Except, as I said, it implies that he was transformed by outside events and not actually a bad person to begin with. If they wanted to make that arc more convincing, it needed to have the rape played normally, or taken out. Glen Mazzara is playing the Walking Dead as standard television, and that's one of the biggest problems. It's too far adapted to TV.
Showrunners shouldn't stick to what they always do, they should be more focused on bringing the moments of the comic to life. To me those are Carl shooting [human] Shane, Tyreese in the prison (which still could happen), "We are the walking dead!", Lori's death, and Glenn meeting Lucille. So far, they haven't got a single PANEL right.
That issue...
On the bright side there was that one funny Letter Hacks threatening Kirkman about Glenn that was sent by a certain author... :rolleyes:
I think Andrea is starting to realize how f*kd up the Gov really is, starting with the fish tank zombie head and keeping his zomb daughter locked up with a Jason Vorhees sack on her head. I think she comes to her senses and helps the Dixon Bros to escape and reach the prison, i thought her face expression and panic state when she seen Darryl, could be wrong tho. Anyways Give it up for Tyresse one of my fav char in the comics!!! P.S. top moment in mid-season finale, Michone's sword going thru Penny's head and out her mouth, it was Beast:cool:
It was a great episode, of course any speculation about Daryl was quickly erased by his appearance in the preview for the next half but still, it shall be an interesting journey.
The worst thing about the TV-only watchers is when they get agressive or mad when you explain how kirkman's works go. "Wtf?! This is what he does? fuck this show. I'll keep living in my igronant bubble that Daryl and Shane are immortal."
.. .. Really.
In unrelated news I think Shane deserved to die. There I said it.
I'm not sure I like this whole splitting seasons in two thing, I'd rather they took a little longer in releasing the entire season, like every other show does. Having said that, so far I've liked this season, a huge improvement over the second's plot that would not advance under any circumstance.
About the governor, I like the approach they took for the show more than the one Kirkman took for the comic. Oh, and I also never liked Tyreese and hated everything that happened after the prison. And I like TV show Andrea. You can throw rocks at me now
I'm not sure I like this whole splitting seasons in two thing, I'd rather they took a little longer in releasing the entire season, like every other show does. Having said that, so far I've liked this season, a huge improvement over the second's plot that would not advance under any circumstance.
About the governor, I like the approach they took for the show more than the one Kirkman took for the comic. Oh, and I also never liked Tyreese and hated everything that happened after the prison. And I like TV show Andrea. You can throw rocks at me now
a lot of american shows have mid season break, it's better than English TV that only has like 6 episodes in an entire series (or season for Americans )
a lot of american shows have mid season break, it's better than English TV that only has like 6 episodes in an entire series (or season for Americans )
I've never seen any series with a mid-season break. But I suppose it could be because I'm from Argentina, and here they tend to arrive months later than in the States, so they don't split them. To my knowledge, The Walking Dead is the only series without that delay (only two days later), so it's the only series that gets a mid-season break here.
That's my theory at least, I didn't know mid-season breaks were common
Daryl's going to die. Which is good. It'll let the public audience know that the writers do not care who they are killing off, even if they have an immense fan group. Kirkman does this all the time.
Not this season. Highly doubt that.
And to me, killing off fan favorites is a copout way to enforce the "anyone can die" rule. If I don't see Rick or Carl dead before the 300 issue run of the comics or during the TV show that rule is bunk.
The worst thing about the TV-only watchers is when they get agressive or mad when you explain how kirkman's works go. "Wtf?! This is what he does? fuck this show. I'll keep living in my igronant bubble that Daryl and Shane are immortal."
.. .. Really.
In unrelated news I think Shane deserved to die. There I said it.
Shane did deserve it, but he was an excellent source of tension in the group. It's like Lilly vs. Kenny in the game, when Lilly's gone, all that tension is gone. At least to me.
And to me, killing off fan favorites is a copout way to enforce the "anyone can die" rule. If I don't see Rick or Carl dead before the 300 issue run of the comics or during the TV show that rule is bunk.
You may doubt that, but I hope he does. Not for him, not for the other characters... But still, I hope. And we do not know what happens to Carl and Rick. They both may die, they both were already very close to dying.
No, I think it will be this season. My theory is that Daryl wants to protect the kids and takes it hard when he can't. So I give him Hershel's death from the comic:
Judith dies, the Governor wins and Daryl just gives up and lets himself be shot, like Hershel did when the last of his children was killed. TV Hershel himself goes on to die in the Fear The Hunters arc.
I think Merle will die. He's a bit of a mess right now. He is no longer able to work with the Governor and he wouldn't be able to work with Rick and his group for obvious reasons. All he has is Daryl and I think Daryl will do anything he can for his brother but also won't leave or betray Rick. They can't just make Merle's fate ambiguous again too. Daryl won't die yet, but he will be hard to 'control' with his brother in the picture.
