A subtle reference...

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I want to thank the developers at Tell Tale for the subtle and hilarious Metal Gear Solid reference in Episode 202. I'm just glad I wasn't taking a drink when I heard it.:D


  • edited January 2008
    Agreed, I was just going to comment on that. :D Favorite line in the episode, hands down.
  • edited January 2008
    I missed that, care to help out the huddled masses and shed light on the reference?
  • edited January 2008
    Nevermind, I just remembered it... silly me!
  • edited January 2008
    Sam, I just adore your overly boring vocabulary!
  • edited January 2008
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:

    Kids... and btw, that part was brilliant
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:

    Seems you missed out on the wonders of text adventures.
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:

    WHAT :eek:

    That was the funniest part of Reality 2.0... the lake of excruciating cuteness :D HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAHA oh crap I'm stuck in an infinite loop of laughing again. That is the funniest part in R2.0 and in the entire series, imho.
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:

    A subtle reference > A subtitle reference
  • edited January 2008
    Thanks, I was wondering how the conversation segued like that.
  • edited January 2008
    Uh why are people quoteing me like theres nothing else to do?!!:mad: :mad: :mad: So what i only read the subitiles were thers no sound in Reality 2.0 when there in reality 1.5
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    Uh why are people quoteing me like theres nothing else to do?!!

    Because if we didn't quote you, it wouldn't be clear who we were replying to at first. Hence the quote feature.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    The only time i read the subtitles is when Sam & Max are in Reality 1.5 were theres no sound. (i hated that):rolleyes:

    yea... if you're a true fan and you want to enjoy the game at its cinematic best, turn off subtitles. Also, play like a pro. Turn off pop-up txt and keep hints off or on 1.
  • edited January 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    yea... if you're a true fan and you want to enjoy the game at its cinematic best, turn off subtitles. Also, play like a pro. Turn off pop-up txt and keep hints off or on 1.

    How'd this thread get so off-track?!
  • edited January 2008
    I thought about turning off the pop-up text. It would be like the old days again!
  • edited January 2008
    I always have the subs on, since mah ears are a tad screwy.
  • edited January 2008
    I have subs on because I get bored waiting for them to finish their sentence when I can just read it and right-click (though admittedly I do this much less in S&M than other adventures)
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