Has anyone actually noticed that...

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
Towards the end..You control what Clementine does..as in..
When you find clem in the hotel you could choose what clementine should hit the kidnapper with.
Or another example is when you clicked on grab handcuffs and you didnt get it but Clem did.
I think they may be putting you in the thought process that you will play as her in season 2


  • edited December 2012
    maybe... but you did not really play AS her even with the falling thing it said USE statue LOL lee has the force. but no i dont think so?
  • edited December 2012
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    maybe... but you did not really play AS her even with the falling thing it said USE statue LOL lee has the force. but no i dont think so?
    I think you are but in a third person sort of way..because not all parts you control her like the speaking parts and not all parts during the end did you really control her...however there was bits where you would choose what to click and clem would do it for you
  • edited December 2012
    I forgot which interview it was talked about in but TTG does not like the players to go very long in the game without making a choice or clicking on something. I saw it as TTG keeping the player engaged while essentially doing nothing as Lee like sitting in a chair with Campman or too weak to move in the jewelry store.

    Then again, you could be right!
  • edited December 2012
    It also adds the bat/handcuffs to your inventory as if Lee is holding them, so maybe you're right...
  • edited December 2012
    Mornai wrote: »
    It also adds the bat/handcuffs to your inventory as if Lee is holding them, so maybe you're right...

    THAT, I didn't notice.

    But yes, I believe in the IGN review they stated it was like 'passing the torch' on to the next character and a bit like teaching Clementine how to play an adventure game. They left us with a lot of possibilities to speculate. There is a lot of ambiguity and hinting in this episode in general, but in these last 10 minutes particularly.
  • edited December 2012
    Am I the only one here...
    Who doesn't actually want to play as Clementine?
    (Even though I love her)
  • edited December 2012
    Am I the only one here...
    Who doesn't actually want to play as Clementine?
    (Even though I love her)
    Nope. Personally I'd hate to play as a nine (eleven if they skipped forward some years, but I DOUBT that) year old girl. Would LOVELOVELOVELOVELOV- Um, like to see her in Season 2 though. :3
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