I think Merle will have status-unknown, like he escapes from the Governer into the forest or something like that, and we won't see him again for another season or two :P
I change my vote. When talking to someone about the way Daryl is the new Tyreese and Tyreese's fate, I now say that Daryl will die in place of Comic Tyreese.
You can see Darryl running through the woods in the preview for the next half of the season. I think him and Merel escape while Rick has a group going to rescue him and they run into one another in the woods. That's where Glenn yells "what's HE doing here?" Because Merel just tortured Glenn.
Extremely common for the States. Up until they did "non-stop seasons" the first three seasons of 24 would take a 1-3 week break at about four different points in the season. That's the main reason why so many 20+ episode per season shows in the US will start up between September and November and won't wrap up the season until May.
Shorter TV shows and "summer series" aren't immune to this either. Burn Notice tends to start up in June or July and have about a 16 episode season. There will be a one week break in the first quarter, a TWO TO THREE MONTH break in the middle and finally another one week break at the 3/4 mark before finishing up in December or January. Excluding the first season which was only six episodes it seems like this is the format that AMC's TWD follows (I don't seem to recall any short breaks however :P)
Honestly the only show with no breaks in recent memory that comes to mind is the US remake of Being Human. I can't speak for the first season but unless there was a one week break in the middle that I missed then they wound up doing a 12 episode season with no breaks. Of course the only problem with such a short season is the NINE MONTH WAIT BETWEEN SEASONS :-/
That issue...
On the bright side there was that one funny Letter Hacks threatening Kirkman about Glenn that was sent by a certain author... :rolleyes:
Yeah, I think I posted a transcript somewhere on here. Well worth the read.
Edith says: That mould make a dam good signature.
How do I change my signature?
.. .. Really.
In unrelated news I think Shane deserved to die. There I said it.
About the governor, I like the approach they took for the show more than the one Kirkman took for the comic. Oh, and I also never liked Tyreese and hated everything that happened after the prison. And I like TV show Andrea. You can throw rocks at me now
a lot of american shows have mid season break, it's better than English TV that only has like 6 episodes in an entire series (or season for Americans
I've never seen any series with a mid-season break. But I suppose it could be because I'm from Argentina, and here they tend to arrive months later than in the States, so they don't split them. To my knowledge, The Walking Dead is the only series without that delay (only two days later), so it's the only series that gets a mid-season break here.
That's my theory at least, I didn't know mid-season breaks were common
Of course he did. But did he deserve the comic death or tv lifespan?
I also don't like the comic post-prison. I think it was best mid-prison and hasn't beat that arc.
I also think the prison arc was one of the best,I haven't read all of the comics so far,but I am almost there,can't wait to get the next volume soon.
Not this season. Highly doubt that.
And to me, killing off fan favorites is a copout way to enforce the "anyone can die" rule. If I don't see Rick or Carl dead before the 300 issue run of the comics or during the TV show that rule is bunk.
Shane did deserve it, but he was an excellent source of tension in the group. It's like Lilly vs. Kenny in the game, when Lilly's gone, all that tension is gone. At least to me.
You may doubt that, but I hope he does. Not for him, not for the other characters... But still, I hope. And we do not know what happens to Carl and Rick. They both may die, they both were already very close to dying.
No, I think it will be this season. My theory is that Daryl wants to protect the kids and takes it hard when he can't. So I give him Hershel's death from the comic:
In the promo when Rick sees Glenn people are with Rick and Glenn says what is he doing here,I guess he is referring to Merle.
I feel bad reading all this. Need to do a 24 hour marathon...
That's probably EXACTLY what they're going to do.
Extremely common for the States. Up until they did "non-stop seasons" the first three seasons of 24 would take a 1-3 week break at about four different points in the season. That's the main reason why so many 20+ episode per season shows in the US will start up between September and November and won't wrap up the season until May.
Shorter TV shows and "summer series" aren't immune to this either. Burn Notice tends to start up in June or July and have about a 16 episode season. There will be a one week break in the first quarter, a TWO TO THREE MONTH break in the middle and finally another one week break at the 3/4 mark before finishing up in December or January. Excluding the first season which was only six episodes it seems like this is the format that AMC's TWD follows (I don't seem to recall any short breaks however :P)
Honestly the only show with no breaks in recent memory that comes to mind is the US remake of Being Human. I can't speak for the first season but unless there was a one week break in the middle that I missed then they wound up doing a 12 episode season with no breaks. Of course the only problem with such a short season is the NINE MONTH WAIT BETWEEN SEASONS :-/