The TV show isn't canon to the Comics so...

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
Lee and Clementine might pop up. You never know. The TV show has basically said "fuck the comic canon" on occasion.
  1. We haven't even seen Lilly in Woodbury, instead we got the Haley chick who's probably a mashup of Lilly and someone else.
  2. We got the Dixon brothers, two totally new characters (that are awesome, by the way).
  3. Shane lasted longer than Sophia (who's still alive in the comics).
  4. Dale died earlier than Shane.
  5. Carol's still alive.
  6. Lilly/Haley didn't shoot Lori, Carl did.
  7. Judith is still alive.
  8. Tyreese was supposed to show up a lot sooner than he did.

So, for all we know, Lee could possibly make an appearance in the TV show, alive, with both his arms, lol. And so could Clem.

And the game is a force to be reckoned with. Amazing reviews and sales, so for the TV show creators to incorporate elements and characters from the game wouldn't be as unlikely as you think.


  • edited December 2012
    Yeah... That the TV-Show is no kanon, we already knew.. Or we should. And, yes... Lee and Clem could appear in it. Maybe they already did? MAYBE THIS ONE BLACK GUY WAS LEE, JUST IN ANOTHER DIMENSION? OMFG! AND KLEMENTINE STARVED/GOT EATEN IN HER TREEHOUSE!
  • edited December 2012
    Your point is? Yes the TV show alters some things but overall it follows the comics. I have read and seen both, and it mostly follows what happened in the comics while altering some stuff. Not completely changing anything really.

    As far as the game goes, this is entirely the opposite. It is the same universe but the whole plot, characters, areas and story is utterly different. Nothing like comics nor tv or novel at all. Sure some characters make an appeareance here and there (hershel, glenn, lilly etc) but they are nothing like in the show nor the comics.

    I highly doubt any characters from the game would ever appear in the show. for once it is because the people writing the walking dead have absolutely nothing to do with the people writing the game story or characters.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    Your point is? Yes the TV show alters some things but overall it follows the comics. I have read and seen both, and it mostly follows what happened in the comics while altering some stuff. Not completely changing anything really.

    As far as the game goes, this is entirely the opposite. It is the same universe but the whole plot, characters, areas and story is utterly different. Nothing like comics nor tv or novel at all. Sure some characters make an appeareance here and there (hershel, glenn, lilly etc) but they are nothing like in the show nor the comics.

    I highly doubt any characters from the game would ever appear in the show. for once it is because the people writing the walking dead have absolutely nothing to do with the people writing the game story or characters.

    You do realize the game is canon to the comics? If the game is apart of the comics, it's not crazy for one to theorize that characters from the game can be included.

    And not really. Sophia's dead. Carol's still alive. The Dixon brothers are a major part of the series. Tyreese just came in, so him being killed by the Governor like he was in the comics is unlikely. It follows the story, but it's very liberal with it. So it's hard to predict what will happen.
  • edited December 2012
    TV show has its own canon. Kirkman helps with the script in each episode.

    There are two different canons: Comic (the Telltale's game it's based on it) and TV show. That's it.
  • edited December 2012
    yes but overall the tv show still follows the comics pretty much. starts with rick waking up in hospital, joining the group at the camp, later going to hershels farm and then finding the prison..... minor things change (like when a certain character dies or when he joins), but the overall storyline follows up pretty accurate (SO FAR). Not even comparable to the least to the game which is ENTIRELY different. The game writers are ENTIRELY different to the TV/comics. Entirely. So to answer your question: no we won't see any game characters in the tv show.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    yes but overall the tv show still follows the comics pretty much. starts with rick waking up in hospital, joining the group at the camp, later going to hershels farm and then finding the prison..... minor things change (like when a certain character dies or when he joins), but the overall storyline follows up pretty accurate (SO FAR). Not even comparable to the least to the game which is ENTIRELY different. The game writers are ENTIRELY different to the TV/comics. Entirely. So to answer your question: no we won't see any game characters in the tv show.

