion
much like the tv series i feel like if certain characters die (glen and daryl mostly) i'd stop watching. ill check out season 2 to see how clem made out but if lee is dead...
for me clem and lee make the game what it is. just my opinion
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Exactly what Master of Aeons said. If you can't deal with Character Death almost contently then TWD is the wrong franchise. But
And Daryl will die too. Robert Kirkman said every character is going to die it is just a matter of when they will. So to stop watching or reading because your favorite character dies is a bit silly.
don't you think that by the hundredth life or death situation you would start to ignore the death possibility and just see Lee an an immortal hero destined to save the world.
that is how action heroes work, you know they wont die you just want to see how badass the way they take out the bad guys will be
No i don't think i would see Lee like that as when i play the walking dead i put myself in that position of being one of the survivors who has to battle just to live another day,not some super hero with amazing powers and big guns/swords...i know its not Skyrim:)
Personally i need to feel some attachment to my character when i play games,whether sport,role playing,whatever.
I hope it is. It suck though after all this. Why the F did they kill main char for?. At least make it a gamepisode worth waiting for, now it ruined. Im not gonna spend anymore on this game unless it worth every penny. Gonna watch it on youtube for new season. Hope it turn out Clementine shot Lee on his cheek then she scared and run and of course Lee didnt turn.:(
I may have to make a pirate Lee avatar now....
You know it won't be like that. You know that if Clem missed then Lee WILL turn into a Walker. So Lee died big whoop. Yes I am sad that he died and that he will not be back for season 2 but we will have a new story unfold with more characters to get to know and try to help them survive this harsh world.
And if your not going to spend anymore on this game just because Lee died then as I said to the OP The Walking is is not a good franchise for you because everyone will die it is just a matter of when.
I was bored, they're too big to be an avatar anyway ^^
Edit: Ben's eye patch also looks weird.
Edit 2: Screw ben.
People always die, it's one of the only things a ZA doesn't really change. It just.. speeds up the process.
I know but everyone amuses that because they have a favorite character or it is a main character then that character will be untouched when it is completely wrong.
I know how that sucks though. I had a real problem with Tyrese's death in the comics. If you read a lot of Marvel, where people hop in and out of graves with cheerful abandon, it's quite a change reading a comic where death is never ever reversed.
If Lee comes back, and he won't, I'm just saying, if Lee comes back I would head for the exits because it would be a corny sell-out thing to do and I get enough of that from other media.
The only thing which would surely prevent me from buying season 2 is if Lee survives in a miracle way. Than I can also play a Barbie-game instead but Telltale won't do this big mistake which would make them unreliable.
This game is about the horror of a apocalypse (in a dramatical way) and not about love. That's why I really liked the end, was really a great dramatical end.
No doubt the writers have chosen their way of proceeding with the story so thats cool but i've read Max Brooks World War Z a few times and people survive from day one until the end of the zombie outbreak,they adapt and make decisions that keep them and people they care about alive...probably the sort of game format i'm more into.
How was it useless? You taught Clem how to survive in this world. If my actions keep even one person alive for as long as possible after I have died then all my choices would have been worth it.
Yes but World War Z HAD an ending so people could survive from day one. The Walking Dead I am 100% sure will only end when sales in the comic book fall and so far I doubt that is going to happen even after Rick's approximate 300 Issue lifespan so The Walking Dead will have no ending. The world that everyone knew in The Walking Dead is gone and this is the world that everyone lives with now and will always live in. There is no going back and there is no way to stop the outbreak because everyone is infected.
Why do you think Robert Kirkman pitched the idea of making The Walking Dead TV Show with this line...."The Zombie Movie That Never Ends."? Because it is.
Yeah, but i don't think that Clementine will survive this alone after all. But i don't thought about Clementine. I thought about decisions like Cutting of hand, Leaving Lilly at the road. Be or not to be Kenny of friend Cause he always die the same way, YOU die the same way, no matter if you were helpful or asshole, if u Cut the hand or not.
I would have understood telltale's decision to kill of Lee if episode 5 was going to be the last episode in the story since Kirkman may very well kill of Rick towards the end of the comics, but episode 5 is practically mid way in the story. When Kirkman kills of fan favourites he makes sure he leaves some left. As much as I enjoyed the game I don't think Telltale balanced the group of survivors well enough. They killed off all of the fan favourites in episode 3 leaving us with 3 replacement characters that we didn't give a shit about, then they take away the last 2 fan favourites in episode 5(Lee and Kenny) leaving us with Christa and Omid who were 2 of the 3 characters introduced in episode 3 that hardly anyone gave a shit about. I wasn't bothered when I saw Chuck's body in the sewers because I barely knew him. He had only been with group for a matter of hours since episode 4 started straight after where episode 3 ended. Had Carly of died in the sewer it would have been far more impactful.
I definitely think Teltale should have had at least 1 character from the original group at the end of the game besides Clementine as opposed to 2 newcomers, assuming that the 2 people in the distance were Omid and Christa. We know very little about Omid and Christa, even now. Though it makes them mysterious and may cause intrigue at the prospect of seeing them in season 2, I personally don't have any feelings for them as characters. I didn't like them more than Chuck and I didn't like Chuck more than them. Omid and Christa came in the game at the end of episode 3, around 3 or 5pm, a few hours after the loss of Kat and duck. They arrived with Lee at Savannah hours later in episode 4. By night fall they were at Crawford. The following day they search for Clementine in episode 5. That is how long these characters were part of Lee's group as opposed to Kat,Carly/Doug,Duck,Kenny,Larry who had lived with Lee for 3 months. Yes these characters, or rather some of them should of died but their deaths should have been more spread out instead of Telltale killing a group member per episode. If character deaths aren't felt by the audience they might as well be "red shirts", that is how I saw Chuck. I think Larry could have been around longer because he had a lot of character. He was a character that you loved to hate and I definitely think Carly's death could have been sad if she died later in the game. Most people felt anger when she died, not sadness.
