The Walking Dead - The Movie (One Really Big Spoiler!)

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
I posted in this thread as I am not sure where to really put it. I am looking for feedback off the community, but I do not want anyone who is worried about spoilers to see this so be warned - SPOILER HEAVY!!

I’ve started a project in which I record my play through of The Walking Dead game, and then turn it into a cinematic style film (Take out as much of the user interface and game mechanics as possible).

It’s an ambitious project – hell I have had to cut short certain parts of the game play altogether because they just wont fit in – but it still keeps to the general storyline and follows the events as they unfold.

So far I have finished making the first 4 scenes as well as the ‘intro’. Does anyone have any constructive criticism? Bear in mind I only started making videos about 48 hours ago so this is definitely a WIP.

I have learned a lot from making the first part, and it was only after waiting for the render for 4 hours that I could actually see what you are about to see. Certain split second frames still have parts of the U.I. in them (I did not see them!) and the crosshair is almost impossible to work with. However with all I have learned, the videos for the rest of the season will be of a much finer quality.

Link To Video:
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