    Hm~ But the possibility exist~
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    yes but overall the tv show still follows the comics pretty much. starts with rick waking up in hospital, joining the group at the camp, later going to hershels farm and then finding the prison..... minor things change (like when a certain character dies or when he joins), but the overall storyline follows up pretty accurate (SO FAR). Not even comparable to the least to the game which is ENTIRELY different. The game writers are ENTIRELY different to the TV/comics. Entirely. So to answer your question: no we won't see any game characters in the tv show.

    So no game character at all, huh? That's a bold statement to make, but I respect your opinion, mate. If the game included comic characters, and Kirkman talked about putting the Dixon brothers in the comics, that doesn't mean the mediums are immune to crossing over.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    So to answer your question: no we won't see any game characters in the tv show.

    I hope not. Really don't see what the point would be.

    Some people were introduced to TWD universe solely through this game and knew nothing about the comics or TV show prior to playing, including myself.

    I really have no interest in reading or watching the others, so I'd like to keep the game's plot as separate from the other two as possible.
  • edited December 2012
    I hope not. Really don't see what the point would be.

    Some people were introduced to TWD universe solely through this game and knew nothing about the comics or TV show prior to playing, including myself.

    I really have no interest in reading or watching the others, so I'd like to keep the game's plot as separate from the other two as possible.

    That's kinda selfish, don't you think? There are people who read the comics, embraced the TV show, and the game. Why should they be punished because you don't have an interest in the comics or TV show (and your reasoning for this is beyond me)?
  • edited December 2012
    Doctanian wrote: »
    That's kinda selfish, don't you think? There are people who read the comics, embraced the TV show, and the game. Why should they be punished because you don't have an interest in the comics or TV show (and your reasoning for this is beyond me)?

    Perhaps, but it's just my opinion. I doubt TTG is going to see my post and go, "Hey, that's a swell idea."

    As far as my disinterest in the comic series and television show goes? I'm just not interested. There are several franchises like TWD that have various forms of media but I may only choose to follow one or two. Not unheard of.
  • edited December 2012
    you guys need to keep one thing in mind.... kirkman is very influential in the comics obviously and the tv show, while he has pretty much 0 influence on the game. so he gets no say on the characters etc. it is pretty obvious that the show wont take the game chars because they are different writers and different people responsable. also lee has too many similiarities to Tyreese to be included as a 'NEW' character. lee and tyreese-while different- share many same attributes, both are black males around the same age with around the same qualities, both are capable of leading groups and are generally considered being nice and outlooking for their group. so far there is no character in the game that the tv series could need.
  • edited December 2012
    kongdong wrote: »
    you guys need to keep one thing in mind.... kirkman is very influential in the comics obviously and the tv show, while he has pretty much 0 influence on the game. so he gets no say on the characters etc. it is pretty obvious that the show wont take the game chars because they are different writers and different people responsable. also lee has too many similiarities to Tyreese to be included as a 'NEW' character. lee and tyreese-while different- share many same attributes, both are black males around the same age with around the same qualities, both are capable of leading groups and are generally considered being nice and outlooking for their group. so far there is no character in the game that the tv series could need.

    Kirkman has no influence on the game? I do not believe this, Kirkman is the creator of the Kanon of the game, so he can say a hell of a lot.
  • edited December 2012
    Kirkman has no influence on the game? I do not believe this, Kirkman is the creator of the Kanon of the game, so he can say a hell of a lot.

    I thought R.Kirkman just helped with the developing of Ep.1 :confused:
  • edited December 2012
    Lee appearing on that show may cause Tyreese's death. So no thanks.
  • edited December 2012
    Pretty sure all the interviews about the game with kirkman I ever saw he always said he doesn't write their characters nor story..... maybe some tt-employee can enlighten us but i am pretty sure kirkman has no fingers in telltales game other than judging after they already did everything.
  • edited December 2012
    Tyrant wrote: »
    Lee appearing on that show may cause Tyreese's death. So no thanks.