Maybe TellTale even troll our expections and let Omid/Christa die and Kenny survive^^
I don't think that they let them all die too early in the storyline. The death of Katjaa/Duck was dramatically and good. I really liked it to see how it changed Kenny, it was a good story.
Larrys death was also okay, without that death there would have been much less rivality in the group -> less drama -> worse story. Also the Lee death was good story telling in my opinion. I only agree about Carley/Doug. I didn't like their death because of nothing. I even think that this scene was the only one which could have been done better (I only speak about the story)
i think some people do think of them as invincible, some people don't even like them and i would bet plot armour has something to do with that, I'm just glad we got a real ending to the season not just an end to an episode that leads onto the next, also you saw what got Lee, that could happen to anyone it's not because he sucks at surviving he just got caught and bitten
Different people are going to see the ending differently. It's about outlook I suppose. Are you a cup half full or a half empty kind a guy. It's good that you can see something positive in the ending with the idea of your choices enabling Clementine's survival. Personally, I don't see the ending that way. There wasn't anything that you could have said in the game that would change the outcome. Clementine was predestined to survive episode 5 no matter what and Lee was predestined to die which is why the game does not continue if she is killed in the jewellery store. The game made you/us feel like you were contributing to her education but how many times in the series did Lee sit down and teach her about survival and how many of those moments were optional? As I remember in the game Lee didn't begin to prepare Clementine for life without him until the end of episode 3 when he taught her to shoot and advised her to keep her hair short. Lee engaged little with her in episode 4 since he kept getting split up, either deliberately when going off with Kenny to find a boat or when separated in the sewers and she was absent for most of episode 5. If you tell Clementine to avoid strangers or go to the country at the end It won't make a difference to her survival in season 2 because she will be written to survive one way or another if she is in season 2. It's an illusion that her survival is based on your choices as Lee in season 1. That is illusion but what was real was Lee's vision, his dream and goal after being bitten. The only thing he cared about was knowing that Clementine would be safe after he died and that she would be raised by Omid and Christa. Sadly Lee died not knowing if she would be safe and died before he could reunite her with Omid and Christa. He died during his mission. He died with out completing his mission. He couldn't continue to keep Clementine safe and reunite her with her new carers. In the end she had to keep her self safe by running and avoiding the walkers which is something she was doing since before Lee and her met.(Remember the forest at the beginning of episode 1)
The fact is, no matter how you look at it Lee got screwed over by Telltale for the purpose of shock value and to force an emotional impact. That is what Telltale were going for all along. They wanted people to be sad, cry and remember the experience. The ending was so sad many are trying to put a positive spin on it to make themselves feel better. Lee knew he had failed the moment he was bitten, hence his response. His motivation for survival has always been about keeping Clementine safe. Ep 5 he accepted he could not do this so the next best thing was for Omid and Christa to take on the torch of responsibility. He knew and felt that his death would only be worth while if he could get Clementine back from the stranger and hand her over to Omid and Christa who he could trust to take as good care for her as he would but his time ran out before he could do this. Even if Clementine did some how manage to find Omid and Christa which would have been Lee's dying wish, Lee would not have known she found them before he died. That is what is so tragic about the ending.
Back on topic, TWD works as an emotional experience but fails as a game.
To feel some sense of achievement that I had properly prepared Clementine for survival, it would have to be possible for me not to achieve this. It isn't. She lives no matter what, meaning there's no achievement.
It would have been neat, after Lee's death, to have a sequence where we watch Clementine escape Savannah on her own, with all her decisions dependent on how Lee influenced her, with failure/death a possibiility if you prepared her inadequately.
Regarding the point I made about the deaths in the story, I suppose that is down to opinion, but for me I didn't feel anything when, Chuck died,when Ben died, when Lee buried the boy in the attic and I wouldn't have been moved by Omnid or Christa's deaths because I barely knew these characters. My point was that all of the characters that I personally cared about were killed of by episode 3 accept Lee and Clementine. Although this is all only an opinion, I don't think anyone can deny that Cary dying in the sewer scene would have been more emotional than when Chuck died there.
With regards to Lee getting bitten, of cause that could happen to anyone but it was a cheap death for a protagonist and a death more fitting for a "red shirt" or a supporting character. That is how Amy was bitten. I would bet anything and everything that her sister Andrea will be given a better death because of her alertness and ability to survive. Someone like Abraham would have been killed in a way that couldn't be prevented(an arrow to the back of the head). I couldn't imagine a character like him being surprised by a single walker, Kirkman would give them a better death, making them harder to kill.
plot armour
and i didn't think it was cheap, but that's my opinion
my issue is killing off lee in my eyes is kind of a bad idea even though its staying true to the comic books (never read them not interested tbh). for me telltale's game was all about the chemistry between lee and clem. I.E when the bandits attacked their hotel and lee shot a couple dudes and clem ran to lee and they hugged before she ran into the RV then duck and his mother got tackled by a zombie. that may not have happened if and clem and lee weren't so close. i saw things like that and telltale loaded the game with stuff like that involving them. without lee there its not the the same game nor story.
i'm not a happy ending disney movie style kind of person. to put some contrast out there... in dragon age i sacrificed my main character at the end and considered that a really good ending.
every time someone ended up offering to take clem from you for her good they ended up being a whack job. lee is/was the only one capable of taking care of clem imo. lets be honest here... clem randomly running into another good person that will take care of her just by chance is more outlandish then lee surviving a zombie bite and being shot in the head.
i hope i covered everyone's responses while avoiding a wall of text