Stop wasting my favourites, TellTale!

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
Gah! Finished Episode 4.

I liked Mark, I liked him a lot. He came out of nowhere in terms of the episode but the three month handwave was sufficient. He was a nice guy, useful, had Lee's back and didn't constantly angst about everywhere, oh and he was a nice guy you could easily like.

But off'ing him with the cannibals after about ten minutes of screentime? I dunno, it just felt wasted. Obviously dropping say... Larry n there wouldn't have the same effect, but he was such a sacrificial lamb.

Then Chuck. I didn't know what to make of him at first. I was a little sceptical, but after his talk about protecting Clem, cutting her hair and teaching her to use a firearm, I warmed up to him.

With his 'heroic stand' to save Clem at the start of 4 it was impossible not to love him, even if you weren't a fan before. I also figured he'd get out just fine because "we never saw the body" and all that... but nope, dead. Gone. I would have at least liked to have met him in the sewers one final time (alive that is), maybe hiding out with a bite wound? Getting to talk to Lee one more time before he passes? He went out like a pro, but it still felt a bit... anti-climatic maybe? Wasted? Maybe he could have been at the school instead of Brie and it ends up rubbing even more moral dilemma in the 'save Ben' question.

I understand this is The Walking Dead and that nobody is safe, "No good deed goes unpunished" and in reality your amount of screentime wouldn't dictate how long you survived, but still, I think these are two characters I'd have liked to have spent a lot more time with.

Christine is... she isn't bad, she's just a bit... I dunno, dull? I keep forgetting she's there. Omar vanishes for most of Episode 4, but what little I saw of him in 3 and 4 made me like him a lot. Ben I found boring and bland regardless of his mess ups, Kenny just shouts at me a lot but he's still a great character.

I don't know, I'm not saying everyone needs to be Lee's best friend (I loved Larry as a character), but I feel like we're stuck with the more dull deadweights whilst the interesting potential guys get off'ed about ten minutes later.

On an unrelated note, I heard the zombie contest winner appears in 4. Who was it?


  • edited December 2012
    Christa und Omid are the names. But I feel with you, I really liked Mark, too. He was very nice, even a little too nice. First I hoped he would survive the farm, because he was just very awesome, but I grew sceptical as Brenda did not wanted Lee to visit him.

    Charles was awesome, tough. He had the spirit to survive all this, and this maybe took his life. I was really dissapointed when I found his corpse.

    Christ and Omid are both really awesome characters, the one while he maintains his humor, and the other one is just one strong woman, careful and protective, traits which fit very well in TWD.
  • edited December 2012
    Telltale is most likely treating characters as expendable like Kirkman has been doing with his comics lately.

    Like in The Walking Dead #100.
  • edited December 2012
    Christa und Omid are the names. But I feel with you, I really liked Mark, too. He was very nice, even a little too nice. First I hoped he would survive the farm, because he was just very awesome, but I grew sceptical as Brenda did not wanted Lee to visit him.

    Charles was awesome, tough. He had the spirit to survive all this, and this maybe took his life. I was really dissapointed when I found his corpse.

    I expect it came from him having witnessed a girl like Clem die before. He was pretty much going to do anything to stop himself from seeing that happen again, so he bought them the time to get away regardless of the cost to himself rather than risk just dragging more with him if he tried to break through to them. It was a nice touch, however tragic.
    Christ and Omid are both really awesome characters, the one while he maintains his humor, and the other one is just one strong woman, careful and protective, traits which fit very well in TWD.

    I mean don't get me wrong here, I like just about every character in the main crew. Omid I like for having a more upbeat, humorous angle. I do also enjoy Christa being so protective of both Omid and Clem, whilst at the same time knowing when to take a risk, disagreeing with Lee at (perfectly valid) times and going right ahead the others. I just feel like she's the least interesting of the Episode 3/4 cast, you know? Still a good character, just not standing out.

    Molly was okay. I think the whole "badass chick with a chip on her shoulder" trope is a bit overdone, but still a pretty decent character.
  • edited December 2012
    Alright! I did not think you would not have liked thim. I just wanted to share my opinion. And I think outstanding characters in a ZA are... Weird! I like that they both are so normal.
  • edited December 2012
    Then Chuck. I didn't know what to make of him at first. I was a little sceptical, but after his talk about protecting Clem, cutting her hair and teaching her to use a firearm, I warmed up to him.

    I loved Chuck. Less so on the train, but once they met up with Christa and Omid and he played his guitar for the group, I couldn't help it.
  • edited December 2012
    Arbitrator wrote: »
    On an unrelated note, I heard the zombie contest winner appears in 4. Who was it?

    The 1st place winner was Brie, and she appears again as a walker in episode 5.

    I really liked Chuck, and was disappointed that he was killed off so suddenly. I always found myself wanting his wise opinions and advice on the situations that occurred. Would he have agreed with the Crawford plan? His opinion on Molly/Vernon's group? His reaction when they realize there is still a functional boat in Savannah? When Lee gets bit? Cutting Lee's his arm off? Etc.

    I have a feeling he would have elected to stay behind regarding the boat so some else didn't have to.

