Why Nova!? WHY!?

I was just browsing Youtube today, seeing Tobuscus's reactions to the Walking Dead, which I stopped after Episode 1 because he never took anything seriously. Then I somehow got to UberHaxorNova, whom I also hadn't seen before because of his lack of maturity. That's where everything goes horribly. I got to Episode 4, and he was at the Bell Tower. Before I know it, he DROPS Ben. That was a sight I NEVER wanted to see! Why Nova?! He didn't even hesitate! I am now depressed!


  • edited December 2012
    I really like Nova, he's one of the better LPers (imo). I wasn't really surprised that Nova dropped Ben... Nova's biggest goal was to get smooches from the ladies (Lilly and, more importantly for Nova, Carley). Ben is the direct cause for Lilly leaving the group and Carley getting shot so connect the dots, hehe.

    I know you're pro-Ben and I mean no harm but you got to admit, Ben is a pretty big fuck up. It shouldn't really come off as a surprise if someone drops him, especially from a more insensitive LPer... Well then again I'm in the same boat as you, when I'm watching a LP of The Walking Dead and the person saves Doug instead of Carley I instinctively just stop watching the series. It's probably because one of the highlights, for me at least, is the LPers reaction to Carley's death... albeit I could get my kicks out of people's reactions over Doug's death but, I don't know, Carley reactions tend to be a lot more funny in my opinion.
  • edited December 2012
    I suddenly feel the urge to replay TWD for the specific reason of dropping Ben....
  • edited December 2012
    I fucking hate every Walking Dead let's play.
    I'm subscribed to Toby and when he started playing it, he instantly knew when everything bad would happen going "Oh no, this is bad" and kept foreshadowing that the St. Johns were cannibals.
    I never saw it coming, so I don't think anyone on their first playtrough would just find out they are cannibals.
    And by the way, do not start any flamewars now.
  • edited December 2012
    Sutinen wrote: »
    I fucking hate every Walking Dead let's play.
    I'm subscribed to Toby and when he started playing it, he instantly knew when everything bad would happen going "Oh no, this is bad" and kept foreshadowing that the St. Johns were cannibals.
    I never saw it coming, so I don't think anyone on their first playtrough would just find out they are cannibals.
    And by the way, do not start any flamewars now.

    Well, Andy and Brenda seemed normal, but you have to admit that Danny is pretty creepy. And when you find that room in the barn you need no other clues to tell they're cannibals.
  • edited December 2012
    ....Death to Ben! WHY Do you love Ben? ONE REASON?!

    ...(Make it Three)
  • edited December 2012
    I watch Nova too,and now,when I played 5'th episode..I wanted Novs not see how Ben stood up for himself..
  • edited December 2012
    I'm no fan of Toby. Or Pewdie. Or Nova. They're all annoying as hell with their affectations, mannerisms and worst of all their voices. Cry (ChaoticMonkey) is OK though since he's quiet and laid back.

    But I'll say this.

    While Toby is definitely unwatchable in the early parts of his playthrough, by Episode 5 it's gotten to him. In the scene with the Stranger he's as defensive of his choices and invested in Clem's well-being as anyone I've seen. And though he tries to play it off as laughing at the end, he sure sounds legitimately torn up when the credits and "Take Us Back" start rolling. It is a work of fiction after all, and one can only cry about it for so long (in front of an audience no less) before becoming self conscious and embarrassed.

    The same was true of Pewdie. As annoying as I find him I really felt bad at his final breakdown. Here's a guy who loved Clem wholeheartedly and without reservation, and I have to admire that.

    However I reserved my greatest fury for the crew of "Video Games Awesome Live." The player on that show (who's name escapes me) was so eager to kill of Duck I became livid with rage. I thought I'd finally found a cold-hearted group of SOBs who the game wasn't going to get to. Boy was I wrong. By the final scene he was tearing up as much as anyone, and during their credits discussion he was still haunted by the fact he had left Duck hanging.

    So don't start at the beginning with these guys. Start with Episode 4 so the game has had time to work its witchcraft and get into their hearts. Then you'll see their human side come out.
  • edited December 2012
    I watch Nova's videos sometime and he's pretty funny. Just a normal obnoxious guy fucking around in games.

    Pewdie is just fucking annoying. He pretty much creates fads (or catchphrases rather) and make stupid voices and that's why his audience is mostly 9-13 year-olds.

    I watched Toby like 2 years ago and while he can be funny he got annoying pretty fast too.
  • edited December 2012
    RobtMyers wrote: »
    However I reserved my greatest fury for the crew of "Video Games Awesome Live." The player on that show (who's name escapes me) was so eager to kill of Duck I became livid with rage. I thought I'd finally found a cold-hearted group of SOBs who the game wasn't going to get to. Boy was I wrong. By the final scene he was tearing up as much as anyone, and during their credits discussion he was still haunted by the fact he had left Duck hanging..

    Agreed! It wasn't just one of them, they all despised Duck. Then when his fate arrives they actually start to like him. Remarkable how this game can turn your emotions around so much.
  • edited December 2012
    Gotta say, I don't know who any of these people are that you're talking about. Are there really people who spend all their time playing video games and then posting their commentary and reactions on youtube?
  • edited December 2012
    distortion wrote: »
    Gotta say, I don't know who any of these people are that you're talking about. Are there really people who spend all their time playing video games and then posting their commentary and reactions on youtube?

    Yeah, that's how they make a living. It's their jobs, I guess. Wouldn't exactly call it a job... or a career... But they make big money on views and comments.
  • edited December 2012
    distortion wrote: »
    Gotta say, I don't know who any of these people are that you're talking about. Are there really people who spend all their time playing video games and then posting their commentary and reactions on youtube?

