*SPOILERS* Lee doesn't ___
If you let Clementine shoot you during the final scene of Episode 5, she actually points the gun towards the camera for a split-second before she pulls the trigger. You also hear a gasp directly afterwards if you listen carefully, and it's not Clementine's unless she magically went through puberty in 2 seconds, so my guess is that Lee never died but reanimated whatever you choose to do.
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that is either funny sarcasm or wrong, either way Lee is dead
I'm not in denial, I accepted Lee's fate long before Episode 5 was out. I just thought it was strange.
..and even if he didn't get shot, he would have reanimated.
she didn't shoot him if you told her to leave, if you told her to shoot you she did, unless proved otherwise
This, makes perfect sense.
This is the only logical possible scenario.
Most logical explanation explained.
Clementine was aiming that gun at Lee's head from practically point blank range. She couldn't miss. A slight jerk to the left wasn't going to be enough to send that round so far wide that it would have missed Lee's head. At worst he gets shot in the temple instead of between the eyes. In either case, it is a fatal wound.
Also you have to think of it for a moment from the point of view of a writer. What would be the purpose of having Clementine miss Lee, only for Lee to die 'naturally' a minute ot two later and reanimate as a zombie? It would totally invalidate the ending choice of whether Lee walks Clementine through killing him, or just has her leave him there.
If you choose to have Lee walk her through taking that shot, Clem mercy kills him before he can become a zombie.
That's exactly why she got shot in the head and didn't die when Lilly shot her...?