Episode 202, thoughts?



  • edited January 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    stop playing with pop-up txt on. its for babies.... and turn off those subtitles already!

    I always play my adventure games with subtitles on! :(
  • edited January 2008
    Ep. 202 = (best puzzles so far, lotsa fun, very short)^202
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Yeah, don't listen to Nick. Subtitles and pop-up text is the only way to play.
  • edited January 2008
    it's true!
  • edited January 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    Ah... the mackerel/trout* puzzle.... good memories.

    *Max "says" it's a trout
    "I'm a trout, stupid!"
  • edited January 2008
    i felt that this one was tons of fun playing through the first time, but that ice station Santa could be played through multiple times and still be fun. for me, moai better blues could be the most fun two times through, at max. which dosen't mean i don't think it's not as fun as 201, just means it doesn't have the same amount of staying power, but honestly we get these thing for less then a dinner at t.g.i.'s (which i love) and we get em once a month, i feel i can call it a success regardless.
  • edited January 2008
    kgoodies wrote: »
    but honestly we get these thing for less then a dinner at t.g.i.'s (which i love) and we get em once a month, i feel i can call it a success regardless.

    Hmm, what's better? An episode of Sam & Max, or an order of Parmesan-crusted Sicilian Quesadillas?

    If you've never had an order of Parmesan-crusted Sicilian Quesadillas, that's a more difficult decision than you realize.
  • edited January 2008
    I'm not sure what makes them sicilian, but the idea of coating something which is traditionally full of cheese with more cheese and then melting it all seems like it's hard to go wrong.
  • edited January 2008
    Episode 202 was BITCHIN'! Now the only request I have, and seriously, I really really really really really really really wish this was implemented (even if only for nostalgia's sake):

    I wish you could have the option to override the camera during talking to people. It's really kind of repetitive to see the medium-close-up of each character when they talk. It's more squeezetube than Friends. I can see why people'd like that, but I personally would love to just be able to have a static camera. Pretty please?
  • edited February 2008
    I just purchased the season 2 pass yesterday (I already had the season 1 pass) and downloaded 201 and 202. Both episodes suffer from being too short and too easy (and no, I didn't need to turn on the hint system). For me, it's a real shame because I love the characters and the jokes, but I have a hard time paying that much money for so few hours of entertainment. The same was also true in season 1. I've always loved adventure games, but this is the reason I don't (usually) buy them any more.
    I think episode 2 was a little shorter and easier, but there's not much in it. I thought the puzzles were mostly logical, the only one I thought was a little surprising was
    the snail and the gong. I thought I'd have to somehow draw a triangle on the gong like the gongs on the island, but apparently not. Just a big smudge of red goo is good enough. I was expecting to have to pass the glass through one of the portals on the island and have Max take it on the other side.
    IMHO, that would have been a better puzzle. It would be nice to have some puzzles that involved using Sam and Max, and their "unique" talents, separately.
    I was also disappointed that
    we didn't find out anything about what Jimmy two teeth was doing in the robot. It looks like he's opening a club or something. Perhaps all will be revealed in 203?
    And I'm hoping
    we've seen the last of Abe for awhile.
  • edited February 2008
    My thoughts on the episode.

    I would have loved to play with the kid versions of sam and max for longer than we got, i'm thinking there where many lost posibilities there, also them just growing up didn't jive with the other characters who are stuck as babies, why wouldn't they just grow up as fast, this wasn't explained away at all.

    I am glad the soda popers didn't show up in this ep, I don't like them so their total absence was definatly welcome in this episode.

    I liked the triange puzles, required alot of planing to get things to work just right.

    It was too short, almost gives the impression that maybe more was planed out for the episode but was perhapse got cut out so that it could ship on time?

    The comedy is spot on, can't find any fault it in.

    overall i'd give it a 7/10
  • edited February 2008
    mindless wrote: »
    I would have loved to play with the kid versions of sam and max for longer than we got, i'm thinking there where many lost posibilities there, also them just growing up didn't jive with the other characters who are stuck as babies, why wouldn't they just grow up as fast, this wasn't explained away at all.

    Sam comments that when you get too far from the source of the Fountain of Youth, the effects wear off. The babies on the island weren't too far, so it didn't wear off of them. You'll note that the water itself will even disappear if you try to take it too far away from the source.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Also, if I'm not mistaken, there's an implication made that the babies are suffering some more long-term effects due to far more, and far more prolonged, exposure to the fountain and it's water. I might have just made that up, but I think that's in there somewhere. Maybe. Yeah.
  • edited February 2008
    So does that mean if we replay the game and have sam and max drink the fountain of youth water about 100 times, they'll be doomed young forever?
  • edited February 2008
    But when
    Hoffa had more water, he was no more!
  • edited February 2008
    Sam comments that when you get too far from the source of the Fountain of Youth, the effects wear off. The babies on the island weren't too far, so it didn't wear off of them. You'll note that the water itself will even disappear if you try to take it too far away from the source.

    Ah, thanks, I guess i wasn't paying attention during that conversation.
  • edited February 2008
    why did they drink so much anyway? i mean it's still just water and being young may be nice, but not if you're so young you have to wear diapers again.
  • edited February 2008
    Probably were just idiots about the water, like most people would be.
    Btw, Episode 202 is IGN's READERS game of the month. I feel that it is an honor on the first month of a year.
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