    You act as if TWD can't have more than two black people at a time... oh wait.
  • edited December 2012
    dubesor wrote: »
    Pretty sure all the interviews about the game with kirkman I ever saw he always said he doesn't write their characters nor story..... maybe some tt-employee can enlighten us but i am pretty sure kirkman has no fingers in telltales game other than judging after they already did everything.

    Geez! Everything what happens in the comics universe also happens in the game's universe. So if Kirkman would have said "Newborns are never infected" for example, nobody in the game could ever have a zombie babie, get it?
  • edited December 2012
    I don't see AMC putting telltales characters in the show. While the show and game are based off the comic they are still different properties.

    You would never see Daryl in a Telltale game.
  • edited December 2012
    trd84 wrote: »
    I don't see AMC putting telltales characters in the show. While the show and game are based off the comic they are still different properties.

    You would never see Daryl in a Telltale game.

    This is good~
  • edited December 2012
    trd84 wrote: »
    I don't see AMC putting telltales characters in the show. While the show and game are based off the comic they are still different properties.

    You would never see Daryl in a Telltale game.

    Activison's making a game based on Daryl and Merle, so it's not entirely out of the question.
  • edited December 2012
    Activison is not Telltale.
  • edited December 2012
    I find it really unnecessary for the game characters to appear in the show. What makes the game so appealing is that your decisions influence them and changes how they perceive you; this isn't really possible on TV, so it would remove a lot of what makes them special and interesting. Not to mention that they'd never be able to portray them correctly for everyone, take Kenny for example, would he be a loyal companion or a dirty coward who leaves anyone he doesn't like for dead? Because these two are canon versions of Kenny, depending on what the player did on the meat locker.

    Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Telltale own the copyright for the characters of the game? I doubt AMC would go through all the trouble to license those characters when they already have those of the comic book at their disposal, and even if they did, I don't think Telltale would give them permission to use them.

    Honestly, I don't unerstand why every time the videogame industry manages to make a good story everyone wants to see it adapted for cinema or TV or what have you. It's as if they didn't believe in their own medium -.-

    P.S. I'm sorry for any typos, I was writing this on my cellphone an some of the keys don't work correctly, and also, English is not my first language (that would be Spanish). Thanks for reading!
  • edited December 2012
    Activison is not Telltale.

    Thank god.
  • edited December 2012
    Doctanian wrote: »
    Activison's making a game based on Daryl and Merle, so it's not entirely out of the question.

    That's my point. Activision is making a game off AMC's version and AMC is promoting it. Activision couldn't have made the game without AMC's OK. Right now telltale's the walking dead is competition to their game.

    While everything is the walking dead universe. The show and the game can't freely take what they want from each other. likenesses/characters etc. they can always pay for them but it is unlikely.
  • edited December 2012
    trd84 wrote: »
    That's my point. Activision is making a game off AMC's version and AMC is promoting it. Activision couldn't have made the game without AMC's OK. Right now telltale's the walking dead is competition to their game.

    Two other genres. The one will be an adction-adventure game like Far Cry, while.. Telltales is a point'n'click. I do not think activision will manage, what Telltale did.
  • edited December 2012
    Two other genres. The one will be an adction-adventure game like Far Cry, while.. Telltales is a point'n'click. I do not think activision will manage, what Telltale did.

    I bet in AMC's eyes telltales game is competition to their game. I think in one of the playing dead's they said AMC wasn't to thrilled about the game.
  • edited December 2012
    AMC is a fuckening!
  • edited December 2012
    The amc activision walking dead game wont be out for a long time tho so I dont see it as competition really. I mean TT walking dead came out in april of 2012 while the amc game wont be out until mid-late maybe season 2 would be their competition but not season 1 IMO. Most will have played it before the other game is even released (all those that want to play it i mean)
  • edited December 2012
    Kirkman worked on the video game and the TV show, so again, it's not impossible.
  • edited December 2012
    lol, if lee were on TWD tv show, they'd kill him off before he said a word.
This discussion has been closed.