Is Molly in the comics?
There is a character that is about to be revealed in issue 105, can this be the same Molly as in the game?
There is a character that is about to be revealed in issue 105, can this be the same Molly as in the game?
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As Kirkman and others have stated, the story in the game is completely separate from the comics. Same universe, different people, different stories.
Yeah, but maybe TellTale knew that this character was gonna be in the comics?
We will likely figure out about it when issue 105 comes.
But if it IS the Molly we know, I wonder why she would join a dipshit group with a sadistic leader called Negan.
If she did it would just be sloppy writing. Why leave crawford to join the saviors? considering the saviors sound worse.
But i still think its not her.
Well, I guess I was exaggerating a bit. I´m on issue 88, and the only two characters I can stand are Andrea and Glenn. Michonne is alright but I don´t know what to think of her. I utterly hate Rick and the military guy (forgot his name), and everyone else is background decoration.
Even if there are only tragic ends in the game, I think Telltale will be more respectful towards the outcome and consequences. I actually felt more attached to the game's characters than anyone in the comics or their television counterparts.
I'm also tired of the comics...there aren't any new tricks left, and the newest villain just seems to be a repeat of The Governor. I was hoping it would have taken a new direction than just having yet another "villain of the arch." Something where people are actually finding new and better ways to live their lives, or super evolutionary zombies (like Crimson Heads) come along. Nope, instead it's going to turn into Crossed before long, where there's nothing but rape and torture, and only repetition of that.
I'm all for shock value and all, but getting stale and predictable is unforgivable.
Nah man, Lori was a good character in the comic. She supported Rick through almost everything, except for when she started getting a bit fed up with him constantly running off and not telling anyone. Other than that, she was always by his side, unlike her television counterpart. She kept him human, sane and more moral.
I'll agree though that the new characters introduced post prison and Fear the Hunters story arc have been a bit lacking. They haven't been fleshed out to actually being interesting additions to the crew. Then characters who could actually be interesting (ie, Eugene, Rosita, Holly) are relegated to extreme side characters that you barely see. It also didn't help losing
On the topic at hand, I highly, HIGHLY doubt it's the same Molly. Frankly, I really hope that it isn't because of what we have seen of Negan and the Saviors. From what we know of Molly in Episode 4, I really hope she wouldn't join up with them.