    I liked Mark well enough, but i was constantly annoyed that we never know/see how he joined the group, only hinted and teased that we found him at an air force base. I would have liked to see more of the groups opinions/interactions with him, but alas.
  • edited December 2012
    I agree Chuck and Mark were taken out of the storyline awkwardly fast, but I think the problem is, that we get to emotionally bound with everyone. The only character I didn't really like was Larry, and I didn't really get to know Shawn really well , but I had a really bad time with everyone else's death. Nearly everyone in the comics has been taken out so far, too(at least from Rick's original atlanta-survivor group), the difference is that newcomers don't get killed the following issue
    I'd like Clementine surviving during the whole season, honestly. Not because she's one of the most-liked characters, but because the game wouldn't really be the same without her...
  • edited December 2012
    Here's one for you, alright? This is TWD. Creator's don't care who they are killing off. Kirkman kills off fan favorites quite regularly. Frankly, I grew extremely pissed at this and quit reading the comics after issue 100.
  • edited December 2012
    Zeruis wrote: »
    Here's one for you, alright? This is TWD. Creator's don't care who they are killing off. Kirkman kills off fan favorites quite regularly. Frankly, I grew extremely pissed at this and quit reading the comics after issue 100.

    His death got me pretty pissed at R.Kirkman too, but now that I think about it, he died in a pretty god-damn awesome way. I mean, he could have just died being shot in the head.. instead, we got this long being-beaten-to-death scene.
  • edited December 2012
    I actually thought Glen's death was weak. It was such an "Oh it's issue 100, guess I better kill someone" moment, felt really forced.
  • edited December 2012
    Textbook wrote: »
    I actually thought Glen's death was weak. It was such an "Oh it's issue 100, guess I better kill someone" moment, felt really forced.
    I thought it was nice, it reinforced the notion that anyone can die at any moment. What I like about Kirkman is that he has the balls to kill anyone he wants, if it were any other writer in Kirkman's situation they would have just did the cough out and killed Heath or would have made
    death a big heroic sacrifice (which usually comes off as cliche and silly).

    The brutality was a nice plus too.
  • edited December 2012
    Why do we have to put things in spoiler marks in the spoiler forum?
    Killing Glenn
    is a boner in my book because I wanted to see two young parents start a family in this world and explore what that would be like. That avenue is closed off now.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2012
    Game spoiler forum doesn't necesarilly mean comic spoilers. People who come here to discuss the game but haven't read the comic shouldn't be dissuaded from eventually reading it because the game forum spoilers huge events for them.
  • edited December 2012
    I used to think that I was like Glenn in the Walking Dead. But now I'm clearly Omid.
  • edited December 2012
    I loved
  • edited December 2012
    Mark and Chuck were really cool and nice :C
    I would totally take either of them over Ben if I had the chance but Ben is OK :/
    Brenda's Delicious Homemade Mark-leg Ben-leg is on the menu tonight, get your share!

    I like Omid too, he's really funny and has a good sense of humor.

    I don't really like Christa, she's a bit naggy :P
  • edited December 2012
    Yea but if they kill off every character that the fans really like, they are going to ruin the series. fans are not going to want to keep adjusting to new characters constantly. They need to keep at least a few favorites around. There has to be balance. Some people will die, thats inevitable, but some have to survive, otherwise whats the point? To watch an endless stream of enjoyable characters die in various ways. At least with me, it turns me off to the series and the video game.
  • edited December 2012
    Jeez! People die in the walkind dead! The characters, every single one is there for DYING. Kirkman will even let Rick die, as he said! Maybe Carl will die! Maybe Clem will die! Omid and Christa will die! They all die!

    EVERYONE will die!
  • edited December 2012
    I know how The Walking Dead works, I was reading the comics before everybody and their mum discovered it via the TV series, my point is we barely see some of these characters develop. Its inevitable just about everybody is going to die, sure, but I do think characters like Mark and Chuck bit it too early for such potentially great characters in order to make the impact even harder. If Christa or Omid died in Episode 4 it wouldn't have been nearly as great as how on end I was during five.
  • edited December 2012
    eh..well if thats the case and everyone is going to die I like the series a lot less.
  • edited December 2012
    The thing is you gotta know when to stop. Kirkman isn't near stopping, you just gotta get off the trolley. Telltale has the right idea working with finite seasons rather than an ongoing plot.
  • edited December 2012
    We're not saying that most-liked characters shouldn't die. They should completely kill everyone off at some point, in the most brutal way the possible. I think the point is, that people might get bored of everyone getting killed too soon. (possible comic book spoilers) I hope they keep Andrea around for a long time before taking her out. I'm not saying she should become inmortal, but there's a nice chance to make Andrea take a bigger role in the series.
  • edited December 2012
    Chuck did not die in a brutal way. He was killed with a single bullet to the head, probably. But yes, Mark did probably bleed to death or something, I wonder how he got in the first floor again. Its just even person dies, who you barely know. Thats just how it is. Even if you think, they were great persons. Your crying won't help nobody, and, if you like the series a lot less just because of this, you are not a true fan in my humble opinion.
  • edited December 2012
    yea its disappointing to me that all the characters I like in the series die...I must not be a true fan because I dislike one of the major themes of the series.. Its the biggest detractor to the show in my opinion, but you cant please everyone so no point continuing to complain about it. I vented and said my piece and thats it.
  • edited December 2012
    Will85 wrote: »
    yea its disappointing to me that all the characters I like in the series die...I must not be a true fan because I dislike one of the major themes of the series.. Its the biggest detractor to the show in my opinion, but you cant please everyone so no point continuing to complain about it. I vented and said my piece and thats it.

    This !
  • edited December 2012
    Carely, Mark, Kenny, Lee. Why did they have to kill them?
  • edited December 2012
    But yes, Mark did probably bleed to death or something, I wonder how he got in the first floor again.

    The St. Johns probably threw his ass back upstairs.
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