Offlimits The Girl From Aus YouTube Videos Playing The Walking Dead
Just check her out,
Here is her playing the first episode
Here is her playing the first episode
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Just tell her she shouldn't take those comments to heart, they're just assholes who just say that stuff to make her feel bad... Although I'm not entirely sure if this is the right section for a thread like this. Regardless, tell her to keep up the good work!
True, people just say stuff like that because they have a sad life and they know a lot of women are sensitive about their looks and they get a cheap thrill from posting horrible comments
Anyway, it was fun to watch her play, especially since she didn't have any connection with the Walking Dead before this. Her genuine reactions are really funny
Ugh, now I have to watch all episodes AGAIN.
Da hell? People have called her fat? Is this a joke? She is NOT FAT AT ALL.
Holy shit, people irritate me. Yeah, she could maybe tone up a tiny bit, but she still looks in good shape. Damn, humans.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to more Walking Dead videos from her. I loved her reactions throughout the pharmacy siege in Episode 1! One of my favorite parts is seeing people's reactions at the WTF moments, like Larry punching Lee or the babysitter.
I'm only 2 minutes in on her playthrough and I already enjoy her! Should be a fun let's play ^~^
Nah but really she's fine, it's just a bunch of aholes. Remember these are generally the same kinds of kids who get their jollies mocking others over the internet then run crying to reddit about how girls don't like nice guys.
I don't care for Let's Plays (would rather play the game than watch someone play it lol) but she seems nice.
Just out of curiosity, which were your scenes? (I´m too lazy to replay all the episodes and hunt names on the credits )
I would like to say firstly umm that wasn't my boyfriend that posted that clip... My bf doesn't watch my clips at all lol so I dunno why the guy said that but anyway his heart was in the right place??
The post however that I'm "fat" is true I've been called that a few times. It started from me posting my first episode of The Walking Dead on steam discussion forum page thing... So a few trolls decided to attack me on my size as I guess they would cause they seem to think that the way to beat down a women is to comment on how fat she is... It did bother me at first cause it was shocking to see but I soon got over it thats just trolls for you
I found this page from a subscriber of mine and I would love to say that you guys have been absolutely amazing. It was very surreal to find people who hardly know me backing me up and making such nice comments
Add me on steam just search The Girl From Aus I would love to get to know you more
Again thank you so much guys I hope you'll continue to join me on my channel I hope for more awesome people like you guys to join our little group
Yeah, people suck.
The correct word IMO is "hotty." I'd let her share my zombie fortress, if you know what I'm saying.
And by that I mean "bed."
I just watched her go through that scene and not only did she pick up on Lilly slyly reaching for her pistol, she leapt out of her chair in rage and horror when Carley took one to the brainpan. And while I didn't cry at that scene, I can totally relate. I was full of white-hot fury.
Why do I enjoy watching people suffer the same way I did in this game?
Wait, so you're really the person who's LP we're discussing here?
If so, uh, I hope you and your bf aren't offended by the "bed" thing above. It's meant as a compliment. He's a lucky guy.
Also, if you're reading this part of the board I really hope you've finished the game.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! Maybe one day we can play TF2 together :O i will be the medic and heal you!
You can heal me I need a medic too :S
My boyfriend wasn't the one that posted the comment that started this whole thread I don't know who it was
And yeah I was absolutely furious at lily for what she did... I still kinda can't get over it cause carley was a fantastic person and there was nothing I could do to stop it I think thats what got to me in the end
If you want to add me on Steam thats fine my name is
The Girl From Aus
Cool, I'll look you up, though I don't do much socializing via games. I'm "Boradis" (don't ask). Thanks for not being offended by my bluntness. It's often easy to forget that people one sees through screens are "real" and shouldn't be discussed as though they weren't.
BTW, you know you had the exact same expression as Lee did when he woke up from the "Zomb/entine" nightmare? I was terrified and wrathful at that moment too so I'm not trivializing that horrible moment.
I guess it says something that this game's characters and their experiences can feel more real than actually real people.