    There are people who make a living doing that. As in, it's their full time job.
  • edited December 2012
    Nova is a great Let's player; not on The Walking Dead though. His whole style of commentating just doesn't match the game.

    One I've enjoyed watching is DanQ8000. The first parts are not that great, mainly episode 1. But the game kinda catches up with him and it makes for some great episodes later.
  • edited December 2012
    Huh i love pewediepie never heard of nova and toby can get a little dull and say stupid sh*t to censor himself
  • edited December 2012
    (almost) All youtube gamers are cool with each other,it's just their fans,who are so picky -.-
  • edited December 2012
    If you don't want to see how other people choose why watch LPs? Personally on my first play I didn't hesitate to drop ben either, in fact I was thinking of not even shooting the zombie that grabbed him in the first place. In my opinion he was useless and dangerous to the group. If you disagree fine but don't force your boring cookie-cutter goodguy decisions on everyone else.
  • edited December 2012
    Yeah, that's how they make a living. It's their jobs, I guess. Wouldn't exactly call it a job... or a career... But they make big money on views and comments.

    What. I can't comprehend this.
  • edited December 2012
    bigger surprise would be seamus(SSohPKC) actually saving ben then letting him drop after complaining and wanting to kill him.
  • edited December 2012
    Luigi01080 wrote: »
    bigger surprise would be seamus(SSohPKC) actually saving ben then letting him drop after complaining and wanting to kill him.
    Another surprise was that DanzNewzMachinima (aka "the nice guy" of the Creatures) actually dropped Ben.
  • edited December 2012
    distortion wrote: »
    What. I can't comprehend this.

    On youtube, it is possible to partner your channel with other websites if you have good content and have a solid following behind you. In this case, these people are partnered with gaming sites who pay them a good amount of money to have advertising space on their videos based off the amount of views they get.

    The more views they get, the more money they make off the advertising space. Some of the people mentioned have so many subscribers and views (millions upon millions), that they are set for life with all the money they make.
  • edited December 2012
    Indeed. I got offered a TGN partnership and they said it would be around $4 per 1000 CPM. CPM is different to views as CPM only includes the views that have ads shown.
    So when only looking at views you can exclude around 20% mobile views and maybe 5-10% from people who have adblockers etc.

    Someone like Pewdiepie who has like 90 million CPM monthly easily makes $350,000 per MONTH. Assuming he get's paid the same rate I got offered but I wouldn't be surprised if it was even higher.
  • edited December 2012
    CarScar wrote: »
    I know you're pro-Ben and I mean no harm but you got to admit, Ben is a pretty big fuck up

    I know the thing's he's done, and I have scolded him a little for that, but the kid really want to help the group, so I tried to help him do that. And I know good intentions don't really count for much, but the guy's got hope.
  • edited December 2012
    Well Nova did mention in the first episode his goal was to fuck everyone over :D
  • edited December 2012
    RobtMyers wrote: »
    However I reserved my greatest fury for the crew of "Video Games Awesome Live."
    Link please?
  • edited December 2012
    Sutinen wrote: »
    I fucking hate every Walking Dead let's play.
    I'm subscribed to Toby and when he started playing it, he instantly knew when everything bad would happen going "Oh no, this is bad" and kept foreshadowing that the St. Johns were cannibals.
    I never saw it coming, so I don't think anyone on their first playtrough would just find out they are cannibals.
    And by the way, do not start any flamewars now.

    I dunno man, even before I went into the room I had some big suspicions. Everyone going on about preparing dinner, Mike's nowhere to be seen, and these creepy hillbillies... I just put 2 and 2 (and 2) together.

    But yeah I reckon a lot of LPers just fake their reactions.
  • edited December 2012
    Danno123 wrote: »
    Link please?

  • edited December 2012
    Cry's Let's Play is the best one. He actually screams out at Clem at the end, and starts freaking out with the after credits scene.

    The reason why his is best is because he actually starts out being a little jokey and funny with it, and by the time the game ends, he's completely destroyed emotionally.
  • edited December 2012
    Cry's Let's Play is the best one. He actually screams out at Clem at the end, and starts freaking out with the after credits scene.

    The reason why his is best is because he actually starts out being a little jokey and funny with it, and by the time the game ends, he's completely destroyed emotionally.

    I felt so bad for him when the menu came up after the ending teaser and he just cries "Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!"

    All dem feels
  • edited December 2012
    Cry's Let's Play is the best one. He actually screams out at Clem at the end, and starts freaking out with the after credits scene.

    The reason why his is best is because he actually starts out being a little jokey and funny with it, and by the time the game ends, he's completely destroyed emotionally.

    Is it really a good thing for a lets player to get extremely emotional over the game the are playing. yes I know the game can have quite an impact on people, but (seeing I've only ever watched Cry and Mangaminx Let's Play this game) he seems a little over the top with regards his emotions in Episodes 4 and 5.
  • edited December 2012
    ....Death to Ben! WHY Do you love Ben? ONE REASON?!

    ...(Make it Three)

    1) He's a nice kid who only wanted to help. He never meant for anyone to get hurt.

    2) He reminds me a little of myself. I would fail epically in a ZA.

    3) He's Clem's friend, and she doesn't have many of those. He found stickers for her walkie-talkie.

    4) He's a bit cute, in a slightly androgynous way. I really like blue eyes.

    HA! That's FOUR!
  • edited December 2012
    Actually, I only watch Nova and I really like him ^^
    I don't think many of the players are serious anyway, most of them really record for humour. At the same time, I do understand what you mean...about Ben, although I didn't like him at first, I did grow to find him 'okay'. I just forgave and gave him a chance in